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mars 2025

DOGE is gutting federal agencies to install AI across the government. Democracy is on the line, writes Tech Policy Press fellow Eryk Salvaggio.

octobre 2024

Abstract. We review how the international modelling community, encompassing integrated assessment models, global and regional Earth system and climate models, and impact models, has worked together over the past few decades to advance understanding of Earth system change and its impacts on society and the environment and thereby support international climate policy. We go on to recommend a number of priority research areas for the coming decade, a timescale that encompasses a number of newly starting international modelling activities, as well as the IPCC Seventh Assessment Report (AR7) and the second UNFCCC Global Stocktake. Progress in these priority areas will significantly advance our understanding of Earth system change and its impacts, increasing the quality and utility of science support to climate policy. We emphasize the need for continued improvement in our understanding of, and ability to simulate, the coupled Earth system and the impacts of Earth system change. There is an urgent need to investiga

mars 2024

Actuaries are calling for more realistic climate risk assessments. This includes the “risk of ruin”: the point past which global society can no longer adapt to climate change. Today’s report from the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) and the University of Exeter – “Climate Scorpion: the sting is in the tail” – puts forward the case for using financial services risk management to evaluate and communicate climate risk. It advocates for “worst-case” scenario thinking around climate change.

mars 2024

Le débat sur les nouveaux OGM est biaisé par les lobbies qui défendent toute une série d’intérêts économiques. A la faveur de sa présidence européenne, la Belgique doit se positionner dans ce dossier en facilitant l’élaboration d’une politique européenne qui donne la priorité à l’équité, à l’autonomie des agriculteur.e.s, à la santé publique et à l’environnement.

janvier 2024

En une de son premier numéro de 2024, la revue américaine “Foreign Policy” donne le ton de l’année électorale à venir. Des scrutins d’importance se tiennent partout dans le monde, à commencer par les États-Unis. Et “dans de nombreux pays, la démocratie atteint un point critique”.

octobre 2023

Ahead of the UN’s SDG Summit (18-19 September), ground-breaking analyses shows how by enacting five ‘extraordinary turnarounds’ SDGs implementation can be accelerated.
When attempting to quantify future harms caused by carbon emissions and to set appropriate energy policies, it has been argued that the most important metric is the number of human deaths caused by climate change. Several studies have attempted to overcome the uncertainties associated with such forecasting. In this article, approaches to estimating future human death tolls from climate change relevant at any scale or location are compared and synthesized, and implications for energy policy are considered. Several studies are consistent with the “1000-ton rule,” according to which a future person is killed every time 1000 tons of fossil carbon are burned (order-of-magnitude estimate). If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter. On this basis, relatively aggressive energy policies are summarized that would enable im

décembre 2022

More than two decades on from the protocol, country shows enthusiasm for nuclear restarts over renewables
Planetary Boundaries - summary and implications for policymakers 05.12.2022 Respecting planetary boundaries is essential to preserve the stability of ecosystems and human societies, including in Switzerland. Incorporating this principle into our legal system is consistent with the pursuit of our ...

octobre 2022

Eleven of the 20 largest economies got a C or worse on a renewable energy report card, which assessed their plans to reach net zero and their targets for producing and using renewable energy

août 2022

Gezonde ecosystemen met een rijke biodiversiteit zijn de basis voor ons leven. Dit wetenschappelijk feit vindt gelukkig steeds meer weerklank in de maatschappij. Meer en meer burgers ondernemen acties voor meer biodiversiteit in eigen tuin of als vrijwilliger bij Natuurpunt of andere verenigingen. Jammer genoeg blijft het moeilijk voor beleidsmakers om dit ecosysteemdenken als leidraad te gebruiken bij beslissingen, zeker op zee. Op zee is er weinig tot geen publiek protest tegen de soms grootschalige uitbreiding van commerciële activiteiten. Bovendien lijkt er nog enorm veel vrije ruimte op zee doordat er (voorlopig) weinig vaste infrastructuur is. De Noordzee dreigt de spreekwoordelijke vuilbak te worden voor activiteiten die op land moeilijker uit te rollen zijn. Daarom kan de afbakening van een marien reservaat niet langer wachten.
A new database of extreme weather studies makes clear how far policymaking is lagging behind the reality of climate chaos

juillet 2022

Researchers call for recognition of latest online strategies used to derail climate action

mai 2022

Alors que resurgit le spectre des bombes nucléaires, on oublie qu’il en existe d’autres, moins expéditives mais tout aussi meurtrières. On les appelle les « bombes carbone » et elles se révèlent particulièrement pernicieuses. Cerise sur le gâteau, elles agissent en toute impunité si l’on en croit une enquête menée durant 5 mois et publiée le 11 mai dernier dans la revue Energy policy et la très sérieuse rédaction britannique du Guardian.
The IPBES #PandemicsReport is one of the most scientifically robust examinations of the evidence and knowledge about links between pandemic risk and nature since the COVID-19 pandemic began - with 22 of the world's leading experts from fields as diverse as epidemiology, zoology, public health, disease ecology, comparative pathology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, wildlife health, mathematical modelling, economics, law, and public policy as authors of the report. The expertise of the 22 authors was further augmented by contributions and knowledge resources from the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and the World Health Organization - as well as a peer review process.

mai 2022

Corporations and politicians edited the Policy Summary to omit the scientists’ most powerful conclusions
le profil carbone de la France: In this country profile, Carbon Brief examines the state of climate and energy policies in France, a major emitter that nevertheless relies on fossil fuels less than any other industrialised nation.

mars 2022

It’s time for US and European foreign policy to be reframed in the context of addressing climate change. People around the world must better understand that a healthier world where all forms of energy are appropriately utilized requires a world that focuses first on peace. Without working toward peace as the first step, international efforts to tackle global climate change and promote renewable energy and sustainable development cannot progress.
A Russian former foreign minister has joined a call for all sides in the Ukrainian war to return to diplomacy and so reduce “the dramatically elevated risk” of a nuclear conflict. The appeal co-authored by Prof Igor Ivanov, now the president of the Russian International Affairs Council, may be a sign that some in the Russian foreign policy establishment believe that pursuing a purely military solution in Ukraine is a strategic mistake.
The war in Ukraine and surging oil prices are other factors that could prompt PBOC action when it announces its policy loan rates Tuesday, as the nation aims to achieve a growth target of 5.5% for the year. The Hong Kong and China stocks sold off Monday, led by losses in technology shares, due to risks from Beijing’s close relationship with Russia and regulatory concerns.

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