Valérie Masson-Delmotte

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Le paradoxe de notre époque : hausse du climatoscepticisme face à l'urgence actuelle du changement climatique.
Devoir de vigilance des entreprises : les députés adoptent des règles en matière de droits humains et d'environnement
Qui dit chaleur, dit climatiseur. Qui dit climatiseur, dit pollution. Qui dit pollution, dit chaleur. Etc.
Foundational innovation in cloud technology and artificial intelligence will require more energy than ever before—shattering any illusion that we will restrict supplies.
EUCityCalc has officially launched its free, open source online platform that allows local councils and other stakeholders to visualise and simulate low-carbon scenarios for their towns and cities, as well as to assess the trade-offs related to available choices.


Policy-makers seeking to limit the impact of coal electricity-generating units (EGUs, also known as power plants) on air quality and climate justify regulations by quantifying the health burden attributable to exposure from these sources. We defined “coal PM2.5” as fine particulate matter associated with coal EGU sulfur dioxide emissions and estimated annual exposure to coal PM2.5 from 480 EGUs in the US. We estimated the number of deaths attributable to coal PM2.5 from 1999 to 2020 using individual-level Medicare death records representing 650 million person-years. Exposure to coal PM2.5 was associated with 2.1 times greater mortality risk than exposure to PM2.5 from all sources. A total of 460,000 deaths were attributable to coal PM2.5, representing 25% of all PM2.5-related Medicare deaths before 2009 and 7% after 2012. Here, we quantify and visualize the contribution of individual EGUs to mortality.
Souhaiter restreindre certaines libertés individuelles ne veut pas dire que l’on est liberticide, car la liberté fondamentale est bien différente que ces petites libertés.
Entretien avec Pablo Servigne suite à la conférence "L’entraide en temps de crise : une nécessité", à Clermont-Ferrand en mai 2023.
Le climatoscepticisme serait lié à des distorsions cognitives et des traits de paranoïa. Le reconnaître serait une grande avancée !
La vision techno-capitaliste affiche une domination écrasante. Pourtant, la "bataille des imaginaires" peut être gagnée.
Des chercheurs révèlent que l'effondrement potentiel du Gulf Stream (Amoc) pourrait se produire entre 2025 et 2095.
Quelles sont les origines, les valeurs et modes d'action des Soulèvements de la terre, le mouvement écolo dissout par le Gouvernement ?
Les océans se réchauffent bien plus vite que prévu, avec des conséquences catastrophiques pour le système terre.
Read the latest news headlines and analysis about politics, sports, business, lifestyle and entertainment from award winning Irish and British journalists.
Wind and solar reached a record 12% of global electricity in 2022, and power sector emissions may have peaked.
Pools and well-watered gardens at least as damaging as climate emergency or population growth
Les vers de terre sont menacés par les pesticides et l’agriculture intensive. Leur population dans les sols français s’est effondrée. Les lombrics jouent pourtant un rôle essentiel dans la fertilité et d’oxygénation des sols. Sans eux, les sols deviendront stériles.
Julien Lecaille, « créateur et animateur de Communs », considère l’Adaptation Radicale comme un carrefour, à haute portée politique.


