Valérie Masson-Delmotte

OA - Liste



Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and local people worry they may lose the battle to save them


The 21-year-old Iraqi, who lived by a smoke-choked oilfield, died of cancer. His message must be heard, says journalist Jess Kelly
Wind, water and solar energy is cheap, effective and green. We don’t need experimental or risky energy sources to save our planet


Materials put into domestic compost are failing to disintegrate after six months – the only solution is to use less. Most plastics marketed as “home compostable” don’t actually work, with as much as 60% failing to disintegrate after six months, according to research.
Ne plus payer sa facture d’énergie. Un million de Britanniques ont rejoint le mouvement "Don’t pay" face à la flambée des prix de l'électricité et du gaz. Partout en Europe, la tension monte, contenue par les différents boucliers gouvernementaux. Mais c’est la "pertinence du marché de l’énergie" qui doit être remise en cause. Seule solution à suivre : la réduction de la consommation d’énergie.
Il existe un sentiment inédit, et répandu chez les plus jeunes, d’être né géo-prolétaire, c’est-à-dire quelqu’un dont les générations précédentes ont accaparé non pas la force de travail, mais le futur vivable sur la Terre.
Toen Georgia Whitaker deze kerstvakantie in de zetel kroop voor een gezellig avondje met de film Don’t Look Up, verwachtte ze een dure, middelmatige komedie met een sterrencast – een beetje als Love Actually. Maar na afloop voelde ze zich verrassend opgelucht. In deze blog legt ze uit waarom.


Pledges to plant trees fall from politicians’ lips like leaves in the autumn, especially during elections and climate summits. Yet ambitious government planting targets are likely to be missed because there are not enough trees or people to plant them, leading forestry figures have warned.
Land-based nuclear weapons are world-ending accident waiting to happen, and completely superfluous to a reliable deterrent.
The framing of climate change, in particular, as something that wouldn’t be an issue if “we” had all just made better consumer choices has been persistent and effective. Every Earth Day, we’re bombarded with tips about how to minimize our personal carbon footprints; meanwhile, it’s 2021 and the GOP is still suggesting tree-planting as climate policy.

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