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Het wereldwijde gebruik van fossiele brandstoffen bereikte in 2023 een nieuw record. Dat blijkt uit een rapport van het Energy Institute, de Britse beroepsorganisatie voor werknemers in de energie-industrie. Ook de uitstoot van de energie-industrie was nog nooit zo hoog.
Foundational innovation in cloud technology and artificial intelligence will require more energy than ever before—shattering any illusion that we will restrict supplies.
Sharp declines in critical mineral prices mask risks of future supply strains as energy transitions advance - News from the International Energy Agency
This essay takes up and extends an analysis of the ambitions of the energy transition presented during the conference entitled “L’erreur fondamentale de la transition”, held in Lausanne in December 2022, at the annual Switzerland ShiftersDay. The intervention questioned the conceptualization of energy transition, given possible inaccuracies, or errors in the categorization of reality. It is not certain that the energy contained in the wind, solar radiation, or atoms is equivalent to hydrocarbon energy for human societalneeds. Although all energies are theoretically convertible into one another, the assumption that any type of energy can always be replaced by another is likely to prove false. An energy transition based on the substitution of energies would then be inconceivable.
Decarbonization efforts and sustainability transformations represent highly contested socio-political projects. Yet, they often encounter various forms of depoliticization. This article illuminates how a grand socio-ecological challenge like the energy transition gets depoliticized by an unusual suspect, namely Germany's Green Party. Based on a qualitative content analysis of Green Party programs, party conventions, and additional documents published between 1980 and 2021, this article traces how the Green Party has depoliticized the energy transition over time, emphasizing a shift from radical societal change to ecological modernization. The changing stance of the German Greens on the country's energy transition reflects more profound changes of a future society the party collectively envisions through their energy and climate change agenda. These changes result from a struggle between moderates advocating incremental political reforms and radicals aiming for more fundamental and systemic societal change.
Une coalition internationale d'activistes va manifester jeudi dès 08h00 aux abords de l'Atomium, en marge du premier "Nuclear Energy Summit", a annoncé Greenpeace EU dans un communiqué.
Le Premier ministre Alexander De Croo était l’invité de Maxime Binet sur LN24 ce jeudi 21 mars 2024. A l'occasion du premier "Nuclear Energy Summit" en Belgique, il a insisté sur la présence du nucléaire dans un mix énergétique décarboné en Belgique.
Evidence shows a continuing increase in the frequency and severity of global heatwaves1,2, raising concerns about the future impacts of climate change and the associated socioeconomic costs3,4. Here we develop a disaster footprint analytical framework by integrating climate, epidemiological and hybrid input–output and computable general equilibrium global trade models to estimate the midcentury socioeconomic impacts of heat stress. We consider health costs related to heat exposure, the value of heat-induced labour productivity loss and indirect losses due to economic disruptions cascading through supply chains. Here we show that the global annual incremental gross domestic product loss increases exponentially from 0.03 ± 0.01 (SSP 245)–0.05 ± 0.03 (SSP 585) percentage points during 2030–2040 to 0.05 ± 0.01–0.15 ± 0.04 percentage points during 2050–2060. By 2060, the expected global economic losses reach a total of 0.6–4.6% with losses attributed to health loss (37–45%), labour productivity loss (18–37%) and i
Global investment in the clean energy transition grew by 17% in 2023, showing resilience despite geopolitical tensions, high interest rates, and inflation. But was it enough to keep the world on track to hit net zero by 2050? To answer this question, we compare 2023 clean energy investment by sector with what’s annually needed to reach net zero by 2050, in partnership with the National Public Utilities Council.
A new record high, but is there light at the end of the tunnel?
Le navire-laboratoire Energy Observer, premier navire capable de produire son propre hydrogène, fait escale cette semaine en Floride, dans le sud-est des États-Unis, dernier pays qu'il visitera avant de revenir en France pour achever un tour du monde entamé en 2020.
Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been the subject of endless hype in recent years but in fact, no SMRs have ever been built, none are being built now and in all likelihood none will ever be built because of the prohibitive costs. SMRs are defined as reactors with a capacity of 300 megawatts (MW) or less with serial factory production of reactor components (or ‘modules’). No SMRs have been built, but dozens of small (<300 MW) power reactors have been built in numerous countries, without factory production of reactor components.


L'énergéticien allemand Siemens Energy a annoncé jeudi être en discussions avec l'Etat allemand pour obtenir des garanties afin de l'aider à surmonter ses problèmes dans l'éolien, ce qui a provoqué un plongeon du titre en Bourse.La direction du groupe "mène des discussions préliminaires avec diverses parties, notamment les banques (...) et le gouvernement fédéral" en vue d'obtenir "un volume croissant de garanties", a-t-il indiqué dans un communiqué.
