L’Eau !

OA - Liste

Essentielle, présente là où il y a de la vie, l’eau est au centre des préoccupations climatiques, agricoles, sanitaires, …
Ci-dessous, la liste actualisée régulièrement des références « H2O ».

Résultats pour:
Kyle Bagenstose

mai 2023

In early May, a groundbreaking study from the University of California, San Francisco of 171 pregnant women found more than 9 in 10 had measurable amounts of 19 different chemicals and pesticides in their bodies. Researchers said many of those substances pass through the placenta and into developing fetuses, adding evidence to a National Institutes of Health report that warned babies are born "pre-polluted" with chemicals.

Voir aussi : Fredo prend la température de l’Eau