8 mars

OA - Liste

vers la Une

A l’occasion de la « Journée internationale des femmes » (définition ONU) ou de la journée célébrant les combats pour les droits des femmes, voici une liste (non-exhaustive) de signatures féminines référencées par l’Observatoire dans le cadre des thématiques traitées dans notre veille documentaire:


Fear appeals are a polarizing issue, with proponents confident in their efficacy and opponents confident that they backfire. We present the results of a comprehensive meta-analysis investigating fear appeals' effectiveness for influencing attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. We tested predictions f …
Since the eradication of smallpox, there have been increases in poxvirus infections and the emergence of several novel poxviruses that can infect humans and domestic animals. In 2015, a novel poxvirus was isolated from a resident of Alaska. Diagnostic testing and limited sequence analysis suggested …


In recent years, governments of several low-income countries have taken decisive action by removing fully or partially user fees in the health sector. In this study, we review recent reforms in six sub-Saharan African countries: Burkina Faso, Burundi, Ghana, Liberia, Senegal and Uganda. The review d …