L’Eau !

OA - Liste

Essentielle, présente là où il y a de la vie, l’eau est au centre des préoccupations climatiques, agricoles, sanitaires, …
Ci-dessous, la liste actualisée régulièrement des références « H2O ».

Résultats pour:
Toby Ord

août 2021

Our rising power finally reached the point where we could destroy ourselves – the first point at which the risks to humanity from within exceeded the risks from the natural world. These extreme risks – high-impact threats with global reach – define our time. They range from global tragedies such as Covid-19, to existential risks which could lead to human extinction. By our estimates – weighing the different probabilities of events ranging from asteroid impact to nuclear war – the likelihood of the world experiencing an existential catastrophe over the next 100 years is one in six. Russian roulette.

Voir aussi : Fredo prend la température de l’Eau