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septembre 2024

Allen samen op vrijdag 20 september om 17.30 uur in Brussel-Centraal!CONCERT EN MARS #NowForFutureTer gelegenheid van de Global Climate Strike roepen Youth for Climate, Rise for Climate, Grootouders voor het Klimaat en anderen op tot mobilisatie om politieke leiders te herinneren aan het belang van sociaal- en klimaatrechtvaardige maatregelen.We willen een beroep doen op de staatshoofden van de wereld die op 22 en 23 september bij de VN bijeenkomen voor een wereldtop over de toekomst.
VN-klimaatbaas Simon Stiell roept wereldleiders op om ‘het script om te gooien’ als het gaat om klimaatmaatregelen in Afrika. Hij wil de ‘epidemie van onderinvestering’ ombuigen naar een ‘goudmijn voor de Afrikanen en hun economie’.
To analyze the climate change experienced in Spain between 1971 and 2022 and to estimate the future climate for 2050.

août 2024

New studies suggest global warming boosts natural methane releases, which could undermine efforts to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas from fossil fuels and agriculture.
The EU is being sued for failing to set ambitious climate targets in sectors that contribute more than half of the bloc’s total greenhouse gas emissions.
High-level policy discussions have built momentum for “food system transformation” that would help farmers address the climate crisis.
Misinformation by fossil fuel companies is slowing down the energy transition and global efforts to tackle climate change, warns the UN.
We're nearly halfway through the 2020s, dubbed the most decisive decade for action on climate change. Where exactly do things stand? Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth's resilience to human pressure.
Unprecedented wildfires in Canada and parts of Amazonia last year were at least three times more likely due to climate change and contributed to high levels of CO2 emissions from burning globally, according to the first edition of a new systematic annual review.
Adapt2climate est un site développé par la Commission Nationale Climat dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du Plan National Adaptation. Ce portail national vise à mettre à disposition les informations disponibles concernant les incidences des changements climatiques, les évaluations de vulnérabilité et l’adaptation en Belgique.
Coal and gas exports expected to remain roughly at current level until at least 2035 with 4.5% of emissions linked to Australia, report finds
Ter gelegenheid van de Global Climate Strike roepen Youth for Climate, Rise for Climate, Grootouders voor het Klimaat politieke leiders op om sociaal-rechtvaardige klimaatmaatregelen te nemen. De wereldwijde klimaatstakingen, in 2019 gelanceerd door Fridays For Future op initiatief van Greta Thunberg, brengen jongeren, burgers en organisaties van over de hele wereld samen om zich te verzetten tegen de vernietiging van het klimaat en ecosystemen.
Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Morocco experienced extreme heat in July 2024, causing at least 23 fatalities, widespread wildfires and bringing public life to a hold.
UN says a global ‘backlash’ against climate action is being stoked by fossil fuel companies
The Center for Climate Integrity (CCI) helps communities hold oil and gas corporations accountable for the massive costs of climate change.
From farmers to disaster survivors, new plaintiffs and progressing lawsuits are putting pressure on industry polluters.
Under current emission trajectories, temporarily overshooting the Paris global warming limit of 1.5 °C is a distinct possibility. Permanently exceeding this limit would substantially increase the probability of triggering climate tipping elements. Here, we investigate the tipping risks associated with several policy-relevant future emission scenarios, using a stylised Earth system model of four interconnected climate tipping elements.

juillet 2024

The airline blamed difficulties securing more efficient aircraft and sustainable jet fuel.
A new study finds that the mining and processing of the metal critical to EV batteries and renewable energy storage projects depletes and contaminates surface water, often in already vulnerable communities.
Scientists now fear that there is little more than five years left to prevent irreversible climate damage and stark changes to the Earth’s weather patterns from global carbon emissions, Minister for Climate Eamon Ryan has warned.
This report reveals the tactics of Big Meat and Dairy companies to delay, distract, and derail action on transforming the food system, mirroring strategies used by the tobacco and fossil fuel industries. Food systems are responsible for around a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, with approximately 60% coming from animal agriculture, the largest source of man-made methane emissions.
Melting of ice is slowing planet’s rotation and could disrupt internet traffic, financial transactions and GPS
Monthly global surface air temperature anomalies (°C) relative to 1850–1900 from January 1940 to June 2024, plotted as time series for all 12-month periods spanning July to June of the following year. The 12 months from July 2023 to June 2024 are shown with a thick red line, while all other 12-month periods are shown with thin lines shaded according to the decade, from blue (1940s) to brick red (2020s).
Offsetting allows corporations to increase emissions, while getting credit for pseudo-reductions elsewhere

juin 2024

Jordanians now only have access to publicly distributed water a day and a half a week – prompting many to turn to illegal markets.
Het affakkelen van gas in de fossiele brandstofindustrie klom vorig jaar naar het hoogste niveau sinds 2019, ondanks de groeiende internationale druk om de vervuilende praktijk aan banden te leggen.
Scientists warn of ‘scary’ feedback loop in which fires create more heating, which causes more fires worldwide
Environ 500 personnes ont participé dimanche à une marche pour le climat à Bruxelles, a indiqué l’organisation à l’origine de l’évènement Rise For Climate Belgium. Par le biais de cet évènement intitulé "Touche pas à mon futur", l’organisation espère inciter la société civile à s’opposer à l’éventuelle réduction des politiques climatiques et aux politiques d’austérité, alors que l’extrême droite monte un peu partout en Europe.
In Virginia, a small conservation group is leading the fight against the powerful and secretive data center industry.
Since the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world’s 60 largest private banks financed fossil fuels with USD $6.9 trillion. Nearly half – $3.3 trillion – went towards fossil fuel expansion. In 2023, banks financed $705 billion in fossil fuel financing with $347 billion going to fossil fuel expansion alone.
For many of us the climate crisis mainly calls to mind rising global temperatures, but the crisis goes far beyond this – we are at risk of pushing our planet across climate ‘tipping points,’ critical thresholds where small changes can lead to abrupt and irreversible shifts in the Earth’s climate system. One major element in climate tipping is a huge system of ocean currents, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), which is responsible for Europe's relatively mild climate. Past climate patterns show that these currents can switch abruptly between today’s vigorous flow and a much weaker flow state. A future shutdown would have potentially devastating consequences in Europe and around the world.
With current policies the Earth is on track to a warming of around 3 °C above preindustrial temperatures, a level of heat our planet has not seen for millions of years. Ecosystems, human society and infrastructure are not adapted to these temperatures. Due to non-linear effects, the impacts will be much more severe than just three times as bad as after 1 °C of warming. Land areas will continue to warm much more than the global average, many regions twice as much or even more. Extreme heat will become far more frequent and a major cause of human mortality, making large parts of the tropical land area essentially too hot to live. In addition, extreme rainfall and flooding, droughts, wildfires and harvest failures will increase in frequency and severity. The destructive power of tropical cyclones will also increase. Sea-level rise will accelerate further, and the destabilization of ice sheets will commit our descendants to loss of coastal cities and island nations. The risk of crossing devastating and irreversib
Annually updated, IPCC AR6 consistent indicators of human-induced global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and the remaining global carbon budget.
Abstract. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Evidence-based decision-making needs to be informed by up-to-date and timely information on key indicators of the state of the climate system and of the human influence on the global climate system. However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5–10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles. We follow methods as close as possible to those used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group One (WGI) report. We compile monitoring datasets to produce estimates for key climate indicators related to forcing of the climate system: emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate forcers, greenhouse gas concentrations, radiative forcing, the Earth's energy imbalance, surface temperature changes, warming attributed to human activit
If currently implemented policies are continued with no increase in ambition, there is a 90% chance that the Earth will warm between 2.3°C and 4.5°C, with a best estimate of 3.5°C.
The floods displaced more than 80,000 people, led to over 150,000 being injured and, on the 29th of May, to 169 fatalities with 44 people still missing (Governo do Estado de Rio Grande do Sul, 2024). Essential services were also disrupted, leaving 418,200 households without electricity and over a million consumer units without water. Dozens of municipalities lost telephone and internet services.
This year elections are taking place across the globe, covering almost half of the world’s population. It is also likely to be, yet again, the hottest year recorded as the climate crisis intensifies. The Guardian asked young climate activists around the world what they want from the elections and whether politics is working in the fight to halt global heating.

mai 2024

Climate Obstruction Across Europe, coordinated by the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN) and published via Oxford University Press, reveals extensive networks impeding climate action within the region and surrounding states. In Italy and Germany, far-right networks spread misinformation by questioning climate science’s validity, while in Spain and the UK, blame-shifting and deflecting responsibility for climate action are common. European-based fossil fuel industries, like Shell, engage in greenwashing, by framing gas as a ‘bridging technology crucial for the energy transition’, delaying genuine progress.
Climate Obstruction Across Europe, coordinated by the Climate Social Science Network (CSSN), is the first book to document the development and nature of climate obstruction activities across Europe, which are efforts to deliberately slow or block climate action. Climate obstruction strategies range from outright denial to more subtle forces of delay and the spread of disinformation
Women and gender-diverse people bear the brunt of climate change’s negative affects. If Australia wants to be taken seriously on climate action, this needs addressing.
Sudden cut in pollution in 2020 meant less shade from sun and was ‘substantial’ factor in record surface temperatures in 2023, study finds
Insight and inspiration in turbulent times. People have widely varying beliefs about climate change. A surprising number still think that it’s a hoax, or that it’s a trivial problem. At the other end of the opinion spectrum, some say it signals the end of the world and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. Between those extremes are lots of folks who believe climate change is a serious dilemma, but we can deal with it by installing solar panels, nuclear power, solar radiation management technologies, and/or machines to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, after which we will continue to live mostly the way we do today.
Le sommet européen Climate Chance Europe 2024 s'est déroulé les 8 et 9 février 2024 à Liège. Sur l'invitation de M. Philippe Henry, vice-président de la Wallonie et ministre du Climat, de l’Énergie, de la Mobilité et des Infrastructures, dans le cadre de la présidence belge du Conseil de l'Union européenne, j'ai eu l'honneur de donner un discours lors de la séance plénière d'ouverture. En voici la vidéo.
Winter downpours also made 20% wetter and will occur every three years without urgent carbon cuts, experts warn
Résumé des programmes suite au Débat Climat avec 7 aux élections européennes et après consultation de leurs sites
Le débat a été modéré par Vinz Kanté, fondateur du média Limit Il s'est tenu à l'espace Talk C.E.C., chaussée de Wavre 143 à Ixelles où l'exposition Mers et Océans sera ouverte jusqu'au 7 juillet ( Quelles sont les solutions proposées par nos politiques pour faire face à l'urgence climatique ? Après le mot de bienvenue de Talk C.E.C. et l'introduction de Rise for Climate, nous avons invité les candidats à présenter leur bilan du Pacte vert européen au cours du mandat 2019-2024 et leur programme climat pour le prochain mandat 2024-2029. Ensuite les collectifs Rise for Climate, Youth for Climate, Grands Parents pour le climat, Extinction Rebellion, et Mouvement d'Action Paysanne ont posé leurs questions ainsi que le public présent dans la salle.
Human-caused climate crisis brought soaring temperatures across Asia, from Gaza to Delhi to Manila
Record-breaking temperatures were recorded across the globe in 2023. Without climate action, adverse climate-related health impacts are expected to worsen worldwide, affecting billions of people. Temperatures in Europe are warming at twice the rate of the global average, threatening the health of populations across the continent and leading to unnecessary loss of life. The Lancet Countdown in Europe was established in 2021, to assess the health profile of climate change aiming to stimulate European social and political will to implement rapid health-responsive climate mitigation and adaptation actions. In 2022, the collaboration published its indicator report, tracking progress on health and climate change via 33 indicators and across five domains.
Here, we show that the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) provides a stronger constraint on equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS), the global warming from increasing greenhouse gases, after accounting for temperature patterns. Feedbacks governing ECS depend on spatial patterns of surface temperature (“pattern effects”); hence, using the LGM to constrain future warming requires quantifying how temperature patterns produce different feedbacks during LGM cooling versus modern-day warming. Combining data assimilation reconstructions with atmospheric models, we show that the climate is more sensitive to LGM forcing because ice sheets amplify extratropical cooling where feedbacks are destabilizing. Accounting for LGM pattern effects yields a median modern-day ECS of 2.4°C, 66% range 1.7° to 3.5°C (1.4° to 5.0°C, 5 to 95%), from LGM evidence alone. Combining the LGM with other lines of evidence, the best estimate becomes 2.9°C, 66% range 2.4° to 3.5°C (2.1° to 4.1°C, 5 to 95%), substantially narrowing uncertainty compared t
Climate scientists have told the Guardian they expect catastrophic levels of global heating. Here’s what that would mean for the planet
Editorial: Top experts believe global temperatures will rise by at least 2.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2100. That frightening prediction must spur us to action
Exclusive: Survey of hundreds of experts reveals harrowing picture of future, but they warn climate fight must not be abandoned
Exclusive: Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds
Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’
Oil and gas equipment intended to cut methane emissions is preventing scientists from accurately detecting greenhouse gases and pollutants, a satellite image investigation has revealed. Energy companies operating in countries such as the US, UK, Germany and Norway appear to have installed technology that could stop researchers from identifying methane, carbon dioxide emissions and pollutants at industrial facilities involved in the disposal of unprofitable natural gas, known in the industry as flaring.

avril 2024

VN-klimaatbaas Simon Stiell hoopt dat de volgende klimaattoppen het met veel minder bezoekers kunnen stellen. De laatste top in Dubai was een recordeditie met bijna 84.000 deelnemers.
Inheemse gemeenschappen verzetten in hun directe omgeving belangrijk onbetaald werk in de strijd tegen de klimaatverandering en voor natuurbeheer. Werk dat in feite de hele wereld ten goede komt. Moet dit werk worden vergoed?
Global projections of macroeconomic climate-change damages typically consider impacts from average annual and national temperatures over long time horizons1–6. Here we use recent empirical findings from more than 1,600 regions worldwide over the past 40 years to project sub-national damages from temperature and precipitation, including daily variability and extremes7,8. Using an empirical approach that provides a robust lower bound on the persistence of impacts on economic growth, we find that the world economy is committed to an income reduction of 19% within the next 26 years independent of future emission choices (relative to a baseline without climate impacts, likely range of 11–29% accounting for physical climate and empirical uncertainty). These damages already outweigh the mitigation costs required to limit global warming to 2 °C by sixfold over this near-term time frame and thereafter diverge strongly dependent on emission choices. Committed damages arise predominantly through changes in average tempe
Cost of environmental damage will be six times higher than price of limiting global heating to 2C, study finds
Decarbonization efforts and sustainability transformations represent highly contested socio-political projects. Yet, they often encounter various forms of depoliticization. This article illuminates how a grand socio-ecological challenge like the energy transition gets depoliticized by an unusual suspect, namely Germany's Green Party. Based on a qualitative content analysis of Green Party programs, party conventions, and additional documents published between 1980 and 2021, this article traces how the Green Party has depoliticized the energy transition over time, emphasizing a shift from radical societal change to ecological modernization. The changing stance of the German Greens on the country's energy transition reflects more profound changes of a future society the party collectively envisions through their energy and climate change agenda. These changes result from a struggle between moderates advocating incremental political reforms and radicals aiming for more fundamental and systemic societal change.
Weak government climate policies violate fundamental human rights, the European court of human rights has ruled
If the anomaly does not stabilise by August, ‘the world will be in uncharted territory’, says climate expert

mars 2024

World’s fossil-fuel producers on track to nearly quadruple output from newly approved projects by decade’s end, report finds
Figure TS.15 | Contribution to (a) effective radiative forcing (ERF) and (b) global surface temperature change from component emissions for1750–2019based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) models and (c) net aerosol ERF for 1750–2014 from different lines of evidence.
Het klimaatagentschap van de VN wordt geconfronteerd met ‘ernstige financiële uitdagingen’. Regeringen stellen niet voldoende middelen ter beschikking, terwijl de takenlast van het agentschap voortdurend groeit.
Taking into account all known factors, the planet warmed 0.2 °C more last year than climate scientists expected. More and better data are urgently needed. Taking into account all known factors, the planet warmed 0.2 °C more last year than climate scientists expected. More and better data are urgently needed.
Dr Sarah Benn has long been concerned about the climate crisis, diligently recycling until she was “blue in the face”. But the rise of the climate activist group Extinction Rebellion in 2019 inspired her and her husband to go further. “We thought: well, if we don’t do it then who else is going to?”
Et si lutter efficacement contre le réchauffement climatique devrait passer par l'utilisation d'une IA experte dans le domaine ?
Deze week trekken de kiezers van de op drie na grootste uitstoter ter wereld opnieuw naar de stembus. Poetin kan rekenen op nog eens zes jaar aan de macht, en dat heeft ook gevolgen voor de wereldwijde strijd tegen de klimaatverandering.
Elizabeth Kolbert on a record-breaking rise in global sea-surface temperatures, which suggests that scientists may not understand how fast the climate is changing.
Evidence shows a continuing increase in the frequency and severity of global heatwaves1,2, raising concerns about the future impacts of climate change and the associated socioeconomic costs3,4. Here we develop a disaster footprint analytical framework by integrating climate, epidemiological and hybrid input–output and computable general equilibrium global trade models to estimate the midcentury socioeconomic impacts of heat stress. We consider health costs related to heat exposure, the value of heat-induced labour productivity loss and indirect losses due to economic disruptions cascading through supply chains. Here we show that the global annual incremental gross domestic product loss increases exponentially from 0.03 ± 0.01 (SSP 245)–0.05 ± 0.03 (SSP 585) percentage points during 2030–2040 to 0.05 ± 0.01–0.15 ± 0.04 percentage points during 2050–2060. By 2060, the expected global economic losses reach a total of 0.6–4.6% with losses attributed to health loss (37–45%), labour productivity loss (18–37%) and i
Activist accuses Sweden of being ‘very good at greenwashing’ as group sits outside building’s main entrance. Greta Thunberg has accused Sweden of being “very good at greenwashing” as she staged a protest along with about 50 other activists outside her home country’s parliament.
Dangers of wildfires, extreme weather and other factors outgrowing preparedness, European Environment Agency says
A new study led by researchers at the University of Oxford has used the fossil record to better understand what factors make animals more vulnerable to extinction from climate change. The results, published today in the journal Science, could help to identify species most at risk today from human-driven climate change.
Near-real time updates of key global climate variables from the the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S)

février 2024

We owe all children a planet Earth as wonderful as the one we have enjoyed!
European nations must end the repression and criminalisation of peaceful protest and urgently take action to cut emissions in line with the Paris climate agreement to limit global heating to 1.5C, the UN special rapporteur on environmental defenders has said.
Ce rapport analyse les obstacles et leviers à la lumière de projets inspirants en matière d'adaptation des villes à l'élévation du niveau de la mer dans le Pacifique.
Rapid ocean warming and unusually hot winter days recorded as human-made global heating combines with El Niño
De nieuwe ultrarechtse president van Argentinië Javier Milei wil de kettingzaag zetten in de milieu- en klimaatregels van het land. Voorlopig komt hij van een kale reis thuis.
Overexploitation and habitat loss pose extinction threats for migratory fish, birds and others, worldwide
RealClimate: A new paper was published in Science Advances today. Its title says what it is about: "Physics-based early warning signal shows that AMOC is on tipping course." The study follows one by Danish colleagues which made headlines last July, likewise looking for early warning signals for approaching an AMOC tipping point (we discussed it here),
Scientists now have a better understanding of the risks ahead and a new early warning signal to watch for.
Collapse in system of currents that helps regulate global climate would be at such speed that adaptation would be impossible
Mitigating climate change necessitates global cooperation, yet global data on individuals’ willingness to act remain scarce. In this study, we conducted a representative survey across 125 countries, interviewing nearly 130,000 individuals. Our findings reveal widespread support for climate action. Notably, 69% of the global population expresses a willingness to contribute 1% of their personal income, 86% endorse pro-climate social norms and 89% demand intensified political action. Countries facing heightened vulnerability to climate change show a particularly high willingness to contribute. Despite these encouraging statistics, we document that the world is in a state of pluralistic ignorance, wherein individuals around the globe systematically underestimate the willingness of their fellow citizens to act. This perception gap, combined with individuals showing conditionally cooperative behaviour, poses challenges to further climate action. Therefore, raising awareness about the broad global support for climat
Un tour du monde sans escale en huit jours dans un avion avec l'hydrogène vert pour carburant: après Solar Impulse, Bertrand Piccard lance Climate Impulse, un nouveau projet pour promouvoir les technologies zéro émission et "montrer qu'il y a des solutions".Conçu en partenariat avec le chimiste belge Syensqo, qui s'est scindé en décembre de Solvay, l'avion aura un double fuselage avec le cockpit installé au milieu et 37 mètres d'envergure, moitié moins que Solar Impulse.
On connaissait l’avion propulsé à l’énergie solaire : Solar Impulse. Voici à présent le projet Climate Impulse, qui pour objectif de développer un avion qui volera à l’hydrogène. L’explorateur suisse Bertrand Piccard et Ilham Kadri, ex-PDG du groupe belge Solvay et à présent directrice générale de Syensqo (société issue de la scission du groupe chimique Solvay) étaient les invités de la Première ce matin pour nous parler de ce nouveau projet qui mêle technologie et climat.
John Podesta stapt in de schoenen van VS-klimaatgezant John Kerry, die vorige maand zijn afscheid aankondigde. Wie is de man die de rol van Amerikaans klimaatambassadeur op zich neemt?
Anthropogenic emissions drive global-scale warming yet the temperature increase relative to pre-industrial levels is uncertain. Using 300 years of ocean mixed-layer temperature records preserved in sclerosponge carbonate skeletons, we demonstrate that industrial-era warming began in the mid-1860s, more than 80 years earlier than instrumental sea surface temperature records. The Sr/Ca palaeothermometer was calibrated against ‘modern’ (post-1963) highly correlated (R2 = 0.91) instrumental records of global sea surface temperatures, with the pre-industrial defined by nearly constant (<±0.1 °C) temperatures from 1700 to the early 1860s. Increasing ocean and land-air temperatures overlap until the late twentieth century, when the land began warming at nearly twice the rate of the surface oceans. Hotter land temperatures, together with the earlier onset of industrial-era warming, indicate that global warming was already 1.7 ± 0.1 °C above pre-industrial levels by 2020. Our result is 0.5 °C higher than IPCC estim

