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voir sur la documentation scientifique

juillet 2022

The Age of Extinction Is Dawning by the Day — And We’re Doing Too Little Too Late to Stop It

mars 2022

Welcome to the Great Inflation — Or, Why We Have to Pay for the Hidden Costs of the Industrial Age

novembre 2021

Our civilization needs the greatest economic transformation in human history. We have to halve our rate of consumption, and double our investment rate. That is a fact everyone should know, children should be taught at school, which should make headlines every single day.

octobre 2021

The World’s Next Big Problem Is That We’re Too Depressed and Traumatized to Fix All the Others

juillet 2021

This is Why it Feels Like We Might Not Have a Future Anymore. The truth is that we’re probably way past the point of no return. Every thoughtful mind can see the writing on the wall. Experts, like me, can weight in with facts. Ecologists will tell you that mass annihilation is going to rip us apart, too. Climate scientists will tell you it hasn’t been this hot for millions of years, and every year, the temperature goes up by the equivalent in bio-geological time, of a few million years.
It’s Beginning to Feel Like We’ve Finally Pushed the Planet Past its Final Tipping Point. We have “extreme events” the kind scientists have long feared. But they’ve even shocked scientists with how suddenly extreme and frequent they are. And “This is not a localised freak event, it is definitely part of a coherent global pattern.”
The Boiling Planet. The Pandemic. The Dying Planet. The Collapse. The Fascism. None of This is Remotely Normal.