
OA - Liste

L’équation de Kaya

« Dans la quête aux réductions d’émissions de CO2, on parle régulièrement de différents leviers : démographie,
décroissance, sobriété, efficacité énergétique ou encore mix énergétique. Pour comprendre l’impact de chacun de
ces termes, il est commode de se servir de l’équation de Kaya. Cette équation, que l’on doit à l’économiste japonais
Yoichi Kaya, décompose les émissions de CO2 énergétiques (donc qui proviennent de la consommation d’énergie)
selon une formule mathématique qui n’est qu’une tautologie, mais qui donne un axe de lecture intéressant. Dans
« Environment, Energy, and Economy : strategies for sustainability« , il écrit en 1997 que la quantité de CO2
énergétique émise dans l’atmosphère est égale à l’intensité carbone de l’énergie, multipliée par l’intensité
énergétique du PIB, multipliée par le PIB par habitant, multiplié par la population. » … Simon Yaspo.

In recent years, droughts have had substantial impacts on nearly all regions of the EU, affecting several critical systems such as agriculture, water supply, energy, river transport, and ecosystems. These impacts are projected to further increase due to climate change. While some of the drivers of drought risk are well known for some systems and regions, drought risks and impacts remain hard to assess and quantify. The European Drought Risk Atlas is a step towards impact-based drought assessment and can support the development and implementation of drought management and adaptation policies and actions. It characterises how drought hazard, exposure and vulnerability interact and affect different but interconnected systems: agriculture, public water supply, energy, riverine transport, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The Atlas presents both a conceptual and quantitative approach to drought risk for these systems. The conceptual drought risk models (impact chains) are the result of a review of the literat
The EDO pages contain drought-relevant information such as maps of indicators derived from different data sources (e.g., precipitation measurements, satellite measurements, modelled soil moisture content). Different tools, like Compare Layers, allow for displaying and analysing the information and drought reports give an overview of the situation in case of imminent droughts.
Les sanctions contre la Russie, le changement climatique et les restrictions sur les exportations engendrent une forte pénurie des engrais qui met les agriculteurs du monde entier en difficulté, et qui pourrait bien engendrer une grave crise alimentaire.
Humans have amazing strengths, but also significant weaknesses. Chief among them, perhaps, is our collective difficulty in grasping the mathematical consequences of exponential growth. Alternative energy technologies have trouble preserving expectations. Human psychology and political/economic institutions turn a technically difficult predicament into a nearly hopeless trap. We are lamentably ill-equipped to appreciate the abnormality of our time and assess a more accurate picture of what long-term “normal” must look like.

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