janvier 2024

EUCityCalc has officially launched its free, open source online platform that allows local councils and other stakeholders to visualise and simulate low-carbon scenarios for their towns and cities, as well as to assess the trade-offs related to available choices.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate put out a new report a few days ago, in which they warn that climate misinformation continuous to flourish on YouTube. They want YouTube to take more action. I had a look and I don't like what I read.
Small modular reactors (SMRs) have been the subject of endless hype in recent years but in fact, no SMRs have ever been built, none are being built now and in all likelihood none will ever be built because of the prohibitive costs. SMRs are defined as reactors with a capacity of 300 megawatts (MW) or less with serial factory production of reactor components (or ‘modules’). No SMRs have been built, but dozens of small (<300 MW) power reactors have been built in numerous countries, without factory production of reactor components.
This report written by the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, provides an in-depth economic analysis of how climate change will reshape health landscapes over the next two decades. It highlights increased risks from new pathogens, pollution and extreme weather events and shows how these will exacerbate current health inequities, disproportionately impacting the most vulnerable populations.
To truly evaluate your impact on the environment, you have to go way beyond recycle bins and energy bills...
A case in point: When Ecuador placed a windfall tax on foreign oil operations, French and U.S. companies filed claims—and were awarded more than $800 million.
New paper claims unless demand for resources is reduced, many other innovations are just a sticking plaster Record heat, record emissions, record fossil fuel consumption. One month out from Cop28, the world is further than ever from reaching its collective climate goals. At the root of all these problems, according to recent research, is the human “behavioural crisis”, a term coined by an interdisciplinary team of scientists.
Il y a de quoi devenir fou, ballotté entre les injonctions consuméristes de l’économie de marché et les consignes de frugalité qu’impose la crise climatique. Prenez, cette semaine, la grand-messe du CES, le Consumer Electronics Show de Las Vegas, immense débauche technologique à destination du grand public et rendez-vous incontournable des prosélytes de l’innovation.
Exclusive: First months of conflict produced more planet-warming gases than 20 climate-vulnerable nations do in a year, study shows
James Hansen says limit will be passed ‘for all practical purposes’ by May though other experts predict that will happen in 2030s
The European Commission has received an open letter signed by 110 academics, businesses, civil society organisations and research institutions urging the EU to separate emissions reductions, land-based sequestration and permanent carbon removals in the EU’s post-2030 climate framework. This separation should be at the heart of both the setting and the implementation of the 2040 target and associated plans.
A focus on economic stability in the near-term makes the climate crisis worse in the long-term.
Last year I was fortunate enough to be joined by four remarkable women in the British environmental movement. We were speaking at a Deep Adaptation conference in Glastonbury. The way the discussion…

décembre 2023

Biotech firms are using climate goals opportunistically in an attempt to force through the deregulation of genetically modified crops.
New path to transition away from fossil fuels marred by lack of finance and loopholes COP28 in Dubai sends an important signal on the end of fossil fuels but leaves more questions than answers on how to ensure a fair and funded transition that is based on science and equity
Découvrez le Sommet Climate Chance Europe 2024 à Liège, un événement clé sur la résilience climatique et les solutions basées sur la nature.
Nu de VN-klimaattop in Dubai zijn tweede week is ingegaan, neemt de druk toe om in het akkoord te praten over een geleidelijke afbouw van fossiele brandstoffen. Maar ook de tegenstand tegen dat idee groeit, met oliestaat Saudi-Arabië op kop.
Humanity faces ‘devastating domino effects’ including mass displacement and financial ruin as planet warms
Referring to the Paris Agreement’s target of keeping Earth from warming no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius since the Industrial Revolution, the number has become a rallying cry for climate advocates and scientists, who say the goal is humanity’s best bet on avoiding the most catastrophic outcomes of climate change by the end of the century. Venturing even 0.5 degrees past that threshold could drastically increase the frequency and severity of extreme weather, biodiversity loss, famine and water scarcity, as well as make it more likely that tipping points accelerate warming further, climate scientists say.
The effect of increasing the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on global average surface air temperature might be expected to be constant, but this is not the case. A study published in the journal Science shows that carbon dioxide becomes a more potent greenhouse gas as more is released into the atmosphere.
Without a phase out of fossil fuels, by 2100, 1 in 12 hospitals worldwide will be at high risk of total or partial shutdown from extreme weather events — a total of 16,245 hospitals. Without a phase out of fossil fuels, all of these 16,245 hospitals will require adaptation, where suitable. Even with this enormous investment, for many, relocation will be the only option.
Zondag 3 december gaat in Brussel-Noord om 13 uur de Klimaatmars door, terwijl in Dubai de COP28 van start gaat. Marc Alexander van de Climate Express stlt 12 minimale eisen die volledig moeten vervuld worden alvorens van een echt klimaatbeleid gesproken kan worden.

novembre 2023

Dit is wat er op het spel staat op de VN-klimaattop in Dubai: een internationaal akkoord over de uitfasering van fossiele brandstoffen. Zal dat lukken, met een oliestaat die de klimaattop organiseert?
UN Climate Change News, 14 November 2023 – A new report from UN Climate Change finds national climate action plans remain insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Even with increased efforts by some countries, the report shows much more action is needed now to bend the world’s emissions trajectory further downward and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
World Meteorological Organization says 2023 will be hottest year on record, leaving ‘trail of devastation and despair’
Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.
Daily atmospheric carbon dioxide data from Hawaiian volcano more than double last decade’s annual average
Ziet u ook de bomen door het bos niet meer in de wirwar van klimaatrapporten, energiecijfers en CO2-concentraties? In aanloop naar de klimaattop in Dubai lijsten we de belangrijkste cijfers en trends voor u op.
A new paper published in the journal Science has warned that melting areas in the Arctic have become 'frontlines for resource extraction', describing it as a 'modern day gold rush'.
The State of the Cryosphere 2023 – Two Degrees is Too High report shows that all of the Earth’s frozen parts will experience irreversible damage at 2°C of global warming, with disastrous consequences for millions of people, societies, and nature. Confirming that just 2°C of global warming will trigger irreversible loss to Earth’s ice sheets, mountain glaciers and snow, sea ice, permafrost, and polar oceans, it updates the latest science and highlights the global impacts from cryosphere loss.
World Meteorological Organization sees ‘no end in sight to the rising trend’, largely driven by fossil fuel burning
La démission climatique, ou "climate quitting" consiste à démissionner pour dénoncer le manque d'efforts de son entreprise en matière de transition écologique. Un phénomène de plus en plus commun.
Finance needs of developing countries now 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows Growing gap results from rising adaptation needs and faltering adaptation finance Failure to enhance adaptation has huge implications for losses and damages

octobre 2023

Joint action is essential for planetary and human health Over 200 health journals call on the United Nations, political leaders, and health professionals to recognise that climate change and biodiversity loss are one indivisible crisis and must be tackled together to preserve health and avoid catastrophe. This overall environmental crisis is now so severe as to be a global health emergency. The world is currently responding to the climate crisis and the nature crisis as if they were separate challenges. This is a dangerous mistake. The 28th UN Conference of the Parties (COP) on climate change is about to be held in Dubai while the 16th COP on biodiversity is due to be held in Turkey in 2024. The research communities that provide the evidence for the two COPs are unfortunately largely separate, but they were brought together for a workshop in 2020 when they concluded: “Only by considering climate and biodiversity as parts of the same complex problem … can solutions be developed that avoid maladaptation and max
Annual Conference 2023 "THE FAILURE OF GREEN CAPITALISM: FINDINGS, OBJECTIONS, ALTERNATIVES"15 September 2023Chair: Sighard Neckel (Spokesperson DFG Humaniti...
De Europese Unie zal haar eigen energie- en klimaatdoelen niet halen op basis van de plannen die tot nog toe zijn ingediend. Dat blijkt uit een vernietigende doorlichting van Climate Action Network Europe, een koepel van milieuorganisaties.
Scientists warn of unlivable heat and food shortages after analyzing 35 planetary vital signs.
Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory. For several decades, scientists have consistently warned of a future marked by extreme climatic conditions because of escalating global temperatures caused by ongoing human activities that release harmful greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, time is up. We are seeing the manifestation of those predictions as an alarming and unprecedented succession of climate records are broken, causing profoundly distressing scenes of suffering to unfold. We are entering an unfamiliar domain regarding our climate crisis, a situation no one has ever witnessed firsthand in the history of humanity.
the starkest warning yet that human activity is pushing Earth into a climate crisis that could threaten the lives of up to 6 billion people this century, stating candidly: “We are afraid of the uncharted territory that we have now entered.” Writing in the journal Biosciences, the coalition of 12 researchers, spanning North America, Europe and Asia, state in unusually stark language: “As scientists, we are increasingly being asked to tell the public the truth about the crises we face in simple and direct terms. The truth is that we are shocked by the ferocity of the extreme weather events in 2023.”
Ocean-driven melting of floating ice-shelves in the Amundsen Sea is currently the main process controlling Antarctica’s contribution to sea-level rise. Using a regional ocean model, we present a comprehensive suite of future projections of ice-shelf melting in the Amundsen Sea. We find that rapid ocean warming, at approximately triple the historical rate, is likely committed over the twenty-first century, with widespread increases in ice-shelf melting, including in regions crucial for ice-sheet stability. When internal climate variability is considered, there is no significant difference between mid-range emissions scenarios and the most ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement. These results suggest that mitigation of greenhouse gases now has limited power to prevent ocean warming that could lead to the collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The authors use a regional ocean model to project ocean-driven ice-shelf melt in the Amundsen Sea. Already committed rapid ocean warming drives increased melt, regard
Exclusive: UK climate campaign group Possible calls for ‘polluter pays’ tax based on vehicle size
Dans ce document explicatif court et facile à lire, nous analysons les effets du changement climatique sur la paix et la sécurité.
By putting in place climate change adaptation measures, NATO has an opportunity to both strengthen operational resilience and adapt to the impacts of climate change.
UK has led the way, with countries across the continent making mass arrests, passing draconian new laws and labelling activists as eco-terrorists
Catastrophic climate change and the collapse of human societies By Josep Peñuelas, Sandra Nogué National Science Review, Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2023 The scientific community has focused the agend…

septembre 2023

The renowned US scientist’s new book examines 4bn years of climate history to conclude we are in a ‘fragile moment’ but there is still time to act
Dr. Michael E. Mann is Presidential Distinguished Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania, with a secondary appointment in the Annenberg School for Communication. He is director of the Penn Center for Science, Sustainability, and the Media (PCSSM). Dr. Mann received his undergraduate degrees in Physics and Applied Math from the University of California at Berkeley, an M.S. degree in Physics from Yale University, and a Ph.D. in Geology & Geophysics from Yale University. His research interests include the study of Earth's climate system and the science, impacts and policy implications of human-caused climate change.
An independent think tank producing data-driven analysis on how business and finance are impacting the climate crisis
De Europese Unie gebruikt heffingen op CO2-uitstoot om een gaspijplijn in Roemenië te financieren. Brussel beweert dat het project de uitstoot zal verminderen in vergelijking met steenkool, maar critici veroordelen de beslissing.
Le fonctionnement de l’économie mondiale repose encore massivement sur les combustibles fossiles, qui nous tuent littéralement. Il est non seulement impératif de refuser tout nouvel investissement dans l’infrastructure fossile, mais il faut également fermer et déconstruire l’infrastructure fossile existante.
California has sued five of the largest oil and gas companies in the world, alleging that they engaged in a 'decades-long campaign of deception' about climate change and the risks posed by fossil fuels.
Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say
First complete ‘scientific health check’ shows most global systems beyond stable range in which modern civilisation emerged
To prevent catastrophe, these countries must stop new extraction projects n: Just 20 countries, led overwhelmingly by the United States, Canada and Russia, are responsible for nearly 90 percent of new greenhouse gas emissions threatened by new oil and gas fields and fracking wells planned between now and 2050. If these extraction projects are allowed to proceed, they will lock in climate chaos and an unlivable future.
Daily Sea Surface Temperature
Study highlights conflict between Washington’s claims of climate leadership and its fossil fuel growth plans
Ce 27 février, 40 militant·es d'Attac, Extinction Rebellion et Youth for Climate bloquent l'entrée et visitent l'intérieur du ministère de l'Économie et des Finances pour exiger l'annulation des dettes des…
Access to robust and current information is essential for ensuring evidence-based policy and practice and identifying research gaps. For these purposes, more than 90 authors from about 30 national public authorities and institutions contributed to a comprehensive synthesis of the current evidence in Germany, published as 14 articles in the Journal of Health Monitoring.
Het burgercollectief Rise for Climate Belgium doet een oproep om op 17 september; Autoloze zondag, te betogen in Brussel voor het "geleidelijk maar snel" afstappen van fossiele brandstoffen. Dat zegt Kim Lê Quang, voorzitter van het burgercollectief.
Whilst fossil fuel companies' history of climate denial is common knowledge, there are still a worrying number of revolving door cases between fossil fuel companies and our EU politicians, Martha Myers writes.
Lancet study finds 'green growth' policies fall far short of what's needed to prevent dangerous change…
Plusieurs événements vont ponctuer cette rentrée 2023 : la Semaine africaine pour le climat, le Sommet de l'ambition climatique, la réunion du G20, le Sommet international sur le climat et l'énergie. Ils auront tous un seul et même objectif : mettre au diapason les positions de chacun afin de faire de la COP28 de Dubaï, en fin d'année, un succès.
Rise for Climate Belgium appelle à manifester pour une sortie "progressive mais rapide" des énergies fossiles le dimanche 17 septembre à 14h00 à Bruxelles, a indiqué lundi Kim Lê Quang, cofondateur du collectif citoyen.

août 2023

A coalition of British Columbians are organizing their municipalities to take oil and gas companies to court over the costs of the climate crisis
Le 4 septembre n’est pas uniquement la date de la rentrée scolaire en France. Ce lundi marquera aussi l’ouverture de l’Africa Climate Summit, la toute première conférence consacrée aux questions climatiques en Afrique, qui se tiendra pendant trois jours à Nairobi, au Kenya. Plus d’une vingtaine de chefs d’État ou de gouvernement africains ainsi que 20 000 membres de délégations du monde entier – y compris le secrétaire général des Nations unies, António Guterres – ont confirmé leur venue.
Watchdogs warn of rights violations as governments crack down on disruptive protests.
f global warming reaches or exceeds two degrees Celsius by 2100, University of Western Ontario's Joshua Pearce says it is likely that mainly richer humans will be responsible for the death of roughly one billion mainly poorer humans over the next century. The oil and gas industry, which includes many of the most profitable and powerful businesses in the world, is directly and indirectly responsible for more than 40% of carbon emissions—impacting the lives of billions of people, many living in the world's most remote and low-resourced communities. A new study proposes aggressive energy policies that would enable immediate and substantive decreases to carbon emissions and recommends a heightened level of government, corporate and citizen action to accelerate the decarbonization of the global economy, aiming to minimize the number of projected human deaths.
Extreme weather is ‘smacking us in the face’ with worse to come, but a ‘tiny window’ of hope remains, say leading climate scientists
More than 1 billion cows around the world will experience heat stress by the end of the century if carbon emissions are high and environmental protection is low, according to new research published in Environmental Research Letters. This would mean cattle farming would face potentially lethal heat stress in much of the world, including Central America, tropical South America, Equatorial Africa, and South and Southeast Asia.
As we mark 100 days until the COP28 UN climate summit, the urgency of addressing the climate crisis has never been more palpable. Global failures to mitigate emissions and adapt to the impacts continue to wreak havoc on the planet, and we’re seeing this in a range of ways. Unprecedented extreme weather events have occurred with frightening regularity in 2023. In March, over 500 people lost their lives when Cyclone Freddy struck Malawi. Last month, flooding in the Philippines caused by Typhoons Doksuri and Khanun displaced more than 300,000 people, and the recent wildfires that ravaged Hawaii – in part exacerbated by climate change – continue to make for distressing headlines. This list is likely to become even longer by the end of the year, when COP28 gets underway in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Heatwaves, wildfires and floods are just the ‘tip of the iceberg’, leading climate scientists say
The Youth Climate Justice Fund supports with core flexible funding to emerging youth climate justice collectives. Groups can apply for a grant of up to USD 10,000, which can be used for a period of 12 months.
Cooperation is not only in the best interests of all countries, but is absolutely necessary for the survival of the planet
Link to climate activism is seven times stronger for anger than it is for hope, say Norwegian researchers
De recente verwoestende overstromingen in Peking hebben het Chinese “Sponge Cities Project” danig op de proef gesteld. Hoewel de hoofdstad onder het project extreme regenval zou moeten aankunnen, lieten tientallen mensen het leven en moest een gloednieuwe “sponsluchthaven” sluiten.
During the past decades, the idea of acting to counteract the damage done to the ecosystem by humankind's activities has moved along at least two planning stages.
Capitalism's endless growth paradigm can't be squared with sustainability. But no one – from politicians to the protest movement – is willing to admit the truth
In januari wordt Celeste Saulo de eerste vrouw aan het hoofd van de Wereld Meteorologische Organisatie van de VN. Ze verdedigt met vuur het globale belang van meteorologische diensten en ziet een geëngageerde samenleving als de basis van verandering. ‘We hebben een ontwrichtende samenleving nodig.’
Articifiële intelligentie is anno 2023 hip en biedt tal van mogelijkheden. Maar de technologie komt ook met grote risico’s, waarschuwen activisten en AI-onderzoekers. ‘Bedrijven moeten verantwoordelijk kunnen worden gesteld als AI-modellen schade berokkenen.’
Human-caused climate disruption and El Niño push temperature in mountains to 37C
The celebrated science broadcaster and environmental activist says we have to stop elevating the economy and politics over the state of our world
Antarctica’s sea ice levels are plummeting as extreme weather events happen faster than scientists predicted
Bernie Sanders represents Vermont in the U.S. Senate.
More than a century of research shows that burning fossil fuels warms the climate – that’s exactly why granting new North Sea oil and gas licenses is a bad idea.
Exclusive: Long list of ‘sensitive’ topics for petrostate include oil and gas production, emissions and Yemen war crimes

