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Résultats pour:

juillet 2024

« J’étais effrayé », raconte un octogénaire, qui a dû quitter sa maison. Depuis le 5 juillet, de violents incendies touchent l’ouest des États-Unis, en particulier la Californie. Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été évacuées. Atlanta (États-Unis), correspondance Une douzaine de maisons détruites, plus de 29 000 personnes évacuées... Aux États-Unis, 1 533 hectares ont été détruits par l’incendie surnommé « Thompson Fire » entre le 2 et le 8 juillet, autour de la ville d’Oroville, dans le nord de la (...)
Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and local people worry they may lose the battle to save them

mars 2024

La pêche serait la première responsable de la perte de biodiversité marine. Arrêter de manger du poisson serait alors la meilleure solution.

février 2024

Christopher Lockyear, secretary general of Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), called today on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to demand an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza. Addressing the Council at its monthly meeting on Gaza, Lockyear also called for the unequivocal protection of medical facilities, staff, and patients. “Meeting after meeting, resolution after resolution, this body has failed to effectively address this conflict,” Lockyear said. “We have watched members of this Council deliberate and delay while civilians die. This death, destruction, and forced displacement are the result of military and political choices that blatantly disregard civilian lives. These choices could have been—and still can be—made very differently.” After more than four months of war, nearly 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza amid Israel’s constant bombing and attacks. Approximately 1.7 million people—nearly 75 percent of the population—are estimated to be forcibly displace

septembre 2023

If you've ever seen the movie Soylent Green, you know it's not about cannibalism. It's about the banality of social collapse. It's not quick. It's a slow burn. Nobody shows any sense of urgency about anything. Everyone still watches talk shows, even if they have to pedal a bike to generate electricity for their television. Nobody under 50 remembers anything better. Here's the plot twist: It's not that corporations are using people as the main ingredient in everyone's favorite new food. It's

août 2023

As we mark 100 days until the COP28 UN climate summit, the urgency of addressing the climate crisis has never been more palpable. Global failures to mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts continue to wreak havoc on the planet, and we’re seeing this in a range of ways. Unprecedented extreme weather events have occurred with frightening regularity in 2023. In March, over 500 people lost their lives when Cyclone Freddy struck Malawi. Last month, flooding in the Philippines caused by Typhoons Doksuri and Khanun displaced more than 300,000 people, and the recent wildfires that ravaged Hawaii – in part exacerbated by climate change – continue to make for distressing headlines. This list is likely to become even longer by the end of the year, when COP28 gets underway in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Heatwaves, wildfires and floods are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’, leading climate scientists say

juillet 2023

Three brush fires burning in rural areas across Riverside county, where 1,000 homes are under evacuation orders

juin 2023

Unearthly skies and unhealthy air resulting from Canadian wildfires may persist for days.

mai 2023

We can’t call these supercharged seasonal infernos our ‘new normal.’ There’s nothing natural about how we changed the Earth’s climate