OA - Liste
idées, propositions, programmes, mémorandums, contributions
pages créées à l’occasion des élections du 9 juin 2024

Écocide, climat, environnement, biodiversité, santé

Voici VOS propositions pour prendre réellement en compte les urgences écologiques et climatiques :

Associations Collectifs Contributions individuelles


As we mark 100 days until the COP28 UN climate summit, the urgency of addressing the climate crisis has never been more palpable. Global failures to mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts continue to wreak havoc on the planet, and we’re seeing this in a range of ways. Unprecedented extreme weather events have occurred with frightening regularity in 2023. In March, over 500 people lost their lives when Cyclone Freddy struck Malawi. Last month, flooding in the Philippines caused by Typhoons Doksuri and Khanun displaced more than 300,000 people, and the recent wildfires that ravaged Hawaii – in part exacerbated by climate change – continue to make for distressing headlines. This list is likely to become even longer by the end of the year, when COP28 gets underway in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

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