juillet 2023

Op woensdag 26 juni werd Jim Skea verkozen tot nieuwe voorzitter van het IPCC, een organisatie van de Verenigde Naties die de risico’s van de klimaatcrisis evalueert. Wat is zijn visie? ‘Elke fractie van een graad maakt een verschil. Dat moeten we onthouden.’
The method used to conduct an attribution study consists of eight steps, described here. The first step is the selection of an extreme event to study. After selecting an extreme weather event to study, the first step is to define the event, which provides a framework for the study. Researchers determine the geographical boundaries of the most impacted area, the best index to quantify the meteorological extreme (eg. maximum temperature, average rainfall, etc), and the duration of the event.
Following a record hot June, large areas of the US and Mexico, Southern Europe and China experienced extreme heat in July 2023, breaking many local high temperature records.
Climate Reanalyzer
A collapse would bring catastrophic climate impacts but scientists disagree over the new analysis
RealClimate: For various reasons I'm motivated to provide an update on my current thinking regarding the slowdown and tipping point of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). I attended a two-day AMOC session at the IUGG Conference the week before last, there's been interesting new papers, and in the light of that I have been changing
As the northern hemisphere burns, experts feel deep sadness – and resentment – while dreading what lies ahead this Australian summer
There has been a strong push to promote increased investments in new nuclear power as a strategy to decarbonize economies, especially in the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). The evidence base for these initiatives is poor. Investments in new nuclear power plants are bad for the climate due to high costs and long construction times. Given the urgency of climate change mitigation, which requires reducing emissions from the EU electricity grid to almost zero in the 2030s (Pietzcker et al.1), preference should be given to the cheapest technology that can be deployed fastest. On both costs and speed, renewable energy sources beat nuclear. Every euro invested in new nuclear plants thus delays decarbonization compared to investments in renewable power. In a decarbonizing world, delays increase CO2 emissions. Our thoughts focus on new nuclear power plants (not phasing out existing plants) in the US and Europe. In Europe, new nuclear power plants are planned or seriously discussed in France, Czechia, Hu
James Hansen, who testified to Congress on global heating in 1988, says world is approaching a ‘new climate frontier’
According to the latest update to the NBB’s Climate Dashboard, it appears unlikely that the world will be able to limit global warming to 1.5 °C.
Energy firms have made record profits by increasing production of oil and gas, far from their promises of rolling back emissions
Is It Hot Enough Yet for Politicians to Take Real Action? The latest record temperatures are driving, again precisely as scientists have predicted, a cascading series of disasters around the world.…
Plutonium spike in Canadian lake sediments marks dawn of new epoch in which humanity dominates planet
De Mozambikaanse aluminiumindustrie, de grootste industrie van het land, beweert dat haar aluminium klimaatvriendelijk is dankzij schone energie. Zo zou Mozambique onder de dreigende Europese CO2-grensbelasting uit kunnen komen. Maar onderzoekers betwijfelen de beweringen.
In a speech about climate change from April 4th of this year, UN General Secretary António Guterres lambasted “the empty pledges that put us on track to an unlivable world” and warned that “we are on a fast track to climate disaster” (1). Although stark, Guterres’ statements were not novel. Guterres has made similar remarks on previous occasions, as have other public figures, including Sir David Attenborough, who warned in 2018 that inaction on climate change could lead to “the collapse of our civilizations” (2). In their article, “World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2021”—which now has more than 14,700 signatories from 158 countries—William J. Ripple and colleagues state that climate change could “cause significant disruptions to ecosystems, society, and economies, potentially making large areas of Earth uninhabitable”
Europe at the forefront of the climate challenge The European Union is a global leader in the transition to a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy. Playing a crucial role in international political efforts to tackle the climate challenge, Europe is one of the main players moving with urgency toward the Paris Agreement objectives. Now, with a European Green Deal and a commitment to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030, Europe has a clear, tangible roadmap to deliver such ambition. A wave of mass mobilisation, from climate marches to school strikes, is pressuring politicians to go further and faster. As a free-market democracy and the world’s largest single market, Europe is a key laboratory for innovative business and progressive social reform. It promises to bring groundbreaking change to globalised industries, from shipping to finance to aviation. Europe also has the power to demonstrate to the world that tackling climate change can go hand in hand with economic growth, social justice and a better qualit
This week, the world broke the daily temperature record. This is yet another demonstration that climate change is out of control and one reason more for increased #ClimateAction ambition and justice. Emissions continue to grow while leaders persist in delaying the key measures needed to change this. This is the moment when we all need to assume our responsibilities. #climatechange
A team of Penn State researchers investigated how seeing frightening news about climate change day after day may shape the way people feel about the phenomenon and how willing they are to take action to address it. They published their findings in the journal Climatic Change. 
Simultaneous harvest failures across major crop-producing regions are a threat to global food security. Concurrent weather extremes driven by a strongly meandering jet stream could trigger such events, but so far this has not been quantified. Specifically, the ability of state-of-the art crop and climate models to adequately reproduce such high impact events is a crucial component for estimating risks to global food security. Here we find an increased likelihood of concurrent low yields during summers featuring meandering jets in observations and models. While climate models accurately simulate atmospheric patterns, associated surface weather anomalies and negative effects on crop responses are mostly underestimated in bias-adjusted simulations. Given the identified model biases, future assessments of regional and concurrent crop losses from meandering jet states remain highly uncertain. Our results suggest that model-blind spots for such high-impact but deeply-uncertain hazards have to be anticipated and acc
This Research Plan was prepared in response to a requirement in the joint explanatory statement accompanying Division B of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022, directing the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), with support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), to provide a research plan for “solar and other rapid climate interventions.”

juin 2023

The populist right has made hay with social tensions climate change is likely to exacerbate.
Rishi Sunak has confirmed that a fossil fuel-funded think tank helped to draft his government’s laws targeting climate protests.
Top oil and gas companies have made little progress in turning away from hydrocarbons and towards the goals of the 2015 Paris climate deal, multinational nonprofit platform CDP said on Thursday.
Hopes of the UK government meeting its domestic and international climate targets have “worsened” over the past year, according to the CCC.
Summary for Policymakers. A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Sweden formally renounces EU net zero roadmap championed by the likes of Germany.
Countries in debt distress thrown financial lifeline but critics say measures fall short of what is needed
Amazon rainforest and other ecosystems could collapse ‘very soon’, researchers warn
Research allays fears that rapid scaling back of production would hit people’s savings and pensions hard
It’s not that our models can’t simulate small-scale weather – they’re basically the same models we use for weather forecasting – it’s just very computationally expensive to have them zoom in and run in “weather mode” to get a highly detailed simulation.
Taxing world’s wealthiest people could help poorer countries shift economies to low-carbon and recover from climate damage
World Bank says subsidies costing as much as $23m a minute must be repurposed to fight climate crisis...
As climate policy is weakened, extreme weather intensifies and more refugees are driven from their homes – and the cycle of hatred continues, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
Pour les témoins de crimes climatiques, devenir lanceurs d’alerte n’est pas sans risque. Une nouvelle ONG, Climate Whistleblowers, veut les aider à sortir du silence.
Climate change refers to long-term variation in Earth's climate effected by heating imbalances from natural (e.g., solar, volcanic, and internal dynamics) and human sources (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions and land use). Following the onset of the Industrial Revolution, and particularly since the 1960s, global climate has warmed primarily as a consequence of rising greenhouse-gas concentrations in the atmosphere related to industrial activity. This page provides a selection of template maps and timeseries depicting changes in temperature, precipitation, and other aspects of climate over the past century, and how they are projected to change in the future.
Er is nog steeds geen duidelijkheid over wie nu de VN-klimaattop in 2024 kan organiseren. Het is de beurt aan een Oost-Europees land, maar de conflicten tussen Rusland en Oekraïne en Armenië en Azerbeidzjan maken eensgezindheid onmogelijk.
Een internationaal team van wetenschappers werkt aan een systeem dat de achtjaarlijkse rapporten van het VN-klimaatpanel aanvult met een actuele stand van zaken per jaar. Klimaatexpert Piers Forster van de Universiteit van Leeds legt uit waarom dat zo belangrijk is, en wat de laatste bevindingen zijn.
Almost every country in the world has signed up to the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping warming well-below 2C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5C.
Without more legally binding and well-planned net-zero policies, the world is highly likely to miss key climate targets.
Abstract. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessments are the trusted source of scientific evidence for climate negotiations taking place under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including the first global stocktake under the Paris Agreement that will conclude at COP28 in December 2023. Evidence-based decision-making needs to be informed by up-to-date and timely information on key indicators of the state of the climate system and of the human influence on the global climate system. However, successive IPCC reports are published at intervals of 5–10 years, creating potential for an information gap between report cycles. We follow methods as close as possible to those used in the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group One (WGI) report. We compile monitoring datasets to produce estimates for key climate indicators related to forcing of the climate system: emissions of greenhouse gases and short-lived climate forcers, greenhouse gas concentrations, radia
Unearthly skies and unhealthy air resulting from Canadian wildfires may persist for days.
State Farm will almost entirely stop issuing new policies in California – with climate-exacerbated wildfires and bad public policy a large reason why
Ice-free summers inevitable even with sharp emissions cuts and likely to result in more extreme heatwaves and floods
L’ONG Climate Whistleblowers («lanceurs d’alerte sur le climat» en français) a été lancée ce lundi à l’occasion de la journée internationale de l’environnement.
I'm an independent healthcare analyst with more than 24 years of experience analyzing healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Specifically, I analyze the value (costs and benefits) of biologics and pharmaceuticals, patient access to prescription drugs, the regulatory framework for drug development and reimbursement, and ethics with respect to the distribution of healthcare resources. I have approximately 110 publications in peer-reviewed journals, in addition to hundreds of articles in newspapers and periodicals. I have also presented my work at numerous trade, industry, and academic conferences. From 1999 to 2017 I was a research associate professor at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development. Prior to my Tufts appointment, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, and I completed my PhD in economics at the University of Amsterdam. Before pursuing my PhD I was a management consultant at Accenture in The Hague, Netherlands. Currently, and for the past 6 years, I work on a freelance ba
Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change implies that fastfeedback equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is 1.2 ± 0.3°C (2σ) per W/m2 . Consistent analysis of temperature over the full Cenozoic era – including “slow” feedbacks by ice sheets and trace gases – supports this ECS and implies that CO2 was about 300 ppm in the Pliocene and 400 ppm at transition to a nearly ice-free planet, thus exposing unrealistic lethargy of ice sheet models. Equilibrium global warming including slow feedbacks for today’s human-made greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing (4.1 W/m2) is 10°C, reduced to 8°C by today’s aerosols. Decline of aerosol emissions since 2010 should increase the 1970-2010 global warming rate of 0.18°C per decade to a post-2010 rate of at least 0.27°C per decade. Under the current geopolitical approach to GHG emissions, global warming will likely pierce the 1.5°C ceiling in the 2020s and 2°C before 2050. Impacts on people and nature will accelerate as global warming pumps up hydr

mai 2023

Terrestrial ecosystems have taken up about 32% of the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions in the past six decades1. Large uncertainties in terrestrial carbon–climate feedbacks, however, make it difficult to predict how the land carbon sink will respond to future climate change2. Interannual variations in the atmospheric CO2 growth rate (CGR) are dominated by land–atmosphere carbon fluxes in the tropics, providing an opportunity to explore land carbon–climate interactions3–6. It is thought that variations in CGR are largely controlled by temperature7–10 but there is also evidence for a tight coupling between water availability and CGR11. Here, we use a record of global atmospheric CO2, terrestrial water storage and precipitation data to investigate changes in the interannual relationship between tropical land climate conditions and CGR under a changing climate. We find that the interannual relationship between tropical water availability and CGR became increasingly negative during 1989–2018 compared to 1960–1989
Vanuatu is asking two questions to the ICJ: what are the legal obligations of states in regard to climate justice, and what are the legal consequences for states that do not meet these obligations.
A United Nations-convened climate alliance for insurers suffered at least three more departures on Thursday including the group's chair, as insurance companies take fright in the face of opposition from U.S. Republican politicians.
Flash drought, characterized by unusually rapid drying, can have substantial impact on many socioeconomic sectors, particularly agriculture. However, potential changes to flash drought risk in a warming climate remain unknown. In this study, projected changes in flash drought frequency and cropland risk from flash drought are quantified using global climate model simulations. We find that flash drought occurrence is expected to increase globally among all scenarios, with the sharpest increases seen in scenarios with higher radiative forcing and greater fossil fuel usage. Flash drought risk over cropland is expected to increase globally, with the largest increases projected across North America (change in annual risk from 32% in 2015 to 49% in 2100) and Europe (32% to 53%) in the most extreme emissions scenario. Following low-end and medium scenarios compared to high-end scenarios indicates a notable reduction in annual flash drought risk over cropland. Flash droughts are projected to become more frequent unde
WMO's annual State of the Climate in Europe report explores changes in climate indicators, extreme events and climate policy.
Current climate policies will leave more than a fifth of humanity exposed to dangerously hot temperatures by 2100, new research suggests. The paper, published in the journal Nature Sustainability, is entitled "Quantifying the Human Cost of Global Warming."
World is on track for 2.7C and ‘phenomenal’ human suffering, scientists warn. Up to 1 billion people could choose to migrate to cooler places, the scientists said, although those areas remaining within the climate niche would still experience more frequent heatwaves and droughts. However, urgent action to lower carbon emissions and keep global temperature rise to 1.5C would cut the number of people pushed outside the climate niche by 80%, to 400 million.
We owe all children a planet Earth as wonderful as the one we have enjoyed!
Record sea surface temperatures suggest the Earth is headed for ‘uncharted territory’ in terms of sea level rise, coastal flooding and extreme weather
Abusive, often violent tweets denying the climate emergency have become a barrage since Elon Musk acquired the platform, say UK experts
De Duitse bondskanselier Olaf Scholz kondigt een bijdrage van 2 miljard euro aan het VN-Klimaatfonds aan. Daarmee verhoogt de druk op andere donoren om over de brug te komen.
Higher rates slow the renewable energy transition and shield oil and gas producers from competition by low-carbon producers
Mitigation of Climate Change - Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Stop Ecocide, Greenpeace, Canopea ou encore Rise for Climate et Youth for Climate, entre autres, organisent la première marche pour la biodiversité le 21 mai à Bruxelles, annonce Greenpeace dans un communiqué mercredi. Les organisations ont décidé de mener cette action à l'occasion de la journée internationale de la biodiversité.

avril 2023

How to Blow Up a Pipeline makes a case for sabotage, but hope remains that we can build rather than destroy, says campaigner Natasha Walter
Andreas Malm says he has no hope in ‘dominant classes’, and urges more radical approach to climate activism.
Informer le grand public sur le changement climatique en quelques clics, voilà l’ambition portée par Climate Q&A. La crise climatique peut-elle être enrayée ? Quel est le coût de l’inaction ? Qu'est-ce que le jet stream ? Lancé au début du mois d’avril, ce chatbot gratuit et open source s’appuie sur une quinzaine de rapports scientifiques pour répondre de manière fiable et sourcée à toutes les interrogations des utilisateurs.
Nouveau "TALK" sur LIMIT avec Adélaïde Charlier, étudiante à la VUB & U-GENT en sciences politiques et sciences sociales. Elle est devenue célèbre en tant que co-fondatrice et porte-parole de Youth for Climate Belgium, un mouvement de jeunes qui a organisé des marches pour le climat dans de nombreuses villes belges. Devenue le visage des marches pour le climat en Belgique, nous discutons du monde de l'activisme, ses débuts, ses combats et sa vision de l'avenir dans un monde où les mensonges, le greenwashing et la désinformation s'organisent pour conserver le business as usual.
La nouvelle IA, développée par une société française, a été conçue pour répondre à toutes les questions sur le climat en se basant sur les rapports du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat.
Wind and solar reached a record 12% of global electricity in 2022, and power sector emissions may have peaked.
Une société française a créé un nouvel outil à base d’IA pour les questions environnementales. ChatGPT est de la partie mais les sources de données proviennent notamment du GIEC.
Several nations plan to build new coal power plants, with China alone approving nearly 100 gigawatts. Each gigawatt is the equivalent of installing more than 3 million solar panels.
Humanity is not on track to avoid the deadliest effects of climate change, according to University at Buffalo researcher Holly Jean Buck. "Our plans are not adequate to meet the goal of limiting the Earth's temperature increase to no more than 1.5℃ by 2050," said Buck, Ph.D., assistant professor of environment and sustainability....
L'expédition "Deep Climate" est de retour de Laponie. Les 20 volontaires, encadrés par l'explorateur Christian Clot, ont passé plusieurs semaines dans le grand Nord, dans un but scientifique : étudier leurs réactions et celles de leurs corps face aux températures extrêmes.
GiecPT. Ekimetrics, un cabinet spécialisé en intelligence artificielle, vient de développer Climate Q&A, le ChatGPT du climat. Encore en phase de test, l’outil permet d’interroger facilement les rapports scientifiques les plus importants, dont ceux du Giec.
Ask climate-related questions to the IPCC reports
Campaigners say Rosebank, with a potential yield of 500m barrels, would seriously undermine legal commitment to net zero

mars 2023

This paper catalogues current efforts to address climate change within multilateral economic and financial institutions and related organizations. It also proposes a minimum set of policy measures that need to be prioritized by such institutions to support climate change mitigation and adaptation. The proposals include expanding public climate finance via multilateral development banks, doing more to mobilize private investment, mainstreaming climate considerations across institutional operations, making climate disclosures mandatory, and addressing sovereign debt distress to unlock private climate finance.
La Niña is present.* Equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are below average across most of the Pacific Ocean. The tropical Pacific atmosphere is consistent with La Niña. La Niña is expected to continue into the winter, with equal chances of La Niña and ENSO-neutral during January-March 2023. In February-April 2023, there is a 71% chance of ENSO-neutral.*
Protecting and enhancing populations of key wildlife species across the world could significantly enhance natural carbon capture and storage and play a critical role mitigating climate change, according to new YSE-led research.
The damage functions in the models, which relate GDP to temperature and sea-level rise, account for impacts on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, floods, road infrastructure, energy supply and demand, and labor productivity. Using this novel approach, the researchers estimate that the avoided damages are 1.5-3.9 times higher than the costs of climate mitigation. In other words, one euro invested in climate solutions saves the world about 1.5 to 4 euros in effects from climate change.
The new report evokes a mild sense of urgency, calling on governments to mobilise finance to accelerate the uptake of green technology. But its conclusions are far removed from a direct interpretation of the IPCC’s own carbon budgets (the total amount of CO₂ scientists estimate can be put into the atmosphere for a given temperature rise).
I cannot support laws that defend those who destroy the planet, and criminalise those who try to protect it, says Jolyon Maugham KC
Six KCs among more than 120 mostly English lawyers to sign pledge not to act for fossil fuel interests
The scientific community has focused the agenda of studies of climate change on lower-end warming and simple risk analyses, because more realistic complex asses
Governments are ignoring calls to stop fossil fuel expansion—despite there being little time left to avoid the worst effects of global warming.
Humanity received a “final warning” Monday from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The bottom line of the Synthesis Report of the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report is to “act now, or it’s too late,” the Guardian wrote. The scale of the emergency screams out from almost every page — climate change is already displacing and killing millions of people globally — but the report also provides what UN Secretary-General António Guterres called a roadmap for defusing the “climate time bomb.”
Since 1992, the IPCC has highlighted rising greenhouse gases, marking their ‘widespread and unprecedented’ impacts by 2014
The IPCC is currently in its Sixth Assessment cycle, during which the IPCC will produce the Assessment reports of its three Working Groups, three Special Reports, a refinement to the methodology report and the Synthesis Report. The Synthesis Report will be the last of the AR6 products, due for release in March 2023.
INTERLAKEN, Switzerland, March 20, 2023 -- There are multiple, feasible and effective options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to human-caused climate change, and they are available now, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report released today. ...
IPCC Press Conference - Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report
AR6 Synthesis Report
IPCC report says only swift and drastic action can avert irrevocable damage to world
Un nouvel article de Yale Climate Connection se penche sur les événements extrêmes présents et futurs (lien). Ils notent l'augmentation d'événements extrêmes et les raisons de leur aggravation rapide récente. Ils relèvent que la combinaison de plus d'énergie thermique et d'une circulation atmosphérique perturbée a rendu les événements météorologiques extrêmes plus fréquents et plus intenses. Les [...]
Net-zero targets imply that continuing residual emissions will be balanced by carbon dioxide removal. However, residual emissions are typically not well defined, conceptually or quantitatively. We analysed governments’ long-term strategies submitted to the UNFCCC to explore projections of residual emissions, including amounts and sectors. We found substantial levels of residual emissions at net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, on average 18% of current emissions for Annex I countries. The majority of strategies were imprecise about which sectors residual emissions would originate from, and few offered specific projections of how residual emissions could be balanced by carbon removal. Our findings indicate the need for a consistent definition of residual emissions, as well as processes that standardize and compare expectations about residual emissions across countries. This is necessary for two reasons: to avoid projections of excessive residuals and correspondent unsustainable or unfeasible carbon-removal level
Do Europeans really want #teslacars but no mines? In this 22-minute documentary Peter Tom Jones (Director KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals - SIM2 KU Leuven) searches for answers to Europe’s seemingly problematic relationship with primary #mining of #energytransition #metals.
Vast releases of gas, along with future ‘methane bombs’, represent huge threat – but curbing emissions would rapidly reduce global heating
The lack of interest in climate adaptation and mitigation among national-security policymakers reflects a profound misunderstanding of the risks that climate change poses to global stability. To avert catastrophe, the international community must help the world’s most vulnerable countries strengthen their resilience.