Forecast downturn still ‘nowhere near steep enough’ to limit temperature rise to 1.5C, says watchdog
When attempting to quantify future harms caused by carbon emissions and to set appropriate energy policies, it has been argued that the most important metric is the number of human deaths caused by climate change. Several studies have attempted to overcome the uncertainties associated with such forecasting. In this article, approaches to estimating future human death tolls from climate change relevant at any scale or location are compared and synthesized, and implications for energy policy are considered. Several studies are consistent with the “1000-ton rule,” according to which a future person is killed every time 1000 tons of fossil carbon are burned (order-of-magnitude estimate). If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter. On this basis, relatively aggressive energy policies are summarized that would enable im
BP, Shell, and TotalEnergies found to be leading a multi-pronged influencing campaign that could lock in fossil gas across both continents, with push back coming from more renewables-focused European energy players.
News of fusion has the effect of temporarily permitting people to shed the anxiety and embrace the dream all the more strongly.
L'énergéticien allemand Siemens Energy a réévalué lundi à 1,6 milliard d'euros le coût des charges dévoilées en juin, lié aux défaillances dans des composants d'éoliennes produits par sa filiale Gamesa, ce qui se traduit par une perte record de 3 milliards d'euros au troisième trimestre."Les coûts attendus pour remédier aux problèmes de qualité (des éoliennes ndlr) ont été pris en compte au 3ème trimestre, les charges pour dépenses futures s'élevant à 1,6 milliard d'euros", a indiqué le groupe dans un communiqué lundi.
The CEO of one of Infosys' other major clients, Shell, also joined Rishi Sunak's new business council two weeks ago.
Energy firms have made record profits by increasing production of oil and gas, far from their promises of rolling back emissions
L'Energy Institute(1) a mis en ligne ce 26 juin le « Statistical Review of World Energy 2023 », rapport précédemment produit par BP(2) qui fait partie des principales publications statistiques portant sur l'énergie. État des lieux en infographies. La consommation d'énergie dans le monde et la hausse des prix en 2022
The Energy Institute is, as of 2023, the home of the Statistical Review of World Energy, published previously for more than 70 years by bp. The Statistical Review analyses data on world energy markets from the prior year. It has been providing timely, comprehensive and objective data to the energy community since 1952.
Sweden formally renounces EU net zero roadmap championed by the likes of Germany.
A new climate case was filed this week. Multnomah County, the Oregon county that includes Portland, filed suit against several oil majors for their role in exacerbating the climate change that led to the county's "heat dome" in June 2021, which killed 69 people. But the case doesn't just place
Major fossil fuel entities and trade associations including Koch Industries, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Western States Petroleum Association, as well as consulting behemoth McKinsey & Company, were slapped with the latest climate liability lawsuit today with the filing of a complaint in the Oregon Circuit Court in Multnomah County, Oregon.
A major reason for the growth in the use of renewable energy is the fact that if a person looks at them narrowly enough--such as by using a model--wind and solar look to be useful. They don't burn fossil fuels, so it appears that they might be helpful to the environment. Energy modeling misses important points. I believe that profitability signals are much more important.
A pathway to bridge the climate neutrality, energy security and sustainability gap through energy sufficiency, efficiency and renewables
Read the latest news headlines and analysis about politics, sports, business, lifestyle and entertainment from award winning Irish and British journalists.
Le géant gazier du Qatar, Qatar Energy, a annoncé mardi l'attribution d'un contrat de 10 milliards de dollars à une co-entreprise entre la société française Technip Energies et Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC). Le contrat d'une valeur "d'environ 10 milliards de dollars" prévoit "la construction de deux trains de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) d'une capacité de production totale de 16 millions de tonnes par an" dans le champ de North Field South (NFS), a indiqué la compagnie dans un communiqué.
La compagnie pétrolière australienne Invictus Energy a annoncé lundi la découverte d'un gisement d'hydrocarbures, dans le nord du Zimbabwe, un pays qui souffre de coupures d'énergies massives. L'analyse des échantillons confirme la présence de pétrole, d'hélium et d'un gaz naturel "de grande qualité", a précisé la compagnie.La compagnie australienne a réévalué les données d'une étude menée dans les années 1990 par le géant pétrolier américain ExxonMobil (ex-Mobil) qui avait abandonné son projet sur ce site situé à 240 kilomètres au nord de la capitale Harare.
Wind and solar reached a record 12% of global electricity in 2022, and power sector emissions may have peaked.
Several nations plan to build new coal power plants, with China alone approving nearly 100 gigawatts. Each gigawatt is the equivalent of installing more than 3 million solar panels.
