L’Eau !

OA - Liste

Essentielle, présente là où il y a de la vie, l’eau est au centre des préoccupations climatiques, agricoles, sanitaires, …
Ci-dessous, la liste actualisée régulièrement des références « H2O ».

Résultats pour:
Nele Marien

mai 2021

While the climate crisis has dominated the airwaves for a while now, the biodiversity crisis is at least as serious. Actually, these are multiple, interconnected crises, stemming from age old systemic failings. In 2019, scientific body IPBES brought to the fore the urgent need for “transformative change” to prevent biodiversity collapse, which would be disastrous for people and planet. As one example, the global coronavirus pandemic has tragically highlighted the risks of ecosystem loss for global public health. In a bid to find an answer to this crisis, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is discussing a Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) - effectively how to ‘save’ nature.

Voir aussi : Fredo prend la température de l’Eau