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18 juillet 2024

As the climate crisis causes heavier and more frequent floods across the US, one in four small businesses are one disaster away from shutting down

03 juin 2024

The floods displaced more than 80,000 people, led to over 150,000 being injured and, on the 29th of May, to 169 fatalities with 44 people still missing (Governo do Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, 2024). Essential services were also disrupted, leaving 418,200 households without electricity and over a million consumer units without water. Dozens of municipalities lost telephone and internet services.

22 avril 2024

Europe is no exception when it comes to the consequences of climate change. It is the fastest warming continent, with temperatures rising at around twice the global average rate.

28 août 2023

Heatwaves, wildfires and floods are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’, leading climate scientists say

29 juin 2023

Updated, more accurate data gives a new look at the effects of sea level rise.

26 avril 2023

Several climate court cases have been stuck in legal limbo for years. Now they're about to get a lot more interesting.

18 mai 2022

Microplastics are deposited in river floodplains and carried down to deeper levels, according to a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment. Local topography, frequency of floods, and soil characteristics can affect the amount of plastic particles that are deposited and potentially carried into deeper soil.

24 avril 2022

Many are still missing after this month’s floods. Extreme weather is becoming more frequent, and it can be devastating

31 janvier 2022

Climate change is raising flood risks in neighborhoods across the U.S. much faster than many people realize. Over the next three decades, the cost of flood damage is on pace to rise 26% due to climate change alone, an analysis of our new flood risk maps shows.

08 novembre 2021

04 novembre 2021

The annual "adaptation gap" report — which published Thursday amid the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow — found that the estimated costs to adapt to the worst effects of warming temperatures such as droughts, floods and rising seas in low-income countries are five to 10 times higher than how much money is currently flowing into those regions.

15 octobre 2021

As threats grow, FEMA is overhauling its risk rating system for its national flood insurance program - which could have implications for vulnerable home owners

09 octobre 2021

With global warming intensifying the water cycle, floods and droughts are increasing, and many countries are unprepared.

10 septembre 2021

As floods increase in frequency and intensity, chemicals buried in river sediments become “ticking time bombs” waiting to activate.

23 août 2021

All available evidence taken together, including physical understanding, observations over a larger region and different regional climate models give high confidence that human-induced climate change has increased the likelihood and intensity of such an event to occur and these changes will continue in a rapidly warming climate

23 juillet 2021

This is Why it Feels Like We Might Not Have a Future Anymore. The truth is that we’re probably way past the point of no return. Every thoughtful mind can see the writing on the wall. Experts, like me, can weight in with facts. Ecologists will tell you that mass annihilation is going to rip us apart, too. Climate scientists will tell you it hasn’t been this hot for millions of years, and every year, the temperature goes up by the equivalent in bio-geological time, of a few million years.

21 juillet 2021

It was a slogan that cut to the chase: “Everybody is talking about Germany. We talk about the weather.”

20 juillet 2021

One can safely say that Bangladesh is a country of rivers, cyclones and floods which in years past would have caused huge numbers of deaths at times. However, over the years Bangladesh has invested in making sure that we no longer lose lives when such disasters strike us.

17 juillet 2021

A Belgian climatologist surveys the wreckage of his hometown. Pierre Ozer has been expecting these floods for decades.
Almost 1000 people have been evacuated and five people have been rescued from floodwaters south of Picton as towns in Marlborough were cut off by the worst flood ever recorded in the region.

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