février 2023

Former UN secretary general calls for rich countries to honour promises made to the developing world after years of failure
Last year, 3 million were displaced in the US. Millions more will follow – and neither they, the government or the housing market are ready
It’s not ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’ if campaigners cannot explain their motivations to a jury, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
The rapid decline of Earth’s most numerous animals is a major threat to the biosphere
The world is at risk of descending into a climate “doom loop”, a thinktank report has warned. It said simply coping with the escalating impacts of the climate crisis could draw resources and focus away from the efforts to slash carbon emissions, making the situation even worse.
Canadian author and professor of climate justice cautiously hails loss and damage agreements at Cop27. " I think the most important thing is to just find other people. Trying to think through this by yourself is a recipe for feeling like a failure and getting dispirited very, very quickly. The benefit of being part of a broader movement is knowing that some people are doing some things, and other people are doing other things, and nobody has to do everything."
Black Mountains College in Wales aims to prepare students for life during a planetary emergency. The college is this year offering a radical new degree course designed to prepare students for a career in times of climate breakdown, and build a generation with the innovative skills and ideas required to tackle the crisis.
Claimants ClientEarth say the oil company’s plan puts the company at financial risk as the world transitions to clean energy, The directors of oil major Shell are being personally sued over their climate strategy, which the claimants say is inadequate to meet climate targets and puts the company at risk as the world switches to clean energy.
The fallout when the industry fails to act is still smaller than the rewards for pumping out more pollution
Examination of trees alive at the time shows three years of severe drought that may have caused crop failures and famine
Machine learning is producing impressive results, and, for better or worse, researchers are now using it to address the climate crisis, writes Frederick Hewett.
Wind, water and solar energy is cheap, effective and green. We don’t need experimental or risky energy sources to save our planet
The new study shows that every increment of sea level rise will cover more than twice as much land as older models predicted, and marks another advance in providing more accurate models of rising seas
Norway’s sovereign wealth fund threatens to vote against boards on firms it holds investments with over lax climate and social targets
Beware of these three false solutions to climate change: carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS), hydrogen and offsets.
Letters: I risked prison to stand up against an system that will lead to ecological and societal collapse – we must look for alternative economic models, writes Zoe Cohen

janvier 2023

The climate crisis has begun to disrupt human societies by severely affecting the very foundations of human livelihood and social organisation. Climate impacts are not equally distributed across the world: on average, low- and middle-income countries suffer greater impacts than their richer counterparts. At the same time, the climate crisis is also marked by significant inequalities within countries. Recent research reveals a high concentration of global greenhouse gas emissions among a relatively small fraction of the population, living in emerging and rich countries. In addition, vulnerability to numerous climate impacts is strongly linked to income and wealth, not just between countries but also within them.
Electric utilities are likely responsible for the nation’s higher than expected emissions of sulfur hexafluoride, a greenhouse gas 25,000 times worse for the climate than carbon dioxide.
The NASA climate spiral 1880-2022. This version is in Celsius; see below for an alternate version in Fahrenheit. Both a 30 fps, 60 second duration video and 60 fps, 30 second duration video are available. The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2022. Temperature anomalies are deviations from a long term global avergage. In this case the period 1951-1980 is used to define the baseline for the anomaly. These temperatures are based on the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4), an estimate of global surface temperature change. The data file used to create this visualization is publically accessible here.The term 'climate spiral' describes an animated radial plot of global temperatures. Climate scientist Ed Hawkins from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading popularized this style of visualization in 2016.The Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) is a NASA laboratory managed by the Earth Sciences Division of the agency’s Godd
Researchers found that exceeding the 2C increase has a 50% chance of happening by mid-century
An alternate timeline that ends with a Nobel prize for Exxon’s CEO.
We are writing to urge you to push the United Arab Emirates to withdraw the appointment of Sultan Al Jaber, head of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, as President-designate of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of Parties 28 (COP 28). The decision to name the chief executive of one of the world’s largest oil and gas companies as president of the next U.N. Climate Change Conference risks jeopardizing climate progress from successive U.N. Climate Conferences. To help ensure that COP 28 is a serious and productive climate summit, we believe the United States should urge the United Arab Emirates to name a different lead for COP 28 or, at a minimum, seek assurances that it will promote an ambitious COP 28 aligned with the 1.5 degrees Celsius limit and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) findings and take concrete steps to demonstrate domestic and regional leadership toward this end.
Three “super-tipping points” for climate action could trigger a cascade of decarbonisation across the global economy, according to a report. Relatively small policy interventions on electric cars, plant-based alternatives to meat and green fertilisers would lead to unstoppable growth in those sectors, the experts said. But the boost this would give to battery and hydrogen production would mean crucial knock-on benefits for other sectors including energy storage and aviation.
Several US states say news that Exxon scientists predicted global heating accurately strengthens their lawsuits against company
A comprehensive new study led by Professor Gwen Robbins Schug at UNC Greensboro traces the impact of rapid climate change events on humans over the past 5,000 years and offers lessons for today's policymakers. The meta-analysis of approximately a decade's worth of bioarchaeology data was published today as a Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences perspective article by a team of 25 authors representing 21 universities.
Carbon offsets can help achieve emissions goals, some experts argue, while others say they are actively dangerous
Carbon credits and offsets do not have a great record but the funds they raise are a vital part in fight against deforestation
Mexico announced this Tuesday a set of measures to ban solar geoengineering experiments in the country, after a US startup began releasing sulfur particles into the atmosphere in the northern state of Baja California.
This report focuses on the 20 investors and 20 banks that are funding the methane generating activities of 15 of the leading meat and dairy companies worldwide. Collectively these financial institutions fund a methane footprint that could exceed 503 Mt CO2e – nearly as big as the CO2emissions of Saudi Arabia.
The oil giant Exxon privately “predicted global warming correctly and skilfully” only to then spend decades publicly rubbishing such science in order to protect its core business, new research has found.
New research shows the company’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change.
Il y avait les Argonautes. Et désormais, il y aura les Climatonautes. Une vingtaine de volontaires qui ont choisi de suivre l’aventurier chercheur Christian Clot pour trois folles expéditions en milieux extrêmes, afin de permettre aux scientifiques d’étudier comme jamais la façon dont les humains s’adaptent aux changements climatiques. Stéphane Besnard, le responsable médical et le codirecteur scientifique des études des expéditions, nous dévoile aujourd’hui les dessous de ce projet nommé Deep Climate.
World Weather Attribution ties disasters and extreme conditions to climate change—providing crucial leverage for legal and policy battles.
In the U.K., Extinction Rebellion is shifting to a more moderate strategy in 2023. It could mark a tone shift for the climate movement.
An international team of scientists painstakingly gathered data from more than 50 years of seagoing scientific drilling missions to conduct a first-of-its-kind study of organic carbon that falls to the bottom of the ocean and gets drawn deep inside the planet.
Over the past 12 months, courts from Indonesia to Australia have made groundbreaking rulings that blocked polluting power plants and denounced the human rights violations of the climate crisis. But 2023 could be even more important, with hearings and judgments across the world poised to throw light on the worst perpetrators, give victims a voice and force recalcitrant governments and companies into
People in developing countries are feeling increasingly angry and “victimised” by the climate crisis, the US climate envoy John Kerry has warned, and rich countries must respond urgently. “I’ve been chronicling the increased frustration and anger of island states and vulnerable countries and small African nations and others around the world that feel victimised by the fact that they are a minuscule component of emissions,” he said. “And yet [they are] paying a very high price. Seventeen of the 20 most affected countries in the world, by the climate crisis, are in Africa, and yet 48 sub-Saharan countries total 0.55% of all emissions.”

décembre 2022

Overall, however, the climate crisis is bleaker than it has ever been. In October, a slew of reports laid bare how close the planet had neared to irreversible climate breakdown, with one UN study stating there was “no credible pathway in place to 1.5C”, the internationally agreed limit for global heating, and that progress on cutting carbon emissions was “woefully inadequate”.
The past year saw major developments in accountability cases against oil companies and national governments around the world, as well as setbacks for several high-profile fossil fuel projects.
Most expensive storm cost $100bn while deadliest floods killed 1,700 and displaced 7 million, report finds
The world’s reliance on hi-tech capitalist solutions to the climate and ecological crises is perpetuating racism, the outgoing UN racism rapporteur has warned. Green solutions including electric cars, renewable energy and the rewilding of vast tracts of land are being implemented at the expense of racially and ethnically marginalised groups and Indigenous peoples, Tendayi Achiume told the Guardian in an interview.
Climate Change Laws of the World is a global database of climate change laws, policies, climate targets and litigation cases
De internationale scheepvaart bleef lang buiten schot bij klimaatakkoorden. Maar nu groeit ook voor die sector de internationale steun, ook van verschillende opkomende economieën, voor strengere klimaatdoelen. Maar er blijven zorgen over de kosten.
The UN-backed ‘Carbon Removal Pioneers’ stoke the development dreams of African countries but crash against the reality of climate science.
More than half of young people think "humanity is doomed" due to climate change. We need to reframe the narrative from doom and sacrifice, to one of opportunity.
Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change implies that fast- feedback equilibrium climate sensitivity is at least ~4°C for doubled CO2 (2×CO2), with likely range 3.5-5.5°C. Greenhouse gas (GHG) climate forcing is 4.1 W/m2 larger in 2021 than in 1750, equivalent to 2×CO2 forcing. Global warming in the pipeline is greater than prior estimates. Eventual global warming due to today’s GHG forcing alone – after slow feedbacks operate – is about 10°C. Human-made aerosols are a major climate forcing, mainly via their effect on clouds. We infer from paleoclimate data that aerosol cooling offset GHG warming for several millennia as civilization developed. A hinge-point in global warming occurred in 1970 as increased GHG warming outpaced aerosol cooling, leading to global warming of 0.18°C per decade. Aerosol cooling is larger than estimated in the current IPCC report, but it has declined since 2010 because of aerosol reductions in China and shipping. Without unprecedented global actions to
The coasts of Alaska are piled up with dead birds dying of starvation. Experts say that climate change is resulting in shifts in the food chain.
Climate disorder won’t be remedied through an orderly march of green energy. The world must also rein in consumption.
Mitigation of Climate Change - Working Group III contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
More than two decades on from the protocol, country shows enthusiasm for nuclear restarts over renewables
Qui sont les plus gros émetteurs de CO2 dans le monde ? Et y en a-t-il près de chez vous ? Une carte, réalisée par Climate Trace, vous permet de visualiser très simplement ces informations.
In 1998, as nations around the world agreed to cut carbon emissions through the Kyoto Protocol, America’s fossil fuel companies plotted their response, including an aggressive strategy to inject doubt into the public debate.
A climate protester who blocked a lane of traffic on Sydney Harbour Bridge has been sentenced to 15 months in prison with a non-parole period of eight months, with human rights advocates labelling the punishment “disproportionate”.

novembre 2022

La coalition Climate Trace a dévoilé début novembre un nouvel outil permettant d'observer les emplacements exacts des sites les plus polluants. Une carte détaillée qui doit aider les pays et les entreprises à rechercher des moyens efficaces pour atteindre la décarbonisation. Cet outil indépendant, répertoriant les émissions de gaz à effet de serre à travers le monde, a été présenté par Al Gore, à l'occasion du sommet des Nations unies sur le climat (COP27) en Égypte.
Shane White from has put together three very useful charts breaking down coal, oil and gas extraction by nation. 
Alors que les émissions carbone ne cessent d’augmenter, une initiative imaginée par la coalition Climate Trace vient apporter un nouvel éclairage sur les sites et les secteurs les plus polluants. Répertoriant des dizaines de milliers de données sur une seule et unique carte, ce nouvel outil accessible gratuitement a été salué lors de la COP27 en Égypte.
The Center for Climate and Security (CCS), a non-partisan institute of the Council on Strategic Risks, has a team and distinguished Advisory Board of security and military experts. CCS envisions a climate-resilient world which recognizes that climate change threats to security are already significant, unprecedented and potentially existential, and acts to address those threats in a manner that is commensurate to their scale, consequence and probability.
Na de klimaattop in Egypte staat er volgende maand al opnieuw een belangrijke milieutop op de agenda. In het Canadese Montreal moet de internationale gemeenschap het eens worden over een historisch akkoord over natuur en biodiversiteit, dat zich kan meten met het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs.
The Sea Port Oil Terminal, 30 miles off the Texas coast, is the first of four proposed offshore terminals designed to dramatically expand the U.S. oil export capacity.
With up to three billion people expected to be displaced by climate change by 2100, does there need to be a shift in the way we think about national borders, asks Gaia Vince?
We know that the easiest way for a politician to secure power is to appease those who already possess it, those whose power transcends elections: the oil barons, the media barons, the corporations and financial markets. We know that this power appoints the worst possible people at the worst possible time. We know how, as elderly billionaires seek to grab ever more of the life that slips from them, they create a death cult....
The climate talks are going into overtime with little progress toward the emissions cuts required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement.
Op de VN-klimaattop in Egypte toont de Europese Unie zich dan toch bereid om te praten over een nieuw mechanisme voor klimaathulp aan ontwikkelingslanden. Maar dan moeten grote economieën als China mee betalen.
COP27-gastland Egypte gaat meer van de vervuilende zware stookolie mazout gebruiken in twintig elektriciteitscentrales om gas vrij te maken voor uitvoer naar Europa.
La guerre en Ukraine place l’Europe « à un tournant » de sa politique énergétique et climatique selon Climate Action Tracker : soit remplacer sa dépendance à la Russie par de nouvelles dépendances, soit « accélerer le développement des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique ». D’urgence et massivement.
The map shows the Climate Shift Index (CSI) for the daily average temperature. High CSI values mean climate change made the temperatures more likely.
Le Climate Shift Index, CSI, permet de voir si, à une datte donnée, une température est dans la norme ou influencée par le changement climatique.
All students at the University of Barcelona will have to take a mandatory course on the climate crisis after the establishment agreed to meet the demands of activists conducting a sit-in occupation. The announcement came after a seven-day occupation by a group from the anti-fossil fuel organisation End Fossil Barcelona.
In his Cop27 speech this week, our will-he-go, won’t-he-go prime minister said that stopping the planet dangerously overheating was still within our grasp, leaving many wondering just what planet he was on. According to Rishi Sunak, last year’s Cop26 climate conference in Glasgow was all about keeping alive the possibility of preventing the global average temperature rise since the Industrial Revolution from climbing above 1.5C. That is “alive”, as in connected to a drip, in a coma and suffering cardiac arrest every few hours.
Nu een van de belangrijkste verwezenlijkingen van de VN-klimaattop in Glasgow van vorig jaar - een breed gedragen verbintenis om ontbossing een halt toe te roepen - vertaald moet worden in concrete actie, haken de meeste ondertekenaars af. Rusland, Indonesië en Congo zijn maar enkele van de bosrijke landen die zich teruggetrokken hebben.
Read Prime Minister Alexander De Croo's full speech at the climate conference in Sharm El Sheikh here. In his speech, the Prime Minister made the case for inclusivity and cooperation to tackle the climate crisis. Young, old, private, public sector, north, south, we must all go all-in to tackle today's challenges
MIT researchers have confirmed that Earth harbors a “stabilizing feedback” mechanism that acts over hundreds of thousands of years to keep global temperatures within a steady, habitable range.“On the one hand, it’s good because we know that today’s global warming will eventually be canceled out through this stabilizing feedback,” says Constantin Arnscheidt, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS). “But on the other hand, it will take hundreds of thousands of years to happen, so not fast enough to solve our present-day issues.”
Rich countries must urgently develop a plan to assist countries suffering the ravages of extreme weather, as failure to take early action on the climate crisis has left them increasingly vulnerable, developing nations have said. The V20 – made up of the 20 vulnerable countries facing the worst impacts of the climate crisis, and least able to cope with them – set out its proposals on Monday for how rich countries should pay for the “loss and damage” caused by the climate crisis.
This is an essay that responds critically to the widely read essay in the New York Times that appears to be calming the nerves of climate professionals here at COP27 and beyond....
Hundreds of climate activists breached a runway Saturday at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to try to stop private jets from taking off, in the latest demonstration by protesters aimed at drawing attention to the climate crisis. Greenpeace Netherlands said “more than 500” Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion activists were at the airport, one of Europe’s largest, on Saturday afternoon, in a press release. A spokesperson for the Schiphol security forces could not confirm that figure.
António Guterres is heading to Cop27 for what is likely to be another blistering attack on complacency and foot-dragging
António Guterres says gap between developed world and poorer countries is biggest issue facing Cop27 talks
Africa is the continent most vulnerable to the climate crisis, but with the right support at Cop27 it can build a stronger, greener future
From the seemingly inexorable increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to the rapid growth in green energy
Vast carbon store may be close to point where it could flip from absorbing CO2 to releasing it, research shows. The Congo peatlands are a huge carbon “timebomb” that could be triggered by the climate crisis, research has shown.
Research published this summer found that falsehoods about global warming continue to flourish on social media sites and are often framed through the lens of Western culture wars, placing climate change alongside other hot button topics like gay and transgender rights and gun control. A separate analysis released last month found “a sprawling online network” of Spanish speakers on Twitter, TikTok and other major social platforms who “consistently amplify” climate misinformation and other right-wing conspiracy theories.
A dramatic increase in funding for climate adaptation is needed to save millions of lives from “climate carnage”, the UN secretary general, António Guterres, has said. Climate adaptation includes preparing defences against rising floods, shelters against intensifying cyclones and emergency plans to protect people during worsening heatwaves and droughts. Guterres said only a small fraction of the required finance was given by rich nations to protect vulnerable people.
Van de Pakistaanse minister van Klimaat Sherry Rehman tot de Egyptische cijferaar Mahmoud Mohieldin, dit zijn de belangrijkste spelers op de VN-klimaatconferentie COP27 die volgende week begint.
National climate pledges would collectively require 1.2 billion hectares (about 3 billion acres) of land, researchers have found in a new study, The Land Gap Report. More than half of this land is already currently used for something else. This demand for land will put pressure on ecosystems, Indigenous lands, small farmers and food security. Protecting existing forests and securing Indigenous and community land rights are more effective than carbon capture plans requiring land-use change, including reforestation.

