Les Soulèvements de la Terre

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Craignant une appropriation du réseau électrique, des dégâts environnementaux et peu d’emplois à la clef, des riverains s’opposent au data center prévu dans le port de la cité phocéenne, devenue en dix ans le septième hub internet mondial.
Google installera bien un data center en Uruguay, malgré l’opposition de nombreux habitants et des ONG pointant les impacts environnementaux d’un tel projet. Le géant de l’informatique a certes revu sa copie, proposant une technologie moins consommatrice d’eau, mais quid de la pression sur le réseau électrique ?
L'un des plus grands centres de données de Meta (ex-Facebook) en Europe devrait voir le jour en Espagne. Quelques militants tentent d'éveiller les habitants sur ses conséquences néfastes. En vain.
La part des data centers dans la consommation d'électricité en Irlande augmente à un rythme qui inquiète de nombreux observateurs.
The story of Greenland keeps getting greener—and scarier. A new study provides the first direct evidence that the center—not just the edges—of Greenland's ice sheet melted away in the recent geological past and the now-ice-covered island was then home to a green, tundra landscape.
The Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) helps communities hold oil and gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change.
Pour nourrir les immenses besoins de ChatGPT et autres outils d’intelligence artificielle, le secteur de la tech multiplie les centres de données. Ces usines du numérique sont de plus en plus nombreuses, de plus en plus puissantes et de plus en plus voraces en énergie. Un boom mondial dans lequel la France compte prendre sa part.
In Virginia, a small conservation group is leading the fight against the powerful and secretive data center industry.
Dans son nouveau livre Vallée du silicium, Alain Damasio s’est rendu à San Francisco afin de mettre à l’épreuve sa pensée technocritique et de comprendre comment cette région a façonné et façonne encore le monde d’aujourd’hui.
Over the past 50 years, humans have extracted the Earth’s groundwater stocks at a steep rate, largely to fuel global agro-economic development. Given society’s growing reliance on groundwater, we explore ‘peak water limits’ to investigate whether, when and where humanity might reach peak groundwater extraction. Using an integrated global model of the coupled human–Earth system, we simulate groundwater withdrawals across 235 water basins under 900 future scenarios of global change over the twenty-first century. Here we find that global non-renewable groundwater withdrawals exhibit a distinct peak-and-decline signature, comparable to historical observations of other depletable resources (for example, minerals), in nearly all (98%) scenarios, peaking on average at 625 km3 yr−1 around mid-century, followed by a decline through 2100. The peak and decline occur in about one-third (82) of basins, including 21 that may have already peaked, exposing about half (44%) of the global population to groundwater stress. Most
De plus en plus nombreux, les centres de données, piliers du numérique, sont gourmands en électricité et en foncier, mais aussi en eau. Une consommation amenée à exploser avec le développement de l’intelligence artificielle.
Simultaneous harvest failures across major crop-producing regions are a threat to global food security. Concurrent weather extremes driven by a strongly meandering jet stream could trigger such events, but so far this has not been quantified. Specifically, the ability of state-of-the art crop and climate models to adequately reproduce such high impact events is a crucial component for estimating risks to global food security. Here we find an increased likelihood of concurrent low yields during summers featuring meandering jets in observations and models. While climate models accurately simulate atmospheric patterns, associated surface weather anomalies and negative effects on crop responses are mostly underestimated in bias-adjusted simulations. Given the identified model biases, future assessments of regional and concurrent crop losses from meandering jet states remain highly uncertain. Our results suggest that model-blind spots for such high-impact but deeply-uncertain hazards have to be anticipated and acc
Flash drought, characterized by unusually rapid drying, can have substantial impact on many socioeconomic sectors, particularly agriculture. However, potential changes to flash drought risk in a warming climate remain unknown. In this study, projected changes in flash drought frequency and cropland risk from flash drought are quantified using global climate model simulations. We find that flash drought occurrence is expected to increase globally among all scenarios, with the sharpest increases seen in scenarios with higher radiative forcing and greater fossil fuel usage. Flash drought risk over cropland is expected to increase globally, with the largest increases projected across North America (change in annual risk from 32% in 2015 to 49% in 2100) and Europe (32% to 53%) in the most extreme emissions scenario. Following low-end and medium scenarios compared to high-end scenarios indicates a notable reduction in annual flash drought risk over cropland. Flash droughts are projected to become more frequent unde
En 2030 le numérique va consommer 20 % de l’électricité mondiale, en 2050 : 100 %. Au lieu d’être un acteur essentiel à la transition vers un monde durable, le numérique peut devenir une partie importante du problème. Comment freiner son développement anarchique ?
La Niña is present.* Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are below average across most of the Pacific Ocean. The tropical Pacific atmosphere is consistent with La Niña. La Niña is expected to continue into the winter, with equal chances of La Niña and ENSO-neutral during January-March 2023. In February-April 2023, there is a 71% chance of ENSO-neutral.*
Tiny plastic particles can travel worldwide, ending up in urban, rural, and remote areas. They take an even faster transport pathway than oceanic currents: the atmosphere.
Énergivores et imposants, les data centers sont pourtant encore libres de s’installer où ils veulent. Lier planification énergétique et urbaine devient donc urgent pour freiner leur essor, soutient l’auteur de cette tribune. Daniel Rousseaux est urbaniste, spécialiste en participation citoyenne et intéressé par les questions d’environnement. Derrière l’image sobre et bleutée des serveurs ronronnant dans les centres de données (« data centers ») se cachent de véritables usines électriques. Chaque (...)
The Center for Climate and Security (CCS), a non-partisan institute of the Council on Strategic Risks, has a team and distinguished Advisory Board of security and military experts. CCS envisions a climate-resilient world which recognizes that climate change threats to security are already significant, unprecedented and potentially existential, and acts to address those threats in a manner that is commensurate to their scale, consequence and probability.
Les data centers se multiplient à Marseille, centre névralgique du transit de données numériques en France. Gourmands en électricités pour les uns, mais pourvoyeurs d’emplois pour les autres, ils sont aujourd’hui critiqués.
Protecting nature, protecting lives: working with nature to reduce disaster risk

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