Guillaume Faburel est un géographe à contre-courant, qui dénonce la barbarie des grandes villes et prédit leur démantèlement nécessaire, à l’heure où tous les promoteurs de la startup nation ne parlent que de smart city et de mégalopoles. Interview.
Une note privée de la Deutsche Bank alerte ses gros clients ultra-riches des dangers d'effondrement du système industriel et financier.
World3 VS Dice : la bataille des modèles économiques systémiques. Un conflit qui guide les choix économiques depuis 50 ans.
Assisterons-nous au collapse de la civilisation techno-industrielle avant que des supraintelligences artificielles ne gouvernent le monde ?
Le rapport Meadows est le livre fondateur des actions de transition écologique. En voici un résumé destiné aux lycéens.
The fate, effects, and treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), an anthropogenic class of chemicals used in industrial and commercial production, are topics of great interest in recent research and news cycles. This interest stems from the ubiquity of PFAS in the global environment as well as their significant toxicological effects in humans and wildlife. Research on toxicity, sequestration, removal, and degradation of PFAS has grown rapidly, leading to a flood of valuable knowledge that can get swamped out in the perpetual rise in the number of publications. Selected papers from the Journal of Hazardous Materials between January 2018 and May 2022 on the toxicity, sequestration, and degradation of PFAS are reviewed in this article and made available as open-access publications for one year, in order to facilitate the distribution of critical knowledge surrounding PFAS. This review discusses routes of toxicity as observed in mammalian and cellular models, and the observed human health effects i
Ember modelling of least-cost power system pathways reveals that a clean power system (70-80% wind and solar) by 2035 should be at the core of energy planning for a net-zero continent by mid-century.
Atlanta wants to build a police training facility in a forested area amid community opposition
Previous studies show that city metrics having to do with growth, productivity and overall energy consumption scale superlinearly, attributing this to the social nature of cities. Superlinear scaling results in crises called ‘singularities’, where population and energy demand tend to infinity in a finite amount of time, which must be avoided by ever more frequent ‘resets’ or innovations that postpone the system's collapse. Here, we place the emergence of cities and planetary civilizations in the context of major evolutionary transitions. With this perspective, we hypothesize that once a planetary civilization transitions into a state that can be described as one virtually connected global city, it will face an ‘asymptotic burnout’, an ultimate crisis where the singularity-interval time scale becomes smaller than the time scale of innovation. If a civilization develops the capability to understand its own trajectory, it will have a window of time to affect a fundamental change to prioritize long-term homeosta
April temperatures at unprecedented levels have led to critical water and electricity shortages
Lancé en mars 2017, le Ğ1 (prononcer June) est une première expérience de monnaie libre à dividende universel. Sa force : reposer sur une blockchain frugale en énergie, qui n’exige pas de nombreux serveurs très coûteux.
La NASA et la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ont révélé que le déséquilibre énergétique de la Terre a doublé depuis 2015. Un processus qui accélère le réchauffement climatique.
Une hausse des températures globales de +2,5°C coûtera deux fois plus cher aux pays du G7 que le Covid-19, selon une étude. Soit 5 milliards de $ par an d’ici 2050.
Later this year, Egyptian engineering firm Arab Contractors is expected to complete the construction of the Julius Nyerere dam on the Rufiji River. Once completed, the $3 billion dam could be Africa’s fourth biggest by power production, producing up to 5920GWH of power annually, enabling Tanzania to close the gap between those with electricity and those who have no access.
SACRAMENTO -- Data from the California Energy Commission (CEC) shows that 59 percent of the state’s electricity came from renewable and zero-carbon sources in 2020. The CEC estimates that in 2020, 34.5 percent of the state’s retail electricity sales were served by Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS)-eligible sources such as solar and wind. When sources of zero-carbon energy such as large hydroelectric generation and nuclear are included, 59 percent of the state’s retail electricity sales came from non-fossil fuel sources in 2020. In 2019, over 60 percent of the state’s electricity came from renewable and zero-carbon sources. The decrease in 2020 is due to decline in hydroelectric generation caused by severe drought, as well as pandemic-related delays to new renewable energy projects.
La smart city « n’est ni une évidence, ni une fatalité« , affirme Philippe Bihouix, dans un rapport publié par le Lab de l’ESS.
Bruno Latour a été interviewé sur France Inter, pour évoquer son « Mémo sur la nouvelle classe écologique« , coécrit avec Nikolaj Schultz. Voici ce que j’en ai retenu.
Selon deux chercheurs, spécialistes des algorithmes, la déforestation et la sur-consommation des ressources naturelles pourraient provoquer un « effondrement irréversible » du mode de vie occidental d’ici 10 ans…


The founder and director of Foxconn, the world’s largest contract manufacturer of electronics, Terry Gou, has said that “there will be a shortage of electricity in the next year.” Gou added that “people should not complain about the future lack of electricity.” Instead, they should “prepare”.
Impact sur le climat par zone Classé par intensité carbone de l’électricité consommée (gCO₂eq/kWh)
Salut à tou·te·s ! Je m'appelle Jacques Tiberi. Je suis journaliste-collapsonaute et chineur de solutions low-tech. Ma passion : le chocolat... menacé de disparition par le réchauffement climatique et la fin du pétrole. Depuis cette terrible révélation, je me prépare à l'effondrement et au monde d'après. Heureusement, la résilience, c'est comme la cornemuse, ça s'apprend !
As a leading climate scientist, Paola Arias doesn’t need to look far to see the world changing. Shifting rain patterns threaten water supplies in her home city of Medellín, Colombia, while rising sea levels endanger the country’s coastline. She isn’t confident that international leaders will slow global warming or that her own government can handle the expected fallout, such as mass migrations and civil unrest over rising inequality. With such an uncertain future, she thought hard several years ago about whether to have children.

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