octobre 2022

België moet zich terugtrekken uit het Energiehandvestverdrag (EHV). Dat vragen de Grootouders voor het klimaat samen met de Grands-Parents pour le Climat en Youth for Climate Belgium in een open brief aan de premier, de vice-premiers en de ministers van energie en klimaat.
Failure to cut carbon emissions means ‘rapid transformation of societies’ is only option to limit impacts, report says
Joint committee on national security strategy criticises ‘severe dereliction of duty’ by ministers as threat grows
Key UN reports published in last two days warn urgent and collective action needed – as oil firms report astronomical profits The climate crisis has reached a “really bleak moment”, one of the world’s leading climate scientists has said, after a slew of major reports laid bare how close the planet is to catastrophe.
UN Climate Change News, 26 October 2022 – A new report from UN Climate Change shows countries are bending the curve of global greenhouse gas emissions downward but underlines that these efforts remain insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
From deadly floods in Nigeria to devastating drought in Somalia, Africa has faced a run of severe – and sometimes unprecedented – extreme weather events since the start of 2022. But while the US hurricane season and 40C heat in the UK have captured headlines, many of Africa’s most extreme and life-changing weather events went largely unreported in global-north media.
Semafor launched last week with the goal of “reinventing the news story.” The news story needs reinventing, they say, because people can no longer tell the difference between unbiased fact and opinion. According to the Observer, Semafor has already raised more than $25 million, the majority of which is coming from eight corporate sponsors who want to help the news outlet address distrust in media. One of those sponsors appears to be Chevron, the second biggest climate-polluting company in the world.
An international study on the future of insects under climate change scenarios has found the loss of insects will drastically reduce the ability of humankind to build a sustainable future. "A growing body of evidence shows many populations of insects are declining rapidly in many places. These declines are of profound concern, with terms like an emerging 'insect apocalypse' being increasingly used by the media and even some scientists to describe this phenomenon," Laurance said.
The UK's advertising regulator has banned two HSBC advertisements for being "misleading" about the company's work to tackle climate change.
Après 4 ans d'attente Greta Thunberg accorde une interview exceptionnelle à la Terre au carré, à l'occasion de la sortie de son livre "The Climate Book". La jeune militante écologiste suédoise, âgée de 19 ans, parle aussi de son engagement, de sa vie aujourd'hui et de ses ambitions pour l'avenir.
De klimaatmars op zondag 23 oktober belooft groot te worden. Dit jaar staat de mars in teken van het recht op voedsel en de energiecrisis, want de klimaatbeweging eist een transitie die ecologisch én klimaatrechtvaardig is. En wel nu. Wij spraken met Simon Sterck (17), lid van de Vlaamse Jeugdraad als VN-jongerenvertegenwoordiger Duurzame Ontwikkeling en actief bij Youth for Climate.
Meer dan 40.000 jongeren staan vrijdag 21 oktober op voor klimaatrechtvaardigheid. Op school of in de jeugdbeweging, ze richten zich tot de hele bevolking om aanstaande zondag mee te lopen in de grootste klimaatmars ooit. De klimaatcrisis baart de jeugd zorgen, want het gaat over hun toekomst. DeWereldMorgen sprak met Maria en Gitte, voorzitters van de leerlingenraad van het Sint-Jozefcollege in Aarschot. Zij komen vandaag met 850 (!) leerlingen op straat in Aarschot.
Denmark ‘gets ball rolling’ at UN ahead of protests as poor nations call for greater collective commitment. Youth groups in Africa are preparing to embark on a series of climate demonstrations on Friday to highlight the problem of “loss and damage” to poor countries blighted by climate breakdown, as only one rich country has so far stepped up with funding for the problem.
Le groupe de lutte face au changement climatique "Rise for Climate", accompagné d'une délégation issue de la forêt amazonienne et de différentes ONG, ainsi que la princesse Esmeralda, ont mené une action jeudi en fin de journée, dans le cadre du Sommet européen qui se déroule à Bruxelles.
New coal power projects are becoming “effectively uninsurable” outside China because so many insurance companies have ruled out support for them, a report has found. Recent commitments to stop underwriting coal by prominent US insurers AIG and Travelers have brought the number of coal insurance exit policies to 41, according to the latest industry scorecard by the climate campaign Insure Our Future.
Concerns about climate change shrank across the world last year, with fewer than half of those questioned in a new survey believing it posed a “very serious threat” to their countries over the next 20 years.
China heeft geen uitnodigingen verstuurd naar regeringsleiders voor een belangrijke wereldtop rond biodiversiteit. Daar zou een wereldwijd akkoord bereikt moeten worden, maar de vrees neemt toe dat het milieu verdrukt wordt door beladen geopolitieke relaties.
Some two dozen climate liability suits have been making their way through the courts since 2015, bolstered by media investigations and attribution studies that are able to accurately pinpoint the precise contribution climate change has made to the damages inflicted by extreme weather events. A 2021 study in the journal Nature, for example, found that just over $8bn (£7bn) of the $62.7bn (£55.3bn) in damages caused by Superstorm Sandy across New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, is attributable to sea-level rise caused by climate change.
De organisatie die milieuvriendelijke houtproducten certificeert, FSC, gaat zijn label nu ook geven aan bedrijven die hout kappen. Die moeten dan wel alle bossen herstellen die ze tussen 1994 en 2020 hebben gekapt én de gemeenschappen vergoeden die schade hebben geleden door de ontbossing.
Loss and damage from climate change is already costing vulnerable communities dearly. These communities have played almost no role in causing the climate crisis, yet they are now paying for it with damaged and destroyed homes and schools, lost crops and livelihoods, and the loss of loved ones.
Governments may say they’re doing all they can to halt the climate crisis. Don’t fall for it – then we might still have time to turn things around ‘Stop setting things on fire’: nine great ideas to save the planet Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg Sat 8 Oct 2022 09.00 BST Maybe it is the name that is the problem. Climate change. It doesn’t sound that bad. The word “change” resonates quite pleasantly in our restless world. No matter how fortunate we are, there is always room for the appealing possibility of improvement. Then there is the “climate” part. Again, it does not sound so bad. If you live in many of the high-emitting nations of the global north, the idea of a “changing climate” could well be interpreted as the very opposite of scary and dangerous. A changing world. A warming planet. What’s not to like?
A recent paper suggested damaging climate tipping points could be closer than first thought.
Orkaan Ian, die over Cuba en Florida is getrokken en aan tientallen mensen het leven kostte, kan de Amerikaanse economie 67 miljard dollar kosten. Een groot deel van die schade is niet verzekerd.
Fossil fuel companies that want a free pass to keep pumping oil and gas are making wildly unrealistic promises about 'capturing' their emissions at sites of pollution, or removing them from the atmosphere at later date. But the science says drastic emission cuts are needed now if we are to stay within 1.5ºC warming. Thus ‘net zero’ policies are in reality 'not zero', and effectively guarantee that we’ll overshoot 1.5ºC, triggering catastrophic climate impacts which we have no reason to believe can be reversed by speculative and unproven ‘carbon removal’ technologies.
I became a climate activist 16 years ago. Back then, not many people cared about climate change. The eye rolls were audible. Media coverage was scarce, and what little there was glibly included “both sides”. It was frustrating and tragic to see such a clear and present danger and to know that it was still mostly avoidable, yet ignored by society.

septembre 2022

New Jersey public school students will be the first in the country required to learn about climate change while in the classroom starting this school year. "Climate change is becoming a real reality," New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy, who spearheaded the initiative, told "ABC News Live" on Thursday. The new standards were adopted by the state's board of education in 2020, but because of the pandemic, the roll out was halted, giving educators and districts more time to prepare the lesson plans for all students in grades K-12.
Campaigners say protesters arrested for blocking roads getting ‘lost in prison system’ while on remand. Speaking from inside the jail, he said: “The only good thing about my situation is that it seems to give an extra platform for my views. I spend most afternoons writing speeches and they have been read out all over the world – Italy, Sweden, Canada.”
Billboards hijacked across Europe to highlight role of airline emissions in climate crisis
UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for strengthened international solidarity to address pressing global issues. "My objective is to make it clear that …we need cooperation, we need dialogue, and the present terrible geopolitical divides are not allowing it to happen. We need to change course," Mr. Guterres said in a wide-ranging interview with UN News ahead of the General Assembly's annual high-level week. The UN chief is just back from a solidarity visit to flood-ravaged Pakistan, where he called repeatedly for fast – and serious – to not only end what he called "climate carnage" but to provide more support for the countries that are the most-impacted but have done very little to cause the phenomenon.
De Europese Unie kan al in 2040 netto-nuluitstoot bereiken - tien jaar eerder dan gepland, zegt een nieuw rapport van onderzoeksbureau Climate Analytics.
Governments and businesses failing to change fast enough, says United in Science report, as weather gets increasingly extreme. Despite intensifying warnings in recent years, governments and businesses have not been changing fast enough, according to the United in Science report published on Tuesday. The consequences are already being seen in increasingly extreme weather around the world, and we are in danger of provoking “tipping points” in the climate system that will mean more rapid and in some cases irreversible shifts.
Words matter. It’s vital terms like ‘crisis’ and ‘calamity’ don’t become rhetorical devices devoid of real content as we argue about what climate action to take.
In DeSmog’s Climate Disinformation Database, you can browse our extensive research on the individuals and organizations that have helped to delay and distract the public and our elected leaders from taking needed action to reduce greenhouse gas pollution and fight global warming.
Giant ice sheets, ocean currents and permafrost regions may already have passed point of irreversible change
In the past 50 years, the oceans have absorbed more than 90% of the excess heat caused by our carbon dioxide emissions, with one ocean absorbing the vast majority.
As those most responsible for the crisis recede into history, our energy is better spent responding to the world we have created
Presidents of Senegal, DRC and Ghana travelled to Rotterdam to talk about adapting to climate change. Only one European leader was there to meet them
Three months before COP27, new research suggests the most ambitious climate pledges are also most credible.
Een nakend VN-rapport stelt dat lokale productie van houtskool een veel kleinere impact op de ontbossing in het Congobekken heeft dan tot nog toe gedacht. Olieprojecten zijn een veel grotere bedreiging, zegt auteur Aurelie Shapiro. Ze spreekt van een ‘gigantische koolstofbom’.

août 2022

In An Inconvenient Apocalypse, authors Wes Jackson and Robert Jensen style themselves as heralds of some very bad news: societal collapse on a global scale is inevitable, and those who manage to survive the mass death and crumbling of the world as we know it will have to live in drastically transformed circumstances. According to Jackson and Jensen, there’s no averting this collapse – electric cars aren’t going to save us, and neither are global climate accords. The current way of things is doomed, and it’s up to us to prepare as best we can to ensure as soft a landing as possible when the inevitable apocalypse arrives.
Selon une étude (en anglais) publiée lundi 29 août dans la revue Nature Climate Change et repérée par Franceinfo via l’AFP, à cause du dérèglement climatique, la calotte glaciaire du Groenland pourrait perdre au minimum 3,3 % de son volume d’ici à l’année 2100. L’une des conséquences « inévitables » de cette fonte des glaciers pourrait être une augmentation a minima de 27,4 centimètres du niveau de la mer… soit davantage que ce que le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (Giec) prévoyait dans son rapport de référence de 2021.
Duitsland en Canada hebben deze week een ‘waterstofalliantie’ aangekondigd. Maar die zet leidt de aandacht af van het Duitse plan om massaal niet-Russisch fossiel gas in te kopen, stellen critici.
Anuna De Wever a donné de ses nouvelles sur les réseaux sociaux.
Levels of the gas are growing at a record rate and natural sources like wetlands are the cause, but scientists don’t know how to curb it.
Shallow deposits of frozen methane beneath oceans may be more vulnerable to thawing than previously known.
While more extreme threats are unlikely to be realised, sticking to the precautionary principle is just plain common sense. A middle of the road route would be to no one’s advantage – so, as for most situations wherein the risk is hard to quantify, there is only one sensible way forward: to hope for the best, while preparing for the worst.
The goal of our project is to compile in a systematic manner the evidence in support of transmittable diseases being aggravated by climate hazards. To ensure a systematic review, we scrutinized the first 200 references in Google Scholar that resulted from using as keywords each possible combination of ten climate hazards (i.e., warming, heatwaves, precipitation, floods, drought, fires, sea level, storms, natural cover change, ocean climate change) and “human diseases”. We selected papers that reported cases examples of diseases regardless of whether impacts were positive or negative. Selected papers were read and from them extracted any mention to cases examples ofdiseasesaggravated by climate hazards.
Atmospheric soot loadings from nuclear weapon detonation would cause disruptions to the Earth’s climate, limiting terrestrial and aquatic food production. Here, we use climate, crop and fishery models to estimate the impacts arising from six scenarios of stratospheric soot injection, predicting the total food calories available in each nation post-war after stored food is consumed. In quantifying impacts away from target areas, we demonstrate that soot injections larger than 5 Tg would lead to mass food shortages, and livestock and aquatic food production would be unable to compensate for reduced crop output, in almost all countries. Adaptation measures such as food waste reduction would have limited impact on increasing available calories. We estimate more than 2 billion people could die from nuclear war between India and Pakistan, and more than 5 billion could die from a war between the United States and Russia—underlining the importance of global cooperation in preventing nuclear war.
A great upheaval is coming. Climate-driven movement of people is adding to a massive migration already under way to the world’s cities. The number of migrants has doubled globally over the past decade, and the issue of what to do about rapidly increasing populations of displaced people will only become greater and more urgent. To survive climate breakdown will require a planned and deliberate migration of a kind humanity has never before undertaken.
With the Australian Actuaries Institute Climate Index reaching the highest rainfall and temperature levels since the index was launched in 2018, it is not surprising that the Actuaries Institute’s latest Green Paper has warned of climate change’s impact on home insurance affordability in Australia.
De plannen van BP, Royal Dutch Shell en Equinor om minder CO2 uit te stoten zijn onverenigbaar met de doelstellingen van het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs voor een veilige en bewoonbare planeet. Dat blijkt uit een nieuwe analyse van denktank Climate Analytics.
Climate endgame is the name some scientists have given to the hypothesis of a global societal collapse due to effects of climate change. The real chance of happening is considered small, but the researchers who warned most resoundingly about this danger in August 2022 seek to improve risk management by putting a higher priority on worst-case scenarios, to "galvanise action, improve resilience, and inform policy".
Two of the UK’s leading hospitals have had to cancel operations, postpone appointments and divert seriously ill patients to other centres for the past three weeks after their computers crashed at the height of last month’s heatwave.
At his remote woodland home, Ben Green is trying to stay positive about a collapse of the food supply
On June 30, 2022, the Supreme Court issued a landmark opinion in West Virginia v. EPA that substantially limited the authority of the Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) to regulate carbon emissions from power plants. Because the opinion concerned the proper scope of executive agency rulemaking, the decision may have profound effects on other regulatory agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Une gestion prudente des risques exige la prise en compte de scénarios allant du moins bon au pire. Or, dans le cas du changement climatique, ces futurs potentiels sont mal connus. Le changement climatique anthropique pourrait-il entraîner l’effondrement de la société mondiale, voire l’extinction de l’humanité ? À l’heure actuelle, il s’agit d’un sujet dangereusement sous-exploré. Pourtant, il existe de nombreuses raisons de penser que le changement climatique pourrait entraîner une catastrophe mondiale. L’analyse des mécanismes à l’origine de ces conséquences extrêmes pourrait contribuer à galvaniser l’action, à améliorer la résilience et à informer les politiques, y compris les réponses d’urgence. Nous exposons les connaissances actuelles sur la probabilité d’un changement climatique extrême, expliquons pourquoi il est vital de comprendre les cas les plus défavorables, exposons les raisons de s’inquiéter des résultats catastrophiques, définissons les termes clés et proposons un programme de recherche. Le pr
Prudent risk management requires consideration of bad-to-worst-case scenarios. Yet, for climate change, such potential futures are poorly understood. Could anthropogenic climate change result in worldwide societal collapse or even eventual human extinction? At present, this is a dangerously underexplored topic. Yet there are ample reasons to suspect that climate change could result in a global catastrophe...
Prudent risk management requires consideration of bad-to-worst-case scenarios. Yet, for climate change, such potential futures are poorly understood. Could anthropogenic climate change result in worldwide societal collapse or even eventual human extinction? At present, this is a dangerously underexplored topic. Yet there are ample reasons to suspect that climate change could result in a global catastrophe. Analyzing the mechanisms for these extreme consequences could help galvanize action, improve resilience, and inform policy, including emergency responses. We outline current knowledge about the likelihood of extreme climate change, discuss why understanding bad-to-worst cases is vital, articulate reasons for concern about catastrophic outcomes, define key terms, and put forward a research agenda. The proposed agenda covers four main questions: 1) What is the potential for climate change to drive mass extinction events? 2) What are the mechanisms that could result in human mass mortality and morbidity? 3) Wh
Global heating could become "catastrophic" for humanity if temperature rises are worse than many predict or cause cascades of events we have yet to consider, or indeed both. The world needs to start preparing for the possibility of a "climate endgame."
Scientists say there are ample reasons to suspect global heating could lead to catastrophe. The risk of global societal collapse or human extinction has been “dangerously underexplored”, climate scientists have warned in an analysis. They call such a catastrophe the “climate endgame”. Though it had a small chance of occurring, given the uncertainties in future emissions and the climate system, cataclysmic scenarios could not be ruled out, they said.
Experts call for a new ‘Climate Endgame’ research agenda, and say far too little work has gone into understanding the mechanisms by which rising temperatures might pose a catastrophic risk to society and humanity.

juillet 2022

Scientists think we need to pay attention to a measure of heat and humidity – and it’s edging closer to the limits of human survivability
Blistering heatwaves are just the start. We must accept how bad things are before can we head off global catastrophe, according to a leading UK scientist.
Increasing risks posed by climate change are causing rare extreme events that can kill more than 10 million people or lead to damages of $10 trillion-plus, posing threats of total societal collapse, a UN report finds.
Ce policy brief propose une série de recommandations et appelle au renforcement des connaissances en amont de l’implantation d’éoliennes en mer. Il prône une meilleure connaissance du fonctionnement des écosystèmes marins, des impacts cumulés des activités humaines existantes et des impacts sur le milieu marin du changement climatique, afin de guider la planification notamment dans le choix des zones d’implantation des éoliennes.
School and university students all over the world are planning to take school strikes one step further and occupy our campuses to demand the end of the fossil economy. Taking a lesson from student activists in the 1960s, the climate justice movement’s youth will shut down business as usual. Not because we don’t like learning, but because what we’ve learned already makes it clear that, without a dramatic break from this system, we cannot ensure a livable planet for our presents and futures.
Wildfires, floods and soaring temperatures have made climate change real to many Americans. Yet a sizeable number continue to dismiss the scientific consensus that human activity is to blame. “Victory,” according to the American Petroleum Institute’s memo, “will be achieved when average citizens ‘understand’ (recognize) uncertainties in climate science… Unless ‘climate change’ becomes a non-issue… there may be no moment when we can declare victory.”
Thirty years ago, a bold plan was cooked up to spread doubt and persuade the public that climate change was not a problem. The little-known meeting - between some of America's biggest industrial players and a PR genius - forged a devastatingly successful strategy that endured for years, and the consequences of which are all around us.
The American West has gone bone dry, the Great Salt Lake is vanishing and water levels in Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the two great life-giving reservoirs on the Colorado River basin, are declining with alarming speed. Wildfires are incinerating crops in France, Spain, Portugal and Italy, while parts of Britain suffocated last week in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
It’s not too late to avert the climate crisis from becoming even more deadly – but the window is closing
Report says global south has been ‘used as place to dump waste’ and that people of colour are suffering disproportionately
Climate change is reducing output and raising safety concerns at nuclear facilities from France to the US. But experts say adapting is possible—and necessary.
Civil unrest, political instability, food insecurity, mass migration and worsening human rights are the baked-in secondary impacts of climate change, but you wouldn’t know that from the undercooked approach of governments and business. As the extreme weather events the world is already experiencing become more frequent, they will trigger a cascade of these second-order climate risks across a huge swathe of countries.
Climate scientists are clear that it’s already too late to go back to the kind of weather we used to have, but can we stop things from getting a whole lot worse? Professor Michael E Mann – from Penn State university in the United States – and author of ‘The New Climate War’ explains the radical change needed to avert catastrophic temperature rises.
Joe Biden is under pressure to declare a national climate emergency as temperatures soar across the US and Europe. Facing political gridlock in Washington, the president could make such an announcement – which would unlock federal resources to address the crisis – as soon as this week, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday.
Residents of an Indonesian island threatened by rising sea levels have begun legal action against the cement producer Holcim. The claim for compensation, filed in Switzerland by three men and one woman, is understood to be the first major climate damages lawsuit against a cement company.
Climate scientists have expressed shock at the UK’s smashed temperature record, with the heat soaring above 40C for the first time ever on Tuesday. Researchers are also increasingly concerned that extreme heatwaves in Europe are occurring more rapidly than models had suggested, indicating that the climate crisis on the European continent may be even worse than feared. Temperature records are usually broken by fractions of a degree, but the 40.2C recorded at Heathrow is 1.5C higher than the previous record of 38.7C recorded in 2019 in Cambridge.
Chief meteorologist says extreme temperatures ‘entirely consistent’ with human-induced climate crisis
Extreme event attribution aims to elucidate the link between global climate change, extreme weather events, and the harms experienced on the ground by people, property, and nature. It therefore allows the disentangling of different drivers of extreme weather from human-induced climate change and hence provides valuable information to adapt to climate change and to assess loss and damage. However, providing such assessments systematically is currently out of reach. This is due to limitations in attribution science, including the capacity for studying different types of events, as well as the geographical heterogeneity of both climate and impact data availability. Here, we review current knowledge of the influences of climate change on five different extreme weather hazards (extreme temperatures, heavy rainfall, drought, wildfire, tropical cyclones), the impacts of recent extreme weather events of each type, and thus the degree to which various impacts are attributable to climate change.
Europese investeringen in gas en kernenergie krijgen voortaan het label groen, zo is vorige week besloten. Dit is pure greenwashing, waarschuwen Esther Bollendorff en Olivier Vardakoulias, beleidsexperts bij Climate Action Network Europe. De EU moet erop rekenen dat de nieuwe classificatie in de rechtbank wordt aangevochten.
Nous avons peur de l’été, et des autres à venir. Cette année encore, la Belgique bat un record et il n’y a aucune raison de s’en réjouir. Ce samedi 18 juin 2022 a été le jour tropical (température maximale supérieure ou égale à 30 degrés) le plus précoce jamais enregistré. Ces records sont presque devenus anodins. Pourtant, la fréquence accrue de ces records atteste du dérèglement climatique de la manière la plus tangible qui soit.
In a major environmental case, the court has made clear that it would rather represent the interests of corporations and the super-rich than the needs and desires of the vast majority of Americans – or people on Earth

