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pages créées à l’occasion des élections du 9 juin 2024

Écocide, climat, environnement, biodiversité, santé

Voici VOS propositions pour prendre réellement en compte les urgences écologiques et climatiques :

Associations Collectifs Contributions individuelles


Far worse things than Covid are on the horizon, last week, a think tank called the Centre for Long-Term Resilience released a report into the most likely extreme risks that humanity faces, and what Britain in particular can do to prepare for them. Covid-19 has cost millions of lives and tens of trillions of dollars so far — but it could have been a lot worse. The extreme risks that the report is talking about range from those that kill 10% or more of the total human population, to those that kill every last one of us. And it suggests that the two most likely causes of a disaster of this magnitude are bioengineered pathogens, and artificial intelligence.

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