Focus Revenu universel

OA - Liste

On les nomme « salaire minimum », « revenu universel », « allocation universelle », « socle citoyen », « revenu d’existence », … . Ces propositions ont pour objectif d’assurer un minimum vital décent. Comment les financer ? Quid de la relation au travail ? Quelle efficacité ? Pour quelle société ? Retrouvez ci-dessous, la liste actualisée « Focus Revenu universel ».



“Timeless, masterful. . .A stomach-clenching, multi-perspective, ticking-clock, geopolitical thriller. Jacobsen expertly delivers a madman’s portrait of Armageddon, one made all the more impactful by the thought that it could literally occur at any moment. Almost novel-like in its presentation, Nuclear War: A Scenario represents the equivalent of an existential gut punch, a sickening and necessary reminder of how fragile every 21st century convenience becomes in the face of a blinding flash of light and near-instantaneous shockwave. Exhaustively researched and featuring interviews with professionals who truly understand just how close we continue to creep toward thermonuclear annihilation Nuclear War: A Scenario should be required reading for everyone alive today, especially for the politicians and policymakers who literally hold the precarious fate of our species in their hands.” — Forbes