Pie-in-the-sky fantasies of carbon capture and geoengineering are a way for decision-makers to delay taking real action
Microplastic pollution reduces energy production in a microscopic creature found in freshwater worldwide, new research shows. Paramecium bursaria contain algae that live inside their cells and provide energy by photosynthesis. The results of a NEW STUDY showed a 50% decline in net photosynthesis—a major impact on the algae's ability to produce energy and release oxygen
L'entreprise canadienne TC Energy, qui exploite l'oléoduc Keystone entre le Canada et les Etats-Unis, a estimé jeudi que les conséquences d'une grosse fuite de pétrole dans le Kansas en décembre allaient lui coûter 480 millions de dollars. Ce montant inclut les frais engagés pour le nettoyage et la remise en état de la zone souillée, les enquêtes et le retour d'expériences, précise un communiqué. TC Energy avait repéré l'incident le 7 décembre et avait, dans la foulée, arrêté en urgence les flux d'hydrocarbures dans le tuyau.
Bienvenu sur le site web Energy-Charts Le site web pour des graphiques interactifs de la production d'électricité et les prix de l'électricité en bourse Avec ce site web, nous souhaitons contribuer à la transparence et à l'objectivation du débat sur la transformation du système énergétique.
It beggars belief that the UN thought it a good idea to allow an authoritarian petro-state to host the already compromised summit, says Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of climate hazards
Group says forcing polluters to store carbon dioxide underground is needed to help world reach net zero
Russia’s war in Ukraine has earned Norway billions – and caused controversy. Thanks to oil and gas reserves in the waters off its coast, Norway is not only extremely rich but getting richer still. Already the World Bank’s seventh wealthiest country by GDP per capita at the start of this year, the resource-rich Scandinavian country’s profits have ballooned to record levels over the last 12 months, as prices on the energy markets tripled due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Norway replaced bellicose Moscow as Europe’s largest supplier of gas.


Global coal demand is set to increase only marginally in 2022 but enough to push it to an all-time high amid the energy crisis, according to a new IEA report, which forecasts the world’s coal consumption will remain at similar levels in the following years in the absence of stronger efforts to accelerate the transition to clean energy.
The Sea Port Oil Terminal, 30 miles off the Texas coast, is the first of four proposed offshore terminals designed to dramatically expand the U.S. oil export capacity.
Greenpeace voerde op maandagochtend 21 november actie aan het partijbureau van de N-VA. De milieuorganisatie toont met een groot spandoek dat de partij de fossiele energiebedrijven een hand boven het hoofd houdt. Greenpeace vindt het onbegrijpelijk dat N-VA de Belgische uitstap uit het omstreden Energiehandvestverdrag (ECT) blokkeert.
This study evaluates how Europe can fulfil its goal of “achieving resource security” and “reducing strategic dependencies” for its energy transition metals, through a demand, supply, and sustainability assessment of the Green Deal and its resource needs.
Le groupe français HDF Energy s'est vu attribuer par le gestionnaire public du réseau électrique sud-africain Eskom la location de 1.700 hectares de terrain pour développer d'ici à 2027 des centrales électriques solaires à hydrogène vert dans la province minière de Mpumalanga, qui concentre 80% de la production de charbon d'Afrique du Sud. Ce projet, dont l'investissement total porte sur 3 milliards de dollars, est l'un des fers de lance de la transition énergétique du pays voué à abandonner à terme les centrales au charbon.
Er is een duidelijke mismatch tussen het beleid dat nodig is om de klimaatcrisis tegen te gaan en de systemen die vandaag in voege zijn, schrijft Marc Maes, beleidsmedewerker Handel bij 11.11.11. Nergens wordt die kloof duidelijker dan bij het Energy Charter Treaty, een miskleun van een verdrag dat maar niet wordt stopgezet.
Fossil fuel companies that want a free pass to keep pumping oil and gas are making wildly unrealistic promises about 'capturing' their emissions at sites of pollution, or removing them from the atmosphere at later date. But the science says drastic emission cuts are needed now if we are to stay within 1.5ºC warming. Thus ‘net zero’ policies are in reality 'not zero', and effectively guarantee that we’ll overshoot 1.5ºC, triggering catastrophic climate impacts which we have no reason to believe can be reversed by speculative and unproven ‘carbon removal’ technologies.
Investments of more than half a trillion euros will be needed to modernise Europe's energy grid this decade, if countries are to succeed in ramping up wind and solar power to break free from Russian gas, a draft EU document showed. The European Commission is set to publish next week a plan to "digitalise" Europe's energy system, as well as laying out new emergency measures to tame sky-high gas prices and help cash-strapped energy firms this winter. The draft plan, seen by Reuters, said electricity grid investments of 584 billion euros are needed until 2030, to support the planned rapid uptake of electric vehicles, renewable energy and heat pumps, and shift away from fossil fuels. Of this, around 400 billion euros would target the distribution grid. Some 170 billion of that would focus on ditigalisation, including the so-called "smart grids" that respond faster to local supply and demand fluctuations, helping waste less energy and benefit from cheaper periods.
