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Résultats pour:
Gulf strean


There is increasing concern that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) may collapse this century with a disrupting societal impact on large parts of the world. Preliminary estimates of the probability of such an AMOC collapse have so far been based on conceptual models and statistical analyses of proxy data. Here, we provide observationally based estimates of such probabilities from reanalysis data. We first identify optimal observation regions of an AMOC collapse from a recent global climate model simulation. Salinity data near the southern boundary of the Atlantic turn out to be optimal to provide estimates of the time of the AMOC collapse in this model. Based on the reanalysis products, we next determine probability density functions of the AMOC collapse time. The collapse time is estimated between 2037-2064 (10-90% CI) with a mean of 2050 and the probability of an AMOC collapse before the year 2050 is estimated to be 59±17%.
Un arrêt brutal de l'AMOC, qui pourrait plonger une grande partie de l'Europe dans un gel profond, pourrait se produire plus tôt que prévu.
RealClimate: A new paper was published in Science Advances today. Its title says what it is about: "Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course." The study follows one by Danish colleagues which made headlines last July, likewise looking for early warning signals for approaching an AMOC tipping point (we discussed it here),
A crucial system of ocean currents may already be on course to collapse, according to a new report, with alarming implications for sea level rise and global weather — leading temperatures to plunge dramatically in some regions and rise in others. Using exceptionally complex and expensive computing systems, scientists found a new way to detect an early warning signal for the collapse of these currents, according to the study published Friday in the journal Science Advances. And as the planet warms, there are already indications it is heading in this direction.


Une nouvelle étude controversée contredit le dernier rapport du Giec. Qu’en est-il ? Décryptage avec Hughes Goosse, professeur à l’UCLouvain.


Le PETIT ÂGE DE GLACE responsable de mauvaises récoltes, de famines et de pandémies il y a environ 600 ans dans toute l’Europe a été causé par l’effondrement de l’AMOC (Circulation méridienne de retournement Atlantique)- Et le même phénomène se produit en ce moment même !