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Résultats pour:
New Scientist

07 janvier 2024

“New Scientist” commence l’année avec un tunnel vers l’enfer, un projet pharaonique qui vise à accéder aux entrailles de la Terre. Le magazine britannique en fait sa couverture.

28 décembre 2023

the starkest warning yet that human activity is pushing Earth into a climate crisis that could threaten the lives of up to 6 billion people this century, stating candidly: “We are afraid of the uncharted territory that we have now entered.” Writing in the journal Biosciences, the coalition of 12 researchers, spanning North America, Europe and Asia, state in unusually stark language: “As scientists, we are increasingly being asked to tell the public the truth about the crises we face in simple and direct terms. The truth is that we are shocked by the ferocity of the extreme weather events in 2023.”

05 décembre 2023

Referring to the Paris Agreement’s target of keeping Earth from warming no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius since the Industrial Revolution, the number has become a rallying cry for climate advocates and scientists, who say the goal is humanity’s best bet on avoiding the most catastrophic outcomes of climate change by the end of the century. Venturing even 0.5 degrees past that threshold could drastically increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather, biodiversity loss, famine and water scarcity, as well as make it more likely that tipping points accelerate warming further, climate scientists say.

27 août 2023

Alors que la mer Méditerranée et l’Atlantique Nord connaissent des records de chaleur, une zone dans l’océan Pacifique se refroidit, depuis maintenant trente ans. Un mystère que les scientifiques s’échinent à comprendre pour évaluer au mieux l’impact de cette “langue froide”, qui pourrait faire basculer notre avenir climatique.

25 septembre 2022

Eleven of the 20 largest economies got a C or worse on a renewable energy report card, which assessed their plans to reach net zero and their targets for producing and using renewable energy

23 juin 2022

The growing popularity of SUVs is making it even harder to cut carbon dioxide emissions and meet climate goals. “Policy-makers need to find ways to persuade consumers to choose smaller and more efficient cars,” says Petropoulos.
Climate change has been relatively kind to banana suppliers so far – but in the decades to come, friend may turn to foe. Temperatures are likely to get so hot that the annual production gains enjoyed by banana suppliers will begin to drop. And in some places, total banana yields will begin to decline.

08 mars 2022

More than three-quarters of the world's largest rainforest has become less resilient to drought since the early 2000s, with areas near humans and with lower rainfall being the worst hit

15 février 2022

L’algue du partenariat symbiotique qui constitue les lichens s’adapte aux évolutions du climat à un rythme extrêmement lent, suggère une nouvelle étude.

10 février 2022

Rapidly rising levels of atmospheric methane are "very bad news for humanity and the planet," warned one observer.