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Résultats pour:
Andrej Flis

02 avril 2022

The Gulf Stream has weakened substantially in the past decades, as revealed by the latest data and new studies. Weather in the United States and Europe depends strongly on this ocean current, so it’s important we understand the ongoing changes and what they mean for our weather now and in the near future.

24 août 2021

Global weather is constantly in motion. The Southern Hemisphere is currently in Winter, and strong weather patterns will start a warming event in its Stratosphere. These events are rare, but powerful, having historically been strong enough to affect the entire globe.

15 août 2021

The Gulf Stream has weakened substantially in the past decades, as new data and studies show. Weather in the United States and Europe depends strongly on this ocean current, so it’s important we understand the ongoing changes and what they will mean for our weather in the future.

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