Outils pédagogiques

OA - Liste

Références d’articles, documents, livres, vidéos, jeux, … susceptibles d’être utiles pour des enseignant(e)s, animatrices / animateurs dans leurs recherches d’outils pédagogiques sur les thématiques climat – énergies – écologie – biodiversité – environnement – …

Résultats pour:
Kamran Mahroof


one-third of all food produced each year is squandered or spoiled before it can be consumed. Research also suggests that high-income countries waste as much food as sub-Saharan Africa produces. This food waste then ends up in landfills to rot – which releases greenhouse gases. And when this is combined with the amount of energy it takes to produce, manufacture, transport and store this food, it contributes a staggering 3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to our planet.