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Global climat


Monthly global surface air temperature anomalies (°C) relative to 1850–1900 from January 1940 to June 2024, plotted as time series for all 12-month periods spanning July to June of the following year. The 12 months from July 2023 to June 2024 are shown with a thick red line, while all other 12-month periods are shown with thin lines shaded according to the decade, from blue (1940s) to brick red (2020s).
Carbon Brief provides an updated analysis of when the world will likely exceed the Paris 1.5C limit
Le secrétaire-général de l’ONU appelle à une action immédiate pour le climat. Selon lui, la décennie actuelle est décisive. Le GIEC a publié leurs calculs détaillés concernant l’année 2023. Cette s…
Annually updated, IPCC AR6 consistent indicators of human-induced global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and the remaining global carbon budget.
Abstract. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Evidence-based decision-making needs to be informed by up-to-date and timely information on key indicators of the state of the climate system and of the human influence on the global climate system. However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5–10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles. We follow methods as close as possible to those used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group One (WGI) report. We compile monitoring datasets to produce estimates for key climate indicators related to forcing of the climate system: emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate forcers, greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing, the Earth's energy imbalance, surface temperature changes, warming attributed to human activit
Global temperature (12-month mean) is still rising at 1.56°C relative to 1880-1920 in the GISS analysis through April (Fig. 1). [Robert Rohde reports that it is 1.65°C relative to 1850-1900 in the BerkeleyEarth analysis.[3]] Global temperature is likely to continue to rise a bit for at least a month, peak this summer, and then decline as the El Nino fades toward La Nina. Acceleration of global warming is now hard to deny. The GISS 12-month temperature is now 0.36°C above the 0.18°C/decade trend line, which is 3.6 times the standard deviation (0.1°C). Confidence in global warming acceleration thus exceeds 99%, but we need to see how far temperature falls with the next La Nina before evaluating the post-2010 global warming rate.
L’effondrement des écosystèmes serait dangereux pour l’économie. Il peut se répercuter au niveau global. La forêt amazonienne, les tourbières tropicales et les mangroves contiennent actuellement environ 220 gigatonnes de carbone. Si elles sont perturbées, elles peuvent subir des changements incontrôlables qui feraient basculer l’écosystème vers une savane non boisée. Leur effondrement provoquerait des émissions de carbone équivalentes à environ 20 ans d’émissions mondiales de CO2 actuelles. Cela pourrait empêcher le maintien d’un climatique de moins d’ 1,5°C, et aurait de nombreuses conséquences directes.
Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds
L’hiver passé, des nuages stratosphériques couleur de l’arc-en-ciel ont été observés en Europe. Ils apparaissent habituellement dans les régions les plus froides de la Planète en janvier. En déce…
Global projections of macroeconomic climate-change damages typically consider impacts from average annual and national temperatures over long time horizons1–6. Here we use recent empirical findings from more than 1,600 regions worldwide over the past 40 years to project sub-national damages from temperature and precipitation, including daily variability and extremes7,8. Using an empirical approach that provides a robust lower bound on the persistence of impacts on economic growth, we find that the world economy is committed to an income reduction of 19% within the next 26 years independent of future emission choices (relative to a baseline without climate impacts, likely range of 11–29% accounting for physical climate and empirical uncertainty). These damages already outweigh the mitigation costs required to limit global warming to 2 °C by sixfold over this near-term time frame and thereafter diverge strongly dependent on emission choices. Committed damages arise predominantly through changes in average tempe

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