Focus Revenu universel

OA - Liste

On les nomme « salaire minimum », « revenu universel », « allocation universelle », « socle citoyen », « revenu d’existence », … . Ces propositions ont pour objectif d’assurer un minimum vital décent. Comment les financer ? Quid de la relation au travail ? Quelle efficacité ? Pour quelle société ? Retrouvez ci-dessous, la liste actualisée « Focus Revenu universel ».



Major fossil fuel entities and trade associations including Koch Industries, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Western States Petroleum Association, as well as consulting behemoth McKinsey & Company, were slapped with the latest climate liability lawsuit today with the filing of a complaint in the Oregon Circuit Court in Multnomah County, Oregon.


The past year saw major developments in accountability cases against oil companies and national governments around the world, as well as setbacks for several high-profile fossil fuel projects.


be a source of information with regular updates on climate change lawsuits around the world. From cases grounded in human rights claims to straightforward tort suits, litigation relating to the climate crisis has grown substantially in recent years. And as the crisis continues and worsens, climate litigation is likely to rise as people increasingly seek relief through the courts.