Focus Revenu universel

OA - Liste

On les nomme « salaire minimum », « revenu universel », « allocation universelle », « socle citoyen », « revenu d’existence », … . Ces propositions ont pour objectif d’assurer un minimum vital décent. Comment les financer ? Quid de la relation au travail ? Quelle efficacité ? Pour quelle société ? Retrouvez ci-dessous, la liste actualisée « Focus Revenu universel ».


Permafrost and glaciers in the high Arctic form an impermeable ‘cryospheric cap’ that traps a large reservoir of subsurface methane, preventing it from reaching the atmosphere. Cryospheric vulnerability to climate warming is making releases of this methane possible. On Svalbard, where air temperatures are rising more than two times faster than the average for the Arctic, glaciers are retreating and leaving behind exposed forefields that enable rapid methane escape. Here we document how methane-rich groundwater springs have formed in recently revealed forefields of 78 land-terminating glaciers across central Svalbard, bringing deep-seated methane gas to the surface. Waters collected from these springs during February–May of 2021 and 2022 are supersaturated with methane up to 600,000 times greater than atmospheric equilibration. Spatial sampling reveals a geological dependency on the extent of methane supersaturation, with isotopic evidence of a thermogenic source. We estimate annual methane emissions from prog