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Researchers say Aardvark Weather uses thousands of times less computing power and is much faster than current systemsA single researcher with a desktop computer will be able to deliver accurate weather forecasts using a new AI weather prediction approach that is tens of times faster and uses thousands of times less computing power than conventional systems.
In november zal de COP30 plaatsvinden in Belém, Brazilië. Braziliaanse minister van Milieu- en Klimaatverandering Marina Silva wil dat er resultaten geboekt worden op de volgende COP. Het mag volgens haar niet uitdraaien op een feestelijk spektakel.
De Europese ‘omnibuswet’ draait de klok tien jaar terug en is een regelrechte aanval op noodzakelijke duurzaamheidsverplichtingen voor bedrijven, waarschuwt expert natuurlijke rijkdommen Wies Willems. ‘De lidstaten en het Europees Parlement mogen dit niet laten passeren.’
Climate change will fuel contests—and maybe wars—for land and resources.
Amid President Donald Trump’s attacks on government scientists and science funding, researchers are arranging rallies to “Stand Up for Science” in Washington, D.C., and nationwide on March 7
Le président américain a souvent exploité le conflit à des fins politiques. Mais il s’était toujours tenu à une position neutre, sans nier une « attaque » russe.
... An “acid” test of our interpretation will be provided by the 2025 global temperature: unlike the 1997-98 and 2015-16 El Ninos, which were followed by global cooling of more than 0.3°C and 0.2°C, respectively, we expect global temperature in 2025 to remain near or above the 1.5°C level. Indeed, the 2025 might even set a new record despite the present weak La Nina. There are two independent reasons. First, the “new” climate forcing due to reduction of sulfate aerosols over the ocean remains in place, and, second, high climate sensitivity (~4.5°C for doubled CO2) implies that the warming from recently added forcings is still growing significantly.
An international group of scientists, led by King's College London, has revealed how continued global warming will lead to more parts of the planet becoming too hot for the human body over the coming decades. the amount of landmass on our planet that would be too hot for even healthy young humans (18 to 60-year-olds) to keep a safe core body temperature will approximately triple (to 6%)—an area almost the size of the US—if global warming reaches 2°C above the preindustrial average.
The directive follows President Trump's orders reversing climate policies.
C’est un mot en 9 lettres qui fend le ciel bleu que la météo hivernale (certes froide) nous offre depuis quelques jours : "exécrable". On ne parle évidemment pas de la lumière, carburant essentiel de nos réserves en vitamine D, mais de ce qui ne se voit pas au premier coup d’œil : la qualité de l’air. Or, elle est "exécrable" donc dans les principales villes du pays.
For those trying to pay attention in our post-truth, post fact-checking brave new world that has such misinformation systems in it, Dr. Rees is a source to consider. The link: Climate Change, Overshoot and the Demise of Large Cities: Why large cities will need to contract or be abandoned altogether
The abrupt loss of many species from a system is generally attributed to a breakdown in ecological functioning. As species are sequentially knocked out, the whole community becomes unstable, and it all comes crashing down. Another mechanism that may be at play. My colleagues and I argue that despite the fact life on Earth displays such great variety, many species that live together appear to share remarkably similar thermal limits. That is to say, individuals of different species can tolerate temperatures up to similar points.
Thirteen of the ports with the highest supertanker traffic will be seriously damaged by just 1 metre of sea level rise, the analysis found. The researchers said two low-lying ports in Saudi Arabia – Ras Tanura and Yanbu – were particularly vulnerable. Both are operated by Aramco, the Saudi state oil firm, and 98% of the country’s oil exports leave via these ports.
The year 2024 wasn’t just another chapter in the unfolding climate saga; it felt like the plot twist no one wanted to believe. For decades, climate scientists warned of ifs — if we pass this tipping…
Among the many things global warming will be melting this century—sea ice, land glaciers and tourist businesses in seaside towns across the world—is permafrost. Lying underneath 15% of the northern hemisphere, permafrost consists of accumulating dead biomass that remains frozen, never having had a chance to release all its carbon.
La guerre d’Israël dans la bande de Gaza bafoue un des droits fondamentaux : l'accès à l’eau. Cette « instrumentalisation de l’eau » a de lourdes conséquences sur les Gazaouis, déplore l’auteur de cette tribune.
A new declaration aims to make the southernmost continent an autonomous legal entity, akin to a nation-state, with inherent rights to participate in decision making that affects it.
We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis. For many years, scientists, including a group of more than 15,000, have sounded the alarm about the impending dangers of climate change driven by increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem change (Ripple et al. 2020).
Belangrijke wetgeving van de Green Deal terugschroeven en ons blindstaren op het Europese economische eigenbelang zijn niet de juiste oplossingen voor de vele mondiale uitdagingen, meent Wies Willems, beleidsmedewerker bij Broederlijk Delen. Toch is dat exact wat de nieuwe Europese Commissie lijkt te zullen gaan doen.
Onder de spiegel van de Noordzee voltrekt zich een ecologische ramp. Waar zeegrasvelden en oesterbanken elkaar afwisselden, strekt zich een maanlandschap uit. Go Ocean, met Wim Willaert als ambassadeur, wil dat veranderen.