Jean-Marc Jancovici

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Developing countries urge biggest polluters to act as Trump’s return to the White House heightens geopolitical turmoil


President formally files new plans under Paris agreement and hails ‘boldest climate agenda in American history’. Joe Biden has announced tougher targets on the US’s carbon dioxide emissions for the next decade, in a defiant final gesture intended as a “capstone” on his legacy on the climate. With just weeks to go before Donald Trump enters the White House, the Biden administration is formally filing new plans under the Paris agreement – the global climate treaty from which Trump has vowed to withdraw.
Le déclin brutal de l’environnement n’était pas censé être le fruit de la politique agricole commune. Et pourtant, c’est le cas, assène cette journaliste du quotidien britannique “The Guardian”.
Nulle part les réseaux électriques n’ont été conçus pour résister aux effets du réchauffement climatique. Les rendre plus résilients coûtera l’équivalent de centaines de milliards de dollars, prévient “Bloomberg”. En attendant, les pannes recensées cet été, de l’Inde à l’Équateur, en passant par le Texas, donnent un avant-goût des perturbations à venir.
UN says a global ‘backlash’ against climate action is being stoked by fossil fuel companies


Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say
Study highlights conflict between Washington’s claims of climate leadership and its fossil fuel growth plans
Countries in debt distress thrown financial lifeline but critics say measures fall short of what is needed
Taxing world’s wealthiest people could help poorer countries shift economies to low-carbon and recover from climate damage
Fourth year in a row in which number of people facing food crises increased substantially