Outils pédagogiques

OA - Liste

Références d’articles, documents, livres, vidéos, jeux, … susceptibles d’être utiles pour des enseignant(e)s, animatrices / animateurs dans leurs recherches d’outils pédagogiques sur les thématiques climat – énergies – écologie – biodiversité – environnement – …

Résultats pour:
Jonathan Pickering


The Politics of the Anthropocene' is a sophisticated yet accessible treatment of how human institutions, practices, and principles need to be re-thought in response to the challenges of the Anthropocene, the emerging epoch of human-induced instability in the Earth system and its life-support capacities. The world remains stuck with practices and modes of thinking that were developed in the Holocene - the epoch of around 12,000 years of unusual stability in the Earth system, toward the end of which modern institutions such as states and capitalist markets arose....