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Uniquement les Articles de la décennie 2020
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Editorial: Top experts believe global temperatures will rise by at least 2.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. That frightening prediction must spur us to action
The American West has gone bone dry, the Great Salt Lake is vanishing and water levels in Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the two great life-giving reservoirs on the Colorado River basin, are declining with alarming speed. Wildfires are incinerating crops in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, while parts of Britain suffocated last week in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
Le journal russe indépendant « Novaïa Gazeta » a tenu 32 jours après le déclenchement du conflit en Ukraine, malgré la censure de l’Etat russe. Mais une partie de la rédaction a dû quitter le pays et a lancé « Novaïa Gazeta Europe », dont « Le Monde » soutient l’initiative.
The frightful noise of gunfire, bombing and children’s screams in the cities of Ukraine reverberates across Europe. The full-scale Russian invasion launched last week is an unprovoked, heinous crime perpetrated against Ukraine’s citizens, their sovereign democratic state and all the free peoples of the world. The 24th of February is a day that will live in infamy. It will not be forgiven. It will surely never be forgotten.
The world’s political leaders must heed the dramatic warning that climate scientists have delivered