juin 2022

After all, Western economies – and their economic growth – depend utterly on labour and resources from the South...
Over the past 20 years, cement manufacturers have quietly doubled their carbon dioxide emissions, highlighting a sector that has received relatively little public scrutiny despite contributing nearly three times as much to global warming as the airline industry. With cement production only expected to increase through mid-century, a growing number of people are now calling for a more concerted effort to tackle concrete’s expanding carbon footprint.
There’s a simple way to unite everyone behind climate justice – and it’s within our power
Ember modelling of least-cost power system pathways reveals that a clean power system (70-80% wind and solar) by 2035 should be at the core of energy planning for a net-zero continent by mid-century.
In March, the north and south poles had record temperatures. In May in Delhi, it hit 49C. Last week in Madrid, 40C. Experts say the worst effects of the climate emergency cannot be avoided if emissions continue to rise
António Guterres compares climate inaction to tobacco firms dismissing links between smoking and cancer
As the climate movement hits another impasse, activists Luisa Neubauer and Kumi Naidoo explain why we need to mobilise many more people from all walks of life
A wildfire racing across a hillside has become emblematic of climate change. And for good reason: a quarter of the world’s natural landscapes now face longer fire seasons as a result of warming and shifts to rainfall, according to a recent landmark climate report.
A report released Wednesday warns that rising lake levels, strong wind gusts and high waves are inching closer to flooding hazardous spots in northern Illinois, including coal, nuclear and Superfund sites.
Years before the climate crisis was part of national discourse, this memo to the president predicted catastrophe
Climatenomics lays out how ‘supply chain disruptions’ has become a euphemism for the effects of climate change
An investor’s rant gives an insight into the City’s short-termist view of the environment crisis
Climate Whistleblowers (CW) seeks to defend whistleblowers, as well as strategically litigate and advocate on their behalf where their disclosures speak to climate-related issues.
Models indicate that there could be between 25 and 30 extreme events a year by mid-century
An alarming trend shows average temperatures have increased by at least 2F since 1970, with even higher spikes in the west and south-west
Governments not listening to people with disabilities despite them being at high risk, say researchers
The publication provides a summary on the state of the climate indicators in 2021 including global temperatures trends and its distribution around the globe; most recent finding on Green House Gases concentration, Ocean indicators; Cryosphere with a particular emphasis on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice, greenland ice sheet and glaciers and snow cover; Stratospheric Ozone; analysis of major drivers of inter-annual climate variability during the year including the El Niño Souther Oscillation and other Ocean and Atmshperic indices; global precipitation distribution over land; extreme events including those related to tropical cyclones and wind storms; flooding, drought and extreme heat and cold events. The publication also provides most recent finding on climate related risks and impacts including on food security, humanitarian and population displacement aspects and impact on ecosystems.
Researchers call for recognition of latest online strategies used to derail climate action
There is a 42% probability that the world may already be committed to at least 1.5 oC of warming relative to pre-industrial temperatures, even if emissions are halted immediately, according to a modelling study published in Nature Climate Change. This probability rises to 66%, however, if emissions are not cut until 2029, emphasizing the need for immediate action to avoid committing to peak levels of warming.
Mapping where the earth will become uninhabitable Lethal heat, flooded coastlines, powerful hurricanes, water scarcity: climate models show that by the end of the century, life as normal won’t be possible in many places. Find out where populations are projected to be hit hardest with our 3D interactive visualisation.
Three former UN climate heads say gap between government promises and actions will change environment irreversibly
Vegetated areas above the treeline in the Alps have increased by 77% since 1984, the study says. While retreating glaciers have symbolised the speed of global heating in the Alpine region, researchers described the increases in plant biomass as an “absolutely massive” change.

mai 2022

Despite decades of studies and climate summits, greenhouse gas emissions continue to soar. Energy scientist Vaclav Smil says it’s time to stop ricocheting between apocalyptic forecasts and rosy models of rapid CO2 cuts and focus on the difficult task of remaking our energy system.
Welkom bij Climate Express Climate Express mobiliseert en brengt individuen en organisaties samen om actie te voeren voor een wereld met sociale rechtvaardigheid in balans met de draagkracht van de aarde. Climate Express mobilise et rassemble des individus et des organisations pour faire campagne pour un monde de justice sociale en équilibre avec la capacité
Climate tipping points in the Antarctica, the Arctic and the Amazon are at risk of being reached before or at the current level of global warming of 1.2 degrees Celsius, requiring a “major rethink” of global climate goals and the action necessary to achieve them, according to a recent report.
Climate-changing pollution reaches record levels, driving unprecedented heating
Soaring temperatures in subcontinent, which have caused widespread suffering, would be extraordinarily rare without global heating
Since the beginning of March, India and Pakistan and large parts of South Asia experienced prolonged heat, that at the time of writing, May 2022, still hasn’t subsided.
Le géant de l’énergie envisage de construire un méga pipeline en Ouganda et en Tanzanie. Les défenseurs de la cause climatique, environnementale et sociale, appellent le gouvernement belge à exprimer son opposition à un tel projet.
Food supply expert paints grim global picture hunger 05.23.2022 By Arvin Donley NEW YORK, NEW YORK, US — Global wheat inventories currently stand at about 10 weeks of global consumption, a food supply expert said during a special meeting of the United Nations Security Council on May 19. Sara Menker, chief executive officer of Gro Intelligence, an organization that gathers and analyzes global food and agricultural data, said she disputes official government agency estimates that put global wheat inventories at 33% of annual consumption, countering inventories are closer to 20%. “It is important to note that the lowest grain inventory levels the world has ever seen are now occurring while access to fertilizers is highly constrained, and drought in wheat growing regions around the world is the most extreme it’s been in over 20 years,” Menker said. “Similar inventory concerns also apply to corn and other grains. Government estimates are not adding up.” Menker told the security council that while much of the blame
The IPBES #PandemicsReport is one of the most scientifically robust examinations of the evidence and knowledge about links between pandemic risk and nature since the COVID-19 pandemic began - with 22 of the world's leading experts from fields as diverse as epidemiology, zoology, public health, disease ecology, comparative pathology, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, wildlife health, mathematical modelling, economics, law, and public policy as authors of the report. The expertise of the 22 authors was further augmented by contributions and knowledge resources from the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, and the World Health Organization - as well as a peer review process.
Long before the current political divide over climate change, and even before the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865), an American scientist named Eunice Foote documented the underlying cause of today’s climate change crisis. The year was 1856. Foote’s brief scientific paper was the first to describe the extraordinary power of carbon dioxide gas to absorb heat – the driving force of global warming. Carbon dioxide is an odorless, tasteless, transparent gas that forms when people burn fuels, including coal, oil, gasoline and wood.
Urgenda has become synonymous with a particular kind of lawsuit brought against a state for inaction on climate change. What impact it has had both in the Netherlands and internationally?
The Bank of England governor warned last week of ‘apocalyptic’ food price rises. Yet war in Ukraine, climate change and inflation are already taking their toll all over the world. Apocalypse is an alarming idea, commonly taken to denote catastrophic destruction foreshadowing the end of the world. But in the original Greek, apokálypsis means a revelation or an uncovering. One vernacular definition is “to take the lid off something”.
Allhoff-Cramer claims that the automaker is partly responsible for the impact of global heating on the farming industry and wants Volkswagen to stop making combustion engines by 2030. "Farmers are already being hit harder and faster by climate change than expected," says Allhoff-Cramer.
The Anthropocene Working Group has taken a major step towards identifying a “golden spike” location to be used in the formal definition of the Anthropocene. In public meetings held this week, during the Unearthing the Present conference in Berlin, the AWG introduced their Anthropocene short-list — 12 possible candidates for a unique reference location that clearly indicates the beginning of the new epoch.
Deux instituts d'études spécialisés ont appelé vendredi les pays du G20 à renforcer rapidement leurs engagements climatiques pour tenter de respecter les objectifs de l'accord de Paris comme ils l'ont promis lors de la dernière conférence climat COP26. "Aucun des pays du G20 n'en fait assez pour maintenir l'espoir de limiter le réchauffement à 1,5°C" par rapport à l'ère pré-industrielle, a déclaré dans un communiqué Tom Evans, de l'institut E3G qui publie une analyse des derniers engagements de ces pays conjointement avec le Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit.
Deaths from exposure to emissions from vehicles, smoke stacks and wildfires have increased by more than 50 percent this century, with poorer countries bearing the brunt of the impacts.
Exclusive: Nearly half existing facilities will need to close prematurely to limit heating to 1.5C, scientists say
Restaurant menus across the West Coast of Canada will soon see an influx of squid and sardine dishes, while the popular sockeye salmon makes a slow exit. As it turns out, climate change may have something to do with this.
The world’s leading energy economist has warned against investing in large new oil and gas developments, which would have little impact on the current energy crisis and soaring fuel prices but spell devastation to the planet.
When people talk about ways to slow climate change, they often mention trees, and for good reason. Forests take up a large amount of the planet-warming carbon dioxide that people put into the atmosphere when they burn fossil fuels. But will trees keep up that pace as global temperatures rise? With companies increasingly investing in forests as offsets, saying it cancels out their continuing greenhouse gas emissions, that’s a multibillion-dollar question.
Planned drilling projects across US land and waters will release 140bn metric tons of planet-heating gases if fully realised, an analysis shared with the Guardian has found. The study, to be published in the Energy Policy journal this month, found emissions from these oil and gas “carbon bomb” projects were four times larger than all of the planet-heating gases expelled globally each year, placing the world on track for disastrous climate change.
Oil and gas majors are planning scores of vast projects that threaten to shatter the 1.5C climate goal. If governments do not act, these firms will continue to cash in as the world burns
Have you ever sat down in the middle of the road? I did it the other day, in Regent Street in central London, as part of a protest organised by Extinction Rebellion. There were 10 000 of us sitting in the road, from Oxford Street to Piccadilly Circus.
There is a 50:50 chance of the annual average global temperature temporarily reaching 1.5 °C above the pre-industrial level for at least one of the next five years – and the likelihood is increasing with time, according to a new climate update issued by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Climate analysts are astounded by such a high reading during the rainy season, and is the third monthly record this year
Minstens drie van de zestien oliepercelen die Congo openstelt voor olieboringen overlappen met het grootste veengebied ter wereld. Daardoor ontstaat een dubbele dreiging voor het klimaat, zeggen wetenschappers en klimaatactivisten.
the new study has uncovered five other events around the world which were even more severe but were never reported. “The recent heatwave in Canada and the United States shocked the world. Yet we show there have been some even greater extremes in the last few decades. Using climate models, we also find extreme heat events are likely to increase in magnitude over the coming century – at the same rate as the local average temperature,”
En février 2022, la revue Plos Climate, spécialisée dans les questions relatives au changement climatique, a fait paraître en accès libre un article au titre évocateur : Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century (L’arrêt rapide de l’élevage à l’échelle mondiale pourrait stabiliser les niveaux de gaz à effet de serre pendant 30 ans et compenser 68 % des émissions de CO2 de ce siècle).
A new study describes a period of rapid global climate change in an ice-capped world much like the present—but 304 million years ago. Within about 300,000 years, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels doubled, oceans became anoxic, and biodiversity dropped on land and at sea.

avril 2022

Corporations and politicians edited the Policy Summary to omit the scientists’ most powerful conclusions
Reaching climate neutrality by 2050 will require 35 more times lithium and up to 26 more times the amount of rare metals compared to today’s limited use, according to a study by a team of researchers from the Belgian university KU Leuven. The study “Metals for Clean Energy” was commissioned by Eurometaux, Europe’s association of metal producers.
Metals will play a central role in successfully building Europe’s clean technology value chains and meeting the EU’s 2050 climate-neutrality goal. In the wake of supply disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Europe’s lack of resilience for its growing metals needs has become a strategic concern. This study evaluates how Europe can fulfil its goal of “achieving resource security” and “reducing strategic dependencies” for its energy transition metals, through a demand, supply, and sustainability assessment of the EU Green Deal and its resource needs . It concludes that Europe has a window of opportunity to lay the foundation for a higher level of strate- gic autonomy and sustainability for its strategic metals through optimised recycling, domestic value chain investment, and more active global sourcing. But firm action is needed soon to avoid bottlenecks for several materials that risk being in global short supply at the end of this decade.
It took me a while but I finally digested the 107 pages of Chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation in the last IPCC report on Mitigation of climate change. This chapter is worth the read if only because it’s the first one fully dedicated to demand-side strategies. What I find remarkable is its conceptual width, including a few ideas that are usually considered too radical in these kind of venues. But just like the rest of the report, it is long and – as academic writing too often is – full of abstract jargon and somnolent prose. What I want to do in this article is to explain why Chapter 5 is more radical (in the good sense of the term) that you may think.
Many are still missing after this month’s floods. Extreme weather is becoming more frequent, and it can be devastating
le rapport 2022 du financement du chaos climatique par les banques. Avec résumé en français.
Le financement des énergies fossiles par les 60 plus grandes banques au monde a atteint 4 600 milliards de dollars sur les six années qui nous séparent de l'adoption de l'accord de Paris, avec 742 milliards pour la seule année 2021. Ce rapport examine le financement des banques commerciales et d'investissement à l'industrie des énergies fossiles - prenant en compte leurs rôles de prêteur et d'émetteur d'actions et de titres de dette - et en conclut que, même au cours d'une année où les engagements « zéro émission nette » étaient très en vogue, le secteur financier a continué, par sa logique de business as usual, à alimenter le chaos climatique.
A new survey from YouGov asked Americans for their thoughts on climate change, including what they believe its potential impacts could be and whether they believe they and their country are doing enough to tackle climate change. The findings suggest that most Americans anticipate dire consequences to climate change, but many believe there are still ways to avoid the worst of it. 
The world may be facing a devastating “hidden” collapse in insect species due to the twin threats of climate change and habitat loss.
Nature-based initiatives, such as planting mangroves and revitalizing wetlands, have proven effective in making communities more resilient to climate change. But international funding has shortchanged such solutions in favor of more costly and less efficient engineering projects.
Une centaine d'Ukrainiens se sont rassemblés aux côtés du mouvement environnemental 'Rise for Climate', samedi à Anvers afin de mettre fin à l'approvisionnement de l'énergie russe en Belgique.
For the first time the world is in a position to limit global heating to under 2C, according to the first in-depth analysis of the net zero pledges made by nations at the UN Cop26 climate summit in December.
Protesters from Just Stop Oil may be breaking the law and yet still be morally right in the face of future disaster
Het Zweedse parlement wil op consumptie gebaseerde uitstootdoelstellingen opnemen in de nationale klimaatdoelen. Het is hiermee het eerste land ter wereld dat wetgeving opstelt rond de uitstoot van consumptiegoederen.
A small but growing number of Americans are moving to New England or the Appalachian Mountains, which are seen as safe havens from climate change.
A new analysis of flash droughts finds that droughts coming on suddenly seem to be striking faster in the last two decades, with approximately 33–46 percent of flash droughts now emerging within just five days.
Rapid decarbonization of energy is non-negotiable if we are to avert catastrophic global heating, says the latest UN climate report.
Climate justice: brengen rechtvaardige rechters klimaatrechtvaardigheid tot bij ons?
The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals.
Le Giec (Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat) publie ce lundi 4 avril le dernier volet de son rapport consacré aux moyens de faire face à l’urgence climatique. Tandis que les deux précédents volets de ce 6e rapport des experts du climat de l’ONU ont confirmé l’urgence climatique, ce nouveau rapport titré AR6 Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (6e rapport d’évaluation sur le changement climatique : l’atténuation du changement climatique) doit permettre aux gouvernements de trouver des solutions pour limiter le réchauffement à 2°C. Il passe en revue les possibilités existantes pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. La sortie rapide des énergies fossiles (le pétrole et le charron), l’électrification, la décarbonation de l’économie ainsi que la capture et le stockage du carbone figurent parmi les solutions mises en avant. Le Giec constate aussi un ralentissement dans l’augmentation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et une insuffisance des investissements.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), made up of the world’s leading climate scientists, has now published all three sections of its landmark comprehensive review of climate science.
The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals.

mars 2022

More climate scientists say emissions cuts are not enough and we face imminent catastrophe unless deliberately altering the climate. What are the options and challenges? Jem Bendell interviewed Dr Ye Tao who is proposing we use massive amounts of mirrors to reduce harm in the short term.
Bien qu’elles reconnaissent qu’une réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre est nécessaire, les cinq grandes banques canadiennes — RBC, Banque Scotia, TD, BMO et CIBC — ont augmenté de 70 % leur soutien au secteur des énergies fossiles en 2021 par rapport à l’année précédente. C’est ce qui ressort de la dernière édition du rapport Banking on Climate Chaos, publiée mercredi par un consortium d’organisations de la société civile appuyé par Greenpeace Canada.
It’s time for US and European foreign policy to be reframed in the context of addressing climate change. People around the world must better understand that a healthier world where all forms of energy are appropriately utilized requires a world that focuses first on peace. Without working toward peace as the first step, international efforts to tackle global climate change and promote renewable energy and sustainable development cannot progress.
Our new research suggests that temporary nature-based carbon storage can help achieve our climate goals. However, the most tangible effect — a decrease in peak warming — would only occur if we also eliminate fossil fuel emissions.
Jongeren over de hele wereld komen vrijdag 25 maart op straat. Ze eisen aandacht en een krachtdadig beleid voor de wereldwijde klimaatcrisis. Ook in ons land organiseren de jongeren van Youth For Climate een grote betoging, meer bepaald in Brussel. De actievoerders leggen wereldwijd de focus op #PeopleNotProfit en benadrukken zo dat de klimaatstrijd een systeemcrisis én klassenstrijd is, en dat de klimaattransitie klimaatrechtvaardig moet zijn.
New data suggests forests help keep the Earth at least half of a degree cooler, protecting us from the effects of climate crisis
the IPCC’s latest report on climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability (we helped write the chapter on cities) made it explicit that people living in informal settlements in areas such as Bwaise are the most vulnerable urban populations to climate change.
The Securities and Exchange Commission today proposed rule changes that would require registrants to include certain climate-related disclosures in their registration statements and periodic reports, including information about climate-related risks that are reasonably likely to have a material impact on their business, results of operations, or financial condition, and certain climate-related financial statement metrics in a note to their audited financial statements. The required information about climate-related risks also would include disclosure of a registrant’s greenhouse gas emissions, which have become a commonly used metric to assess a registrant’s exposure to such risks.
Environmentalists once saw abstraction as the biggest obstacle to climate action. How, they wondered, could one focus the public on the distant future? Today, we confront the opposite problem, with the very immediacy of the crisis generating a strange paralysis. When the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that global heating made extreme flooding more common, its new report at the end of February spurred relatively little discussion – in part because of the water covering swathes of Queensland and New South Wales. As tinnies plucked desperate residents from the deluge, who could give due weight to the warning from Prof Brendan Mackey, one of the IPPC authors, that the science clearly projected “an increase of heavy rainfall events?”
Fresh water cycles from ocean to air to clouds to rivers and back to the oceans. This constant shuttling can give us the illusion of certainty. Fresh water will always come from the tap. Won’t it? Unfortunately, that’s not guaranteed. Climate change is shifting where the water cycle deposits water on land, with drier areas becoming drier still, and wet areas becoming even wetter.
Het Amerikaanse congres heeft voor dit jaar amper 1 miljard dollar aan internationale klimaatfinanciering goedgekeurd. Daardoor blijft de kloof groot met de 11,4 miljard per jaar tegen 2024 die president Joe Biden heeft beloofd.
Plusieurs associations belges et internationales telles que Rise for Climate Belgium et Stop Ecocide International organisent une semaine d'actions appelant à la reconnaissance de l'écocide par les institutions européennes, du 20 au 25 mars, ont-elles annoncé lundi lors d'une conférence de presse. Ce terme désigne un ensemble d'actes illégaux "commis en connaissant les dommages graves qu'ils peuvent poser à l'environnement". L'Union européenne, en pleine révision de son droit pénal environnemental, ne reconnaît pas cette terminologie.
There's no time for complacency, according to Dr. Peter Carter, founder of the Climate Emergency Institute
China plant een enorm wind- en zonnepark in de Gobiwoestijn. Tegen 2030 moet het een capaciteit halen van 450 gigawatt - het dubbele van alle Amerikaanse wind- en zonneparken samen.
As Earth’s climate warms, incidences of extreme heat and humidity are rising, with significant consequences for human health. Climate scientists are tracking a key measure of heat stress that can warn us of harmful conditions.
February 28, 2022. Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least able to cope are being hardest hit, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released today.
Des centaines d'ONG ont appelé vendredi le monde à mettre fin à son "addiction aux énergies fossiles" qu'elles considèrent comme un moteur de l'invasion russe de l'Ukraine. Il est "clair que la machine de guerre (russe) a été financée, nourrie et alimentée par les industries du charbon, du pétrole et du gaz qui encouragent à la fois l'invasion qui menace l'Ukraine et la crise climatique qui menace l'avenir de l'humanité", écrivent dans une lettre ouverte ces organisations, dont, Climate Action Network ou Carbon Market Watch, ainsi que des dizaines de groupes ukrainiens.
Nieuwe EU-regels voor investeringen in hernieuwbare energie spelen ook in de kaart van zogenaamde “blauwe waterstof”, waarschuwen experten. Ze wordt geproduceerd op basis van aardgas en kan mogelijk meer vervuilend zijn dan de fossiele brandstoffen die ze moet vervangen.