Eleven of the 20 largest economies got a C or worse on a renewable energy report card, which assessed their plans to reach net zero and their targets for producing and using renewable energy
Energy return on investment (EROI) is a biophysical and ecological economics concept that is useful to think about how organisms, ecosystems and societies must obtain enough surplus energy returned from energy gathering activities to live, reproduce, and thrive. EROI can help us overcome the false dualism between nature and society. EROI is a useful metric for economics because it is based on immutable physical laws rather than sometimes arbitrary human preferences. It is essential for assessing useful power, energy trade-offs, efficiencies (and inefficiencies), resource depletion trends, resource quality, and surplus potentials of different fuels and technologies that power, or might power, our socio-economic systems. Apparent inconsistencies in the literature can generally be reduced or eliminated by paying careful attention and explicitly stating boundaries and definitions. We argue that proper use of EROI is critical to understand the interconnections among the environment, energy, and socio-economic deve
The eyes of history will pierce the fog of politics. Science has exposed the course upon which our quest for energy has set our planet. Consequences will fall mainly on young people, their children, and grandchildren — unless decisive political leadership abandons wishful thinking and superficial half-measures. Climate change is a global matter and demands a global perspective.
Climate change is reducing output and raising safety concerns at nuclear facilities from France to the US. But experts say adapting is possible—and necessary.
He has weaponised food, energy and refugees, spreading economic and political pain across the continent. Sanctions don’t work, a land for peace deal would be a disaster. Only the military route remains
Nuclear energy is too expensive to be considered an option to help Australia reduce its carbon emissions, at least in the next decade, according to the latest report by the CSIRO.
Europe is in danger of highly damaging “very, very strong conflict and strife” this winter over high energy prices, and should make short-term return to fossil fuels to head off the threat of civil unrest, the vice-president of the European Commission has warned. Frans Timmermans, the second most senior official in the EU, said the threat of unrest this winter, a deliberate outcome of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, must take precedence over the climate crisis.
Russian energy company Rosneft announced the discovery of a massive oil resource in the Pechora Sea with an estimated 82 million tons of oil. A drilling campaign in the Medynsko-Varandeysky area led to the discovery of the field. “During the tests, a free flow of oil was obtained with a maximum flow rate of 220 cubic meters a day,” the company’s statement read on Wednesday, noting that the “oil is light, low-sulfur, low viscosity.” According to Rosneft, the exploratory work in the Pechora Sea confirmed the "substantial oil potential of the Timan-Pechora province on the shelf and served as the foundation for continuing the study and development of the region."
L'Allemagne s'est fixé l'objectif ambitieux d'atteindre la neutralité carbone d'ici à 2045, en misant essentiellement sur le développement des énergies renouvelables et des gains d'efficacité énergétique. Dans l'analyse ci-après (en anglais) publiée le 30 juin par l'Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Ralf Dickel(1) « montre pourquoi, pour l'Allemagne, une approche entièrement renouvelable et principalement électrique pour atteindre zéro émission nette d'ici 2045 ne fonctionnera pas, et ne permettra pas de maintenir un approvisionnement énergétique fiable ». Il souligne à ce titre le rôle essentiel du captage et de la séquestration du CO2 dans le cas allemand. L'auteur s'interroge en particulier sur les possibilités et infrastructures nécessaires pour exporter le CO2 capté sur le territoire allemand vers la Norvège.
La major britannique BP a publié ce 28 juin son « Statistical Review of World Energy 2022 » qui fait partir des principales publications statistiques portant sur l'énergie. État des lieux en infographies.
It may sound like Marxism, but the proposal aimed at taming prices and cutting Putin’s funds came from the G7
Stellantis devient le deuxième actionnaire de Vulcan Energy et prolonge l'accord d'approvisionnement en lithium auprès de sa future mine allemande jusqu'à 2036, ont annoncé les deux groupes vendredi dans un communiqué.
After two years and 14 negotiation rounds to modernise the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), the signatory states meet on 24 June 2022 to try to find a compromise.Three days before the conference, there are still no prospects of a genuinely ambitious reform, let alone one in line with the Paris Agreement. The only proposal on the table on which they may agree on June 24th will maintain the ECT protection of existing foreign investment in EU countries in fossil fuel for at least another decade and in gas power plants until 2040. In case an agreement in principle is reached by June 24th, the ECT might well be extended to several countries that host large fossil fuel investments.