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Résultats pour:

juillet 2024

Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and local people worry they may lose the battle to save them

juin 2024

Since the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world’s 60 largest private banks financed fossil fuels with USD $6.9 trillion. Nearly half – $3.3 trillion – went towards fossil fuel expansion. In 2023, banks financed $705 billion in fossil fuel financing with $347 billion going to fossil fuel expansion alone.

mai 2024

Vliegen is slecht voor het milieu, maar hoe groot de schade per land precies is, is bijzonder moeilijk te berekenen. Tenzij je er big data bij neemt, dachten Noorse wetenschappers.
Nouveau "TALK" sur LIMIT avec le retour d'Aurélien Bigo. Chercheur sur la transition énergétique des transports, Aurélien a réalisé une thèse "Les transports face au défi de la transition énergétique. Après avoir soutenu la thèse fin 2020 et contribué à la construction des scénarios de prospectives Transition(s) 2050 de l’ADEME, il est désormais chercheur associé à la Chaire Energie et Prospérité, avec pour objectif de produire et diffuser de la connaissance utile à la transition énergétique des transports.

février 2024

European and US oil and gas majors have made profits of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since Russia invaded Ukraine, according to a new analysis by Global Witness marking two years since the conflict began. After posting record gains in 2022 off the back of soaring energy prices, the big five fossil fuel companies paid shareholders an unprecedented $111 billion in 2023. In the hottest year ever recorded, this figure is some 158 times what was pledged to vulnerable nations at last year’s COP28 climate summit.

novembre 2023

Finance needs of developing countries now 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows Growing gap results from rising adaptation needs and faltering adaptation finance Failure to enhance adaptation has huge implications for losses and damages

septembre 2023

Aurélien Bigo, chercheur spécialisé dans la transition des transports, partage sa vision de l'évolution des mobilités dans les années à venir.
After yet another summer of increased extreme weather events caused by the burning of fossil fuels, some of the world’s richest oil and gas companies are investing in artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up their extraction of new oil and gas. 

août 2023

A coalition of British Columbians are organizing their municipalities to take oil and gas companies to court over the costs of the climate crisis

juillet 2023

Energy firms have made record profits by increasing production of oil and gas, far from their promises of rolling back emissions