OA - Liste
idées, propositions, programmes, mémorandums, contributions
pages créées à l’occasion des élections du 9 juin 2024

Écocide, climat, environnement, biodiversité, santé

Voici VOS propositions pour prendre réellement en compte les urgences écologiques et climatiques :

Associations Collectifs Contributions individuelles


The potent greenhouse gas methane is spewing out of natural gas infrastructure across the European Union because of leaks and venting. Using an infrared camera, non-profit Clean Air Task Force (CATF) found methane seeping into the atmosphere at 123 oil and gas sites in several countries this year. Methane, the biggest cause of climate change after carbon dioxide (CO2), is the main component of natural gas and over 80 times more potent than CO2 in its first 20 years in the air.

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