L’Eau !

OA - Liste

Essentielle, présente là où il y a de la vie, l’eau est au centre des préoccupations climatiques, agricoles, sanitaires, …
Ci-dessous, la liste actualisée régulièrement des références « H2O ».

Résultats pour:
focusclimat transition énergie gas climat

mai 2022

Countries should move from coal to renewable energy without shifting to gas as a “transition” fuel to save money, as high gas prices and market volatility have made the fossil fuel an expensive option, analysis has found. Natural gas has long been touted as a “transition” fuel for economies dependent on coal for their power needs, as it has lower carbon dioxide emissions than coal but requires similar centralised infrastructure, and gas-fired power stations take only a couple of years to build. Earlier this year, before Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Commission angered green campaigners by including gas as a “bridge” to clean energy in its guidebook for green investment.

septembre 2018

mars 2018

Voir aussi : Fredo prend la température de l’Eau