Transition énergétique ?

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A crucial system of ocean currents may already be on course to collapse, according to a new report, with alarming implications for sea level rise and global weather — leading temperatures to plunge dramatically in some regions and rise in others. Using exceptionally complex and expensive computing systems, scientists found a new way to detect an early warning signal for the collapse of these currents, according to the study published Friday in the journal Science Advances. And as the planet warms, there are already indications it is heading in this direction.


Une des limites importantes concernant l’élargissement des droits est la question du financement. Cela renvoie en premier lieu au taux des cotisations sociales, ainsi qu’au nombre d’emplois et au niveau global des salaires à l’échelle nationale.
Version PDF téléchargeable ici Le CNNR – Conseil National de la Nouvelle Résistance – est porteur du projet de Sécurité sociale écologique universelle. Garantissant l’égale dignité de c…
Only 13 of the world's countries and territories had "healthy" air quality last year, according to a new report, as air pollution surged to alarming levels in 2022.


Hundreds of climate activists breached a runway Saturday at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to try to stop private jets from taking off, in the latest demonstration by protesters aimed at drawing attention to the climate crisis. Greenpeace Netherlands said “more than 500” Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion activists were at the airport, one of Europe’s largest, on Saturday afternoon, in a press release. A spokesperson for the Schiphol security forces could not confirm that figure.
Against the backdrop of the water crisis in the Colorado River Basin, where the country's largest reservoirs are plunging at an alarming rate, California's two largest reservoirs — Shasta Lake and Lake Oroville — are facing a similar struggle.


On Sunday, Kodiak Island in southern Alaska hit 67 degrees. That's warmer than it was in Southern California that same day. This set a record for the warmest December day in Alaska, according to the National Weather Service in Anchorage. Statewide temperature records in Alaska date back to 1953.
The annual "adaptation gap" report — which published Thursday amid the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow — found that the estimated costs to adapt to the worst effects of warming temperatures such as droughts, floods and rising seas in low-income countries are five to 10 times higher than how much money is currently flowing into those regions.
The ivory-billed woodpecker, along with 22 other species of birds, fish, mussels and other wildlife, is set to be declared extinct and removed from the endangered species list, US federal wildlife officials announced Wednesday.
The ferries that once shuttled tourists to and from the little islets in Iran's Lake Urmia sit rusty, unable to move, on what is rapidly becoming a salt plain. Just two decades ago, Urmia was the Middle East's biggest lake, its local economy a thriving tourist center of hotels and restaurants.

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