février 2022

The IPCC has finalized the second part of the Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, the Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report. It was finalized on 27 February 2022 during the 12th Session of Working Group II and 55th Session of the IPCC. Read the report here
BERLIN, Feb 28 – Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least able to cope are being hardest hit, said scientists in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, released today.
The Working Group II contribution to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change.
Many pathways to stopping climate change involve overshooting 1.5°C temporarily. The latest synthesis of 34,000 references says that’s a bad idea.
On 28 February, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body solely dedicated to looking at the science behind climate change, will release a major report on the impacts of the climate crisis and why it is imperative that we act now to address the growing risks. The report, which focuses on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, is expected to detail how climate impacts are already wreaking havoc in every part of the world and how, without much bolder action, more lives will be lost and more livelihoods destroyed. The report will look at challenges and solutions for addressing these risks and minimizing vulnerability unique to the world’s regions, cities and other habitats.
L’actualisation de précédents travaux par des chercheurs de l’Université Columbia et de l’Université de Californie (États-Unis) soutient que la sécheresse qui touche le sud-ouest de l’Amérique du Nord depuis une vingtaine d’années est la plus sévère depuis au moins 1200 ans. Les résultats ont été publiés dans la revue Nature Climate Change ce 14 février.
Poolse staatsenergiebedrijven hebben een reclamecampagne gelanceerd waarin ze Brussel en het EU-beleid de schuld geven van de hoge energieprijzen in Polen. Dit doet de spanningen tussen Warschau en Brussel verder oplopen, waarschuwen experts.
Accusations of greenwashing against major oil companies that claim to be in transition to clean energy are well-founded, according to the most comprehensive study to date.
We may lose up to three meters of coastline in the Arctic every year by 2100 if greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced, according to a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change. The authors also warn about bigger waves due to increasing temperatures, making the coastline very vulnerable to further losses due to erosion.
There’s a new horse race in 2022. It’s one that we would rather lose than win. If our analysis is right, the world will probably blow through the 1.5°C global warming ceiling this decade; if we’re wrong, it could be delayed a decade. We argue[1],[2] that the apparent acceleration of global warming in the past decade is driven by an acceleration in the growth rate of human-made climate forcings, especially reduced human-made aerosol cooling – an effect that is not going away and may grow.
Every one of us now has a duty to do something, if not for ourselves then for the survival of future generations
Momentum to phase out unabated coal use is growing globally. This transition is critical to meeting the Paris climate goals but can potentially lead to large amounts of stranded assets, especially in regions with newer and growing coal fleets. Here we combine plant-level data with a global integrated assessment model to quantify changes in global stranded asset risks from coal-fired power plants across regions and over time. With new plant proposals, cancellations, and retirements over the past five years, global net committed emissions in 2030 from existing and planned coal plants declined by 3.3 GtCO2 (25%). While these emissions are now roughly in line with initial Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement, they remain far off track from longer-term climate goals. Progress made in 2021 towards no new coal can potentially avoid a 24% (503 GW) increase in capacity and a 55% ($520 billion) increase in stranded assets under 1.5 °C. Stranded asset risks fall disproportionately on emergin
Rapidly rising levels of atmospheric methane are "very bad news for humanity and the planet," warned one observer.
To this day, the demand for metals has kept increasing. The energy transition necessary to meet climate objectives will add to that demand during the upcoming decades, for low-carbon energy technologies require larger metal quantities than their fossil-fuel based counterparts. This frequently raises concerns over the actual capacity of geological stocks to meet demand at scale, which we investigate in the present analysis.
Water vapor is Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas. It’s responsible for about half of Earth’s greenhouse effect — the process that occurs when gases in Earth’s atmosphere trap the Sun’s heat. Greenhouse gases keep our planet livable. Without them, Earth’s surface temperature would be about 59 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celsius) colder. Water vapor is also a key part of Earth’s water cycle: the path that all water follows as it moves around Earth’s atmosphere, land, and ocean as liquid water, solid ice, and gaseous water vapor.
Onshoring critical minerals mining doesn’t address the root causes of predatory extraction.
How we can harness the staggering diversity of trees to lock away more carbon
Fossiele bedrijven gokken erop dat de opwarming van de aarde niet zal omkeren en dat de olieprijs hoog blijft. Onder meer Shell, ExxonMobil en Kuwait Petroleum Corporation zetten in op dure olieprojecten die niet lonen in een wereld die maximaal 2 graden opwarmt. Dit blijkt uit een analyse van Carbon Tracker.

janvier 2022

Egypt’s Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad and Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation El-Sayed El-Kosayer met on Sunday to discuss preparations for the Conference of the Parties on Climate Change (COP 27), which Egypt will be hosting in Sharm El-Sheikh this year.
Climate change is raising flood risks in neighborhoods across the U.S. much faster than many people realize. Over the next three decades, the cost of flood damage is on pace to rise 26% due to climate change alone, an analysis of our new flood risk maps shows.
Aardgas is nodig als tussenoplossing voor de energietransitie, schrijft de Duitse overheid in een brief aan de Europese Commissie. De Duitse regering blijft zich kanten tegen kernenergie als duurzame energiebron.
The world could lose half of its best coffee-growing land under a moderate climate change scenario. Brazil, which is the currently world’s largest coffee producer, will see its most suitable coffee-growing land decline by 79%.
Over the weekend, physical climate scientist David Holland made it to his research base on the Thwaites Glacier — a vast, unstable and vital ice formation in Southern Antarctica that researchers have scrambled to understand.
Approval of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group II report on Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability in a virtual session (14-25 Feb). Press conference (virtual) at 10:00 a.m. CET (Berlin) on Monday, 28 February 2022 – 04.00 EDT (New York), 09:00 GMT (London), 12:00 EAT (Nairobi), 16:00 ICT (Bangkok) Information about media registration is available here. The deadline for registration is Friday, 18 February 2022.
Oil companies love to tell the world about the super cool technologies that have that will allow us to keep burning fossil fuels without cooking the climate. But those technologies are largely bullshit.
De volgende klimaattop in Egypte zal niet worden voorgezeten door de ervaren vrouwelijke minister van Leefmilieu Yasmine Fouad, maar door minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Sameh Shoukry. Van de 26 voorbije klimaattoppen werden er amper vijf voorgezeten door een vrouw.
On the holiday honoring the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., scientists, theologians, ministers and climate justice advocates find commonality in the movement he led more than half a century ago.
As required by the Climate Change Act 2008, the government has today submitted the Third UK Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA3) to Parliament. Professor Richard Betts MBE, who led this team, says that ""ne of the key conclusions from the University of Exeter's work was that current worldwide policies could result in up to 4°C warming by 2100."
The UK Government is forecasting that, without better plans to improve climate resilience, billions of pounds will be wiped off of national GDP in the coming decades, with the costs of inaction set to outweigh the cost of action by 2045.
The MET Office has warned the UK could be ravaged by armed militias because of worsening conditions caused by climate change.
The new top scientist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration wants the famed space agency to become a leading voice on climate change science, too.
The Government needs to make immediate hard choices such as rationing fossil fuels, stopping forest and peat harvesting, cutting the national herd and restricting car traffic into cities if it wants to meet its own targets on emissions reductions, climate change experts have told an Oireachtas committee.
Negen jaar nadat de giftige smog in de Chinese hoofdstad wijdverbreid protest uitlokte, zien milieuactivisten in Beijing ‘buitengewone vooruitgang’ in de strijd tegen luchtvervuiling.
The ground, typically moist from snow this time of year, was dry and flammable as a result of unusually warm temperatures and a lack of precipitation in recent months, experts said.

décembre 2021

De internationale gemeenschap bereikte het voorbije jaar moeizaam een consensus om het gebruik van steenkool af te bouwen. Maar 2021 was ook het jaar waarin de wereldwijde elektriciteitsproductie uit steenkool een recordhoogte bereikte. Een overzicht van de belangrijkste momenten.
Kort na de klimaattop in Glasgow stuurden de Teachers for Climate een open brief aan vice-minister president van de Vlaamse regering en Vlaams minister van onderwijs Ben Weyts. Deze brief verscheen integraal in De Wereld Morgen. Hij werd ondertekend door zo’n 200 mensen uit het onderwijsveld (kleuter-, lager-, secundair-, volwassen-, hoger- en universitair onderwijs), onder wie meerdere Grootouders voor het Klimaat. Ook wij publiceerden de open brief.
Warmer winters are happening across the globe, and can be drivers of catastrophic weather events and profound changes
The only indigenous people left in Europe are struggling to keep their way of life as the Arctic warms up
Tapio, fondée à Bruxelles en 2019, figure parmi les start-up climate tech pionnières en Europe. "Dans les appels d'offres européens, nous revenons systématiquement dans les 5 ou 6 sociétés retenues pour déposer une offre", explique Nathan Clarke, cofondateur et CEO de Tapio (nom qui, pour la petite histoire, fait référence à une divinité protectrice de la forêt dans la mythologie finnoise).
Largest scientific study of its kind finds climate anxiety affects the daily life and functioning of nearly half of children and young people surveyed globally.
Satisfying the increased demand for food is placing pressure on the world’s water, land and soil resources. Agriculture has its part to play in alleviating these pressures and contributing positively to climate and development goals. Sustainable agricultural practices can lead to direct improvements in the state of land, soil and water, and generate ecosystem benefits as well as reduce emissions from land. Accomplishing all these requires accurate information and a major change in how we manage the resources. It also requires complementing efforts from outside the natural resources management domain to maximize synergies and manage trade-offs.
Study finds natural regrowth yields better results than human plantings and offers hope for climate recovery
The UK government has proposed some worrying amendments to its already draconian policing bill. The amendments will directly target environmental activists and are a response to direct action protests from groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain, and protests against the HS2 high speed railway.
World leaders must commit to boosting cycling levels to reduce carbon emissions and reach global climate goals quickly and effectively
Climate change has important implications for the health and futures of children and young people, yet they have little power to limit its harm, making them vulnerable to climate anxiety. This is the first large-scale investigation of climate anxiety in children and young people globally and its relationship with perceived government response.
When we call for help because of a house fire, we don’t expect the fire department to say that we should wait until it has that great new fire truck with better hoses. We don’t expect the firemen to tell us their jackets aren’t quite fireproof so they can’t help.

novembre 2021

L'observatoire Climate Chance vient de publier son nouveau panorama de l'action climatique au niveau mondial. S'il y a quelques raisons de s'enthousiasmer avec l'envolée des ventes de voitures électriques ou le boom des énergies renouvelables, sur le fond, la transition n'est pas encore là. Les émissions de gaz à effet serre sont toujours en hausse et notre modèle de production et de consommation, basé sur les énergies fossiles, n'est pas remis en cause.
Le "bilan mondial de l'action climat par secteur" de l'association Climate Chance compile toutes les initiatives des entreprises, États et collectivités de la planète face au réchauffement climatique. Il en ressort cette année que le monde du capital "s'adapte" à la contrainte de la transition énergétique pour continuer de croître.
Le secteur du pétrole et gaz aurait émis près d’un milliard de tonnes de CO2 de plus que celles reportées officiellement, selon un rapport de Climate Trace. Cette coalition d’ONG, d’entreprises de la tech et d’universités a développé une base de données sur les émissions des grands secteurs économiques à partir d’informations tirées de satellites et analysées par des modèles d’intelligence artificielle. Elle espère apporter une information mise à jour régulièrement sur les niveaux d’émissions des grands secteurs économiques.
De eerste vrouwelijke premier van Barbados, een van de kleinste en meest klimaatgevoelige landen ter wereld, wil het internationale financiële systeem laten werken voor de mensen in de frontlinie van de klimaatcrisis. Haar ideeën haalden het tot in het Glasgow-pact en ook uit Brussel komt er steun.
After almost six years of negotiations over the tangle of convoluted rules required to integrate the world’s burgeoning carbon markets – which were first put forward in article 6 of the 2015 Paris climate agreement – negotiators announced they had agreed a common set of tools. These would allow carbon markets to operate globally, and unleash trillions of dollars of green investments through so-called carbon offset programmes.
Anuna De Wever, bekend boegbeeld van Youth for Climate vertelt in een openhartig en pittig interview hoe ze de klimaattop in Glasgow heeft beleefd, welk bilan ze van de top maakt en hoe het nu verder moet met onze planeet.
As 2100 looms closer, climate projections should look farther into the future, scientists say
Morocco has become famous for its vast, world-leading solar arrays. But these mega-projects are just the start of the action on climate change that Morocco could be capable of delivering.
Une analyse partagée par Adélaïde Charlier, la coordinatrice francophone de "Youth for Climate" de Belgique. "Il y a eu des côtés positifs, mais surtout négatifs", a-t-elle fait savoir sur le JT de 13h de la RTBF. La jeune militante regrette que la conférence ne soit pas allée plus loin concernant les énergies fossiles et le charbon.
Adélaïde Charlier, coordinatrice de "Youth for Climate", admet qu’il "y a eu des avancées" mais regrette qu’il n’ait pas été décidé d’arrêter complètement les subsides aux énergies fossiles et au charbon
Now it’s a straight fight for survival. The Glasgow Climate Pact, for all its restrained and diplomatic language, looks like a suicide pact. After so many squandered years of denial, distraction and delay, it’s too late for incremental change.
This was filmed at a UN press conference during the final days of COP26.
After two weeks of talks in Glasgow, diplomats from almost 200 countries have agreed to ramp up their carbon-cutting commitments, phase out some fossil fuels and increase aid to poor countries on the front lines of climate change.
Une contribution de « Il Est Temps » l’Alliance maçonnique pour le climat Voici bientôt deux ans qu’un virus pourtant minuscule tient fermement les humains sous sa férule implacable et s’accapare l’attention de nos gouvernements. Avec la publication cet été de la première partie du sixième Rapport d’Évaluation du GIEC et la 26e Conférence des Parties (COP […]
C’est sa première COP, ici à Glasgow, après le rendez-vous manqué de Madrid. Adelaïde Charlier, l’une des figures de proue du mouvement Youth for climate, avait entrepris, fin 2019, un périple en voilier, vers le Chili, où devait se tenir la COP25. Mais en raison de troubles sociaux dans le pays andin, la conférence climat s’était finalement tenue à Madrid. La COP26, elle ne pouvait donc pas la rater.
Politician says droughts and climate-induced famine in the country are a result of the behaviours of rich nations
Je reviens, en train, de Glasgow où j’ai accompagné mon mari à la Cop 26. Nous avions pris, le 30 octobre dernier, le fameux "Climate Train", à partir de Bruxelles. Je peux confirmer que l’ambiance à bord, avec tous les jeunes qui ont embarqué dans ce train pour aller faire pression sur la Cop, était vraiment festive. Nous partagions ce délicieux sentiment d’être tous ensemble, solidaires, pour défendre nos valeurs et faire avancer les choses.
À l’aide de l’algorithme que nous avons développé, nous avons analysé l’offre de cours et de formation de l’enseignement supérieur en Belgique (universités et hautes écoles). Notre analyse révèle que plus de 60% des formations ne comportent aucun cours qui traitent des enjeux climatiques et environnementaux, et que seuls 5% des cours traitent de ces sujets. L’offre de formation est en outre très cloisonnée et concentrée surtout auprès des sciences et sciences appliquées. Enfin, une enquête que nous avons réalisée auprès d’un échantillon d’étudiants révèle que plus de 87% d’entre eux souhaitent être formés à ces enjeux. Face à ce constat, nous proposons des pistes de réflexion pour soutenir la transition et l’adaptation des formations de l’enseignement supérieur.
Les toutes nouvelles promesses annoncées à la COP26 de Glasgow engendreraient un réchauffement de la planète d'environ 2,4°C d'ici la fin du siècle, selon le groupe de recherche Climate Action Tracker. Cela les placerait loin de la limite de 1,5°C, que les scientifiques estiment nécessaire pour éviter les effets les plus dévastateurs du changement climatique.
Exclusive: Greta Thunberg among young people filing legal suit for climate crisis to be declared a global level 3 emergency
Pandering to the rich has got us into this mess. The correlation between wealth and polluting behaviour could not be clearer
Our civilization needs the greatest economic transformation in human history. We have to halve our rate of consumption, and double our investment rate. That is a fact everyone should know, children should be taught at school, which should make headlines every single day.
In Paris, all governments solemnly promised to come to COP26 with more ambitious 2030 commitments to close the massive 2030 emissions gap that was already evident in 2015. Three years later the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C reinforced the scientific imperative, and earlier this year it called a climate “code red.” Now, at the midpoint of Glasgow, it is clear there is a massive credibility, action and commitment gap that casts a long and dark shadow of doubt over the net zero goals put forward by more than 140 countries, covering 90% of global emissions.
Après une première semaine riche en annonces plus ou moins significatives, la COP26 entre dans le dur. Les négociations sur le climat, qui doivent s’achever vendredi, deviennent plus techniques. Les dirigeants sont en train de bûcher sur «de nouveaux plans climatiques d’ici 2023 pour maintenir 1,5°C à portée de main, les flux financiers, les règles de reporting et le fonctionnement des marchés mondiaux du carbone», résume l’European Climate Foundation. Avec trois mauvais élèves qui tentent de freiner les actions ambitieuses : l’Arabie saoudite, le Brésil et l’Australie. Libération fait le point sur trois dossiers brûlants.
Le Climate Action Tracker (CAT), un consortium de scientifiques sur le climat, tire la sonnette d’alarme dans sa mise à jour mondiale annuelle publiée ce mardi. Il pointe le déficit de crédibilité de la COP26 à Glasgow alors que l’action réelle des Etats ne reflète pas les promesses de réduction des émissions, à moyen ou long terme. Les parties à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur le réchauffement du climat ne font ni assez fort, ni assez vite pour limiter la hausse du thermomètre de la planète, selon le CAT.
België is dit jaar negen plaatsen gezakt op de *Climate Change Performance Index, en komt uit op de 49ste plaats. Ons land ligt ver achter bij de buurlanden en zelfs opkomende landen als China of India.
België is dit jaar negen plaatsen gezakt op de Climate Change Performance Index, en komt uit op de 49ste plaats. Ons land ligt ver achter bij de buurlanden en zelfs opkomende landen als China of India.
Temperature rises will top 2.4C by the end of this century, based on the short-term goals countries have set out, according to research published in Glasgow on Tuesday. That would far exceed the 2C upper limit the Paris accord said the world needed to stay “well below”, and the much safer 1.5C limit aimed for at the Cop26 talks.
With a disregard for people’s lives, countries from the UK to Poland are toughening up, as if in preparation for climate displacement
And yet, their leaders continue to avoid making strong commitments on climate action. Heatwaves, droughts, fires and floods will increase in severity and frequency, creating risk and instability for today’s G20 growth models. Most G20 countries share one trait: long and densely populated coastlines, replete with vital infrastructure that will, over time, stand in the way of dangerous turbulence.
Malaysia’s latest catalogue of its greenhouse gas emissions to the United Nations reads like a report from a parallel universe. The 285-page document suggests that Malaysia’s trees are absorbing carbon four times faster than similar forests in neighboring Indonesia.
Several terms have been used to describe the negative mental health implications of environmental degradation, including ecological grief, solastalgia, climate and eco-anxiety. The American Psychological Association defines eco-anxiety as a “chronic fear of environmental doom”. Some psychiatrists describe this as an anticipated trauma or a “pre-traumatic stress disorder”.
Some economists have long argued that to really save the planet – and ourselves – from the climate crisis, we need a fundamental overhaul of the way our economies work. In this episode of The Conversation Weekly, we explore the ideas of the degrowth movement and their calls for a contraction in the world’s consumption of energy and resources. We also compare degrowth to other post-growth proposals for governments to reduce their fixation with economic growth.
La première grève mondiale pour le climat, c’était en 2018. Depuis, les actions en faveur de la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique ne font qu’augmenter. En Belgique, le mouvement "Youth for Climate" s’inspire de la démarche de l’activiste suédoise Greta Thunberg et mobilise de milliers de jeunes belges. Retour et analyse sur un mouvement en ascension.
At COP26 this week, some of the world’s biggest corporate polluters sent huge delegations to proclaim the need for climate action. They’re presenting themselves as the new climate saviors, but averting disaster won’t come from those who make a profit from killing the planet.
The annual "adaptation gap" report — which published Thursday amid the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow — found that the estimated costs to adapt to the worst effects of warming temperatures such as droughts, floods and rising seas in low-income countries are five to 10 times higher than how much money is currently flowing into those regions.
La COP26 qui réunit actuellement les dirigeants mondiaux à Glasgow, en Écosse, pour un sommet sur le climat a été l'occasion pour le Premier ministre belge Alexander De Croo de s'exprimer sur le sujet. Son allocution a cependant déçu l’initiatrice du mouvement Youth for Climate Belgium, Anuna De Wever: "Des soupirs et des rires d'incrédulité face aux nombreux clichés."
In the Paris Agreement, over 200 countries decided upon limiting global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg ratified the agreement and consecutively, in November 2018, they signed the Benelux Talanoa Declaration, emphasizing their common pathway in achieving these goals. In addition, the Benelux Talanoa Declaration calls upon the creation of a platform to enhance further dialogue between the Benelux countries, as well as with stakeholders committed and working towards to the climate objectives on a policy, technical, scientific, practical or more conceptual level.
Humanity injects an almost incomprehensible 42 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO₂) into the atmosphere every year. The majority of this comes from burning fossil fuels, but a substantial portion, about 16%, arises from how we use the land. Most of these land-use emissions are caused by deforestation, particularly in the tropics.
The United Nations secretary general, António Guterres, on Monday issued a blistering critique of the world’s failure to rein in global warming, calling on countries to return every year to review their climate targets — not every five years, as the Paris climate agreement spells out. “Even if the recent pledges were clear and credible — and there are serious questions about some of them — we are still careening towards climate catastrophe,” he said at the opening ceremony of COP26, the U.N. climate summit in Glasgow.
The Earth is warming the Earth. In this series of five short films, learn why natural warming loops have scientists alarmed—and why we have less time than we think. Subtitled in 23 languages.
A survey of the world’s top climate researchers shows a stark finding: Most expect catastrophic levels of heating and damage soon—very soon.
As a leading climate scientist, Paola Arias doesn’t need to look far to see the world changing. Shifting rain patterns threaten water supplies in her home city of Medellín, Colombia, while rising sea levels endanger the country’s coastline. She isn’t confident that international leaders will slow global warming or that her own government can handle the expected fallout, such as mass migrations and civil unrest over rising inequality. With such an uncertain future, she thought hard several years ago about whether to have children.

octobre 2021

Pledges to plant trees fall from politicians’ lips like leaves in the autumn, especially during elections and climate summits. Yet ambitious government planting targets are likely to be missed because there are not enough trees or people to plant them, leading forestry figures have warned.
There is a myth about human beings that withstands all evidence. It’s that we always put our survival first. This is true of other species. When confronted by an impending threat, such as winter, they invest great resources into avoiding or withstanding it: migrating or hibernating, for example. Humans are a different matter.
Technologies for the removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere (direct air capture, or DAC for short) are already in use, but neither their actual benefits for climate protection nor their other environmental impact have yet to be investigated.
From October 28-31, 2021, public hearings has been held in the 'Court for Intergenerational Climate Crimes' (CICC) against various transnational corporations ...
Here you can find out how many more climate extremes you will face across your lifetime relative to a world without climate change. The results are based on solid science.
Quelques jours avant la COP26 sur le climat et deux ans après leur discours à l'Assemblée nationale, deux jeunes Français, membres de "Youth for Climate" restent sur leur faim. Interrogés par le Huffington Post, ils reviennent sur leur désillusion.
Une trentaine de jeunes militants écologistes ont occupé le Science Museum de Londres dans la nuit de mardi à mercredi pour dénoncer ses partenariats avec des compagnies pétrolières, un type de mécénat de plus en plus critiqué. Les militants, membres de UK Student Climate Network (UKSCN London), ont passé la nuit dans le hall du musée londonien, après avoir effectué une veillée à la bougie pour "les victimes" des sponsors du musée, BP, Shell, Equinor.
Réalisé auprès de 1 000 Américains par YouGov pour Vice News, The Guardian et Covering Climate Now, les résultats de ce sondage interpelle.
Many economic assessments of the climate crisis “grossly undervalue the lives of young people and future generations”, Prof Nicholas Stern warned on Tuesday, before the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow.
De voorbije zomer was een wake-up call voor het klimaat: overstromingen en bosbranden over de hele wereld, ook in Europa en België. Het laatste rapport van het IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) bevestigt met nog meer klaarheid de omvang en de urgentie van het klimaatprobleem. Intussen maakt de wereld zich op voor COP26, de jaarlijkse klimaatonderhandeling, die dit jaar in Glasgow plaatsvindt.
Fresh emissions targets from Saudi Arabia and Australia – two of the world’s largest fossil-fuel producers – are due to arrive just in time for global climate talks in Glasgow. These would commit the two countries to reducing domestic emissions to net zero by around mid-century – though both are expected to continue exporting fossil fuels for decades to come.
The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.
The World’s Next Big Problem Is That We’re Too Depressed and Traumatized to Fix All the Others
Kim Le Quang, co-fondateur de Rise for Climate, un collectif citoyen bénévole et engagé né il y a environ trois ans, était ce jeudi matin l’Invité de La Première pour faire le point sur ce dossier. Il a répondu aux questions de Sophie Brems. À quelques jours du début de la COP26 à Glasgow, vous voulez faire entendre votre voix auprès des chefs d’États européens ?
Chronic kidney disease linked to heat stress could become a major health epidemic for millions of workers around the world as global temperatures increase over the coming decades, doctors have warned.
De ‘Belgian Alliance for Climate Action’ vierde vandaag haar 1e verjaardag. Dit initiatief van WWF-België en The Shift kende een vliegende start met ondertussen 84 leden, die samen 278.503 werknemers tellen en 81 miljard omzet vertegenwoordigen.
Country hopes to ensure effects of climate crisis are always considered in business, investment, lending and insurance decisions
A huge leak of documents seen by BBC News shows how countries are trying to change a crucial scientific report on how to tackle climate change. The leak reveals Saudi Arabia, Japan and Australia are among countries asking the UN to play down the need to move rapidly away from fossil fuels.
Climate change is not a uniquely modern threat. From the Ancestral Puebloans to the Mayans, many ancient civilizations crumbled due to climate change.
The astonishing story of how the US entered the second world war should be on everyone’s minds as Cop26 approaches
The scientific consensus that humans are altering the climate has passed 99.9%, according to research that strengthens the case for global action at the Cop26 summit in Glasgow.
A former police officer who is now a prominent climate crisis campaigner has accused the Metropolitan police of attempting to recruit him to spy on Extinction Rebellion.
As threats grow, FEMA is overhauling its risk rating system for its national flood insurance program - which could have implications for vulnerable home owners
The enormous, unprecedented pain and turmoil caused by the climate crisis is often discussed alongside what can seem like surprisingly small temperature increases – 1.5C or 2C hotter than it was in the era just before the car replaced the horse and cart.
The UN Conference of the Parties (COP26) for the Framework Convention on Climate Change will be in Glasgow 1-12 November. There is a chance that Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister and meeting host, might make this COP more effective than prior COPs, as discussed below.
We also asked about organisations’ risk response and approaches to planning. Our survey results support a picture of UK organisations that are taking steps to prepare for similar extreme weather, with the top three actions of organisations affected being capacity training or some form of knowledge transfer, investment in new technologies, and making an insurance claim. While just 16% of organisations reported having an adaptation plan, a considerable proportion (37%) said their organisation was planning to develop one.
Suite à l’occupation du siège Ecolo/Groen, nous avons obtenu une rencontre le 12/10 avec la Ministre du climat Zakia Khattabi. Nos revendications étaient notamment d’obtenir la remise en question de la construction de nouvelles centrales à gaz. la confirmation de la sortie du nucléaire en 2025 et un moratoire sur d'autres projets nuisibles et inutiles.
Van de 32 landen met de grootste bosoppervlakte ter wereld heeft alleen India echt ambitieuze doelen voor bosherstel. De andere landen schieten tekort, zo toont een analyse van hun laatste klimaatbeloften. En er komt ook geen internationale financiering voor de bescherming van bossen.
ome problems are so big, you can't really see them. Climate change is the perfect example. The basics are simple: the climate is heating up due to fossil fuel use. But the nitty gritty is so vast and complicated that our understanding of it is always evolving. Evolving so rapidly, in fact, that it's basically impossible for humans to keep up.
Communications from young people give me optimism. Potential leaders among young people seem to have an ability to see the forest for the trees regarding climate change policy, a desire to follow the data, and a recognition of the need to address political polarization.
With global warming intensifying the water cycle, floods and droughts are increasing, and many countries are unprepared.
Rarely has there been so much anticipation of a climate summit as there is for COP26 in Glasgow at the end of this month.
Vingt-trois agences fédérales ont planché sur la question durant plusieurs mois. Le quotidien passe en revue leurs conclusions les plus frappantes suivant les ministères concernés : Two dozen federal agencies flagged the biggest dangers posed by a warming planet. The list spreads across American society....
Human rights council also appoints special rapporteur to monitor impact of climate crisis on rights
After the second world war, many of Japan’s smartest scientists found jobs in North American laboratories. Syukuro (Suki) Manabe, a 27-year-old physicist, was part of this brain drain. He was working on weather forecasting but left Japan in 1958 to join a new research project by the US Weather Service to develop a numerical model that could be used to study the climate...
De nombreuses écoles à travers toute la Belgique se mobiliseront vendredi pour une action commune nommée "Wake Up for Climate" et visant à montrer leur engagement dans la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique, peut-on lire mercredi sur l'événement Facebook créé par la Coalition climat.
An open letter sent on behalf of 1.8 million Fairtrade producers worldwide, ahead of COP26, urges world leaders to keep their promise to provide $100 billion in annual finance to low-income nations disproportionately hit by the climate crisis.
Al Gore shares examples of extreme climate events (think: fires, floods and atmospheric tsunamis), identifies the man-made systems holding us back from progress and invites us all to join the movement for climate justice: "the biggest emergent social movement in all of history," as he puts it. An unmissable tour de force on the current state of the crisis -- and the transformations that will make it possible to find a way out of it.
Le constat est effrayant. Ce rapport, intitulé State of Climate Services 2021: Water, tire la sonnette d'alarme. Il faut s'attendre à ce que le stress hydrique augmente massivement. En 2018, 3,6 milliards de personnes n'ont pas eu un accès suffisant à l'eau pendant au moins un mois. D'ici à 2050, elles devraient être plus de 5 milliards. Soit plus de la moitié de la population mondiale.
The most important climate talk at the highest political level—since the Paris climate conference in 2015—is set to take place in Glasgow, Scotland this year, from October 31 to November 12. This is the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This is not only the largest global climate summit, but also the largest global event as the sheer existence of the world will depend on the outcome of this year's conference.
La 26e conférence annuelle de l'ONU sur le climat sous la présidence britannique et en partenariat avec l'Italie aura lieu cette année à Glasgow du 1er au 12 novembre 2021.

septembre 2021

The case for cutting meat consumption is so compelling that you would think politicians would be less shy about making it. Yet while campaigners warn with increasing urgency that global livestock production is accelerating climate breakdown and causing devastating damage to nature and human health, governments remain reluctant to tackle meat-eating.
Cette stratégie est explicitée dès l’introduction du Mémorandum : la fonction du mouvement social, selon la Coalition, est d’amener la Belgique à « soutenir pleinement » la politique de la Commission von der Leyen, afin de faire de notre pays un « leader climatique responsable ». Le vieux slogan « System change not climate change » est remisé discrètement aux archives. Il ne s’agit plus de combattre le système mais d’implémenter le « modèle » qui rendra le système « résilient ».
Greta Thunberg has excoriated global leaders over their promises to address the climate emergency, dismissing them as “blah, blah, blah”.
The world is dangerously off track to meet the Paris Agreement goals. The risks are compounding. Without immediate action the impacts will be devastating in the coming decades.
California has taken on a major source of climate change pollution: the carbon emitted from cement used in the construction of buildings and highways. Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom (D) signed SB 596, which will require carbon emissions per ton of cement produced to be cut by 40 percent below 2019 levels by 2035.
Vital United Nations climate talks, billed as one of the last chances to stave off climate breakdown, will not produce the breakthrough needed to fulfil the aspiration of the Paris agreement, key players in the talks have conceded.
People born in 2020 will have to face between two and seven times more extreme climate-related events over their lifetimes than people born in 1960, according to estimates from a new study.
From turning CO2 into rock to capturing the breath of office workers, a growing number of companies think the answer is yes
Despite all the analogies for this possibly terminal emergency, it is unlike anything that has come before
So far, all the preparation work we have done has been beating around the bush – not much that is substantial is happening yet. The homework has been done very well, but only on the issues that are not very substantive for this Cop, such as technical issues to do with the Paris agreement. We need to discuss now the issues which are most substantive: ambition, and climate finance.
I was in high school when the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its finalized “Fifth Assessment Report.” For a week in 2014, the report occupied my computer screen, side by side with an unfinished college application essay.
As the world starts to seriously entertain the possibility of commercially mining the deep sea for valuable metals, it’s worth taking a closer look at the claims used to justify its potentially long-lived impacts.
Door de opwarming van het oceaanwater moeten walvissen noodgedwongen naar gevaarlijke gebieden trekken om eten te vinden. Ook voor andere zeezoogdieren wordt het moeilijker overleven in de warmere oceanen.
This report introduces an analytical framework to better understand the drivers, triggers and impacts of internal displacement in the context of climate change.
Earth systems could tip before 2050. We urgently need more stringent climate targets. If there’s one thing we know about climate breakdown, it’s that it will not be linear, smooth or gradual. Just as one continental plate might push beneath another in sudden fits and starts, causing periodic earthquakes and tsunamis, our atmospheric systems will absorb the stress for a while, then suddenly shift.
Nearly 60% of young people approached said they felt very worried or extremely worried. More than 45% of those questioned said feelings about the climate affected their daily lives. Three-quarters of them said they thought the future was frightening. Over half (56%) say they think humanity is doomed.
This article argues that resource and logistical constraints weighing on low-carbon energy and CO2 capture technologies are likely to pave the way for geo-engineering solutions such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), which demand negligible land, material, and energy inputs. This “climate transition without carbon transition”, though technically feasible, is far from being that simple, raising a whole new set of environmental risks as well as geopolitical, institutional, and ethical issues.
If there’s one thing we know about climate breakdown, it’s that it will not be linear, smooth or gradual. Just as one continental plate might push beneath another in sudden fits and starts, causing periodic earthquakes and tsunamis, our atmospheric systems will absorb the stress for a while, then suddenly shift. Yet, everywhere, the programmes designed to avert it are linear, smooth and gradual.
The research found 90% of coal and 60% of oil and gas reserves could not be extracted if there was to be even a 50% chance of keeping global heating below 1.5C, the temperature beyond which the worst climate impacts hit.
President Biden's climate envoy John Kerry says that unless the world’s top 20 worst emitters do not take “bold action” to tackle the climate crisis, the global environment will reach a point of no return.
The study from the UN University, the academic and research arm of the UN, looks at 10 different disasters that occurred in 2020 and 2021, and finds that, even though they occurred in very different locations and do not initially appear to have much in common, they are, in fact, interconnected.
Twenty livestock companies are responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than either Germany, Britain or France – and are receiving billions of dollars in financial backing to do so, according to a new report by environmental campaigners. Raising livestock contributes significantly to carbon emissions, with animal agriculture accounting for 14.5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions.
As the effects of climate change continue to intensify, parching the land, fueling fires, and blanketing The City with smoke-choked air, San Franciscans are seeking outlets to channel their eco-anxiety. In response, grief groups and mental health professionals specializing in eco-distress have surfaced to help people cope with these complex emotions.
Last month, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its latest report, sounding a “code red for humanity.” The IPCC stressed the need for drastic emissions cuts immediately if we want to maintain a habitable planet and warned that we are running out of time to act to avoid climate catastrophe.
The findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggest Australia may have to jettison tracts of the bush unless there is a massive investment in climate-change adaptation and planning.
Europe’s 25 largest banks are still failing to present comprehensive plans that address both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, putting their sustainability pledges in doubt, campaigners have warned.
Researchers examined the economic cost of the climate crisis and found it would cut about 37% from global GDP this century, more than twice the drop experienced in the Great Depression. For every tonne of carbon dioxide emitted, the global economy would be $3,000 worse off by the end of the century, they estimated.
This Summary for Policymakers (SPM) presents key findings of the Working Group I (WGI) contribution to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)1 on the physical science basis of climate change. The report builds upon the 2013 Working Group I contribution to the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) and the 2018–2019 IPCC Special Reports2 of the AR6 cycle and incorporates subsequent new evidence from climate science3.
Climate change has turbocharged severe storms, fires, hurricanes, coastal storms and floods — threatening millions
Scientists have uncovered a fascinating new insight into what caused one of the most rapid and dramatic instances of climate change in the history of the Earth.
The climate emergency is exploding in various parts of the world this week, but climate silence inexcusably continues to rein in much of the United States media.

août 2021

Dr. Horowitz, who lives in New Orleans, is the author of “Katrina: A History, 1915-2015.”
A novel tool for flexible spatial and temporal analyses of much of the observed and projected climate change information underpinning the Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report, including regional synthesis for Climatic Impact-Drivers (CIDs).
We are about to go through the most profound shift in the climate debate in 20 years. The result will be the end of the gas industry’s hope of being a transition fuel, a brutal market disruption to the agriculture and livestock industries and the arrival of the climate emergency into public consciousness. This will all be driven by the acceptance of methane as the critical response to the climate emergency.
Een gevolg van de opwarmende oceanen is dat er minder vis te vangen zal zijn. Warmer water zorgt namelijk voor kleinere en minder mobiele vissen, en bedreigt zo onze voedselzekerheid.
Campaign group Extinction Rebellion has begun what it describes as two weeks of climate protests in London. It says its "Impossible Rebellion" will "target the root cause of the climate and ecological crisis".
All available evidence taken together, including physical understanding, observations over a larger region and different regional climate models give high confidence that human-induced climate change has increased the likelihood and intensity of such an event to occur and these changes will continue in a rapidly warming climate
The second draft of the IPCC Group III report, focused on mitigation strategies, states that we must move away from the current capitalist model to avoid surpassing planetary boundaries and climate and ecological catastrophe). It also confirms our previous reports, covered by CTXT and The Guardian, that “greenhouse gas emissions must peak in the next four years”. The new leak acknowledges that there is little or no room for further economic growth.
Drawing people into cities could cut emissions and combat housing crises. But even progressives are hard to convince
CFC chemicals once used in refrigerators would have driven 2.5C of extra warming by 2100 if they had not been outlawed, researchers claim
Years of research has shown how the fracking boom has contaminated groundwater in some areas. But a study published on Thursday in the journal Science suggests there is also a previously undocumented risk to surface water in streams, rivers and lakes.
Climate risk, a growing focus for environment, social and governance-minded investors, has morphed into an urgent issue for insurers as wildfires ravage the U.S. and Europe and natural disasters destroy property and cost lives worldwide.
Ancrée dans la science, notre mission est de promouvoir un avenir sain, respectant les limites planétaires. La crise climatique et écologique menace notre santé à tous, directement et indirectement. Pour y faire face, les systèmes de santé doivent devenir plus durables et résilients, passant notamment par une amélioration de leur empreinte et de leur potentiel d’adaptation. Nous nous engageons pour cette transition systémique. « Docsforclimate », fondé en Belgique en 2019, rejoint le mouvement international « Health for Future », originaire d’Allemagne, et en a adopté le nom.
The industry has been pushing through policies devoting billions of dollars to the technology, and much more is likely to come with legislation pending before Congress.
Climate change is a critical factor affecting biodiversity. However, the quantitative relationship between temperature change and extinction is unclear. Here, we analyze magnitudes and rates of temperature change and extinction rates of marine fossils through the past 450 million years (Myr). The results show that both the rate and magnitude of temperature change are significantly positively correlated with the extinction rate of marine animals.
Dangerous climate change has arrived and at this point it’s simply a matter of how bad we’re willing to let it get. But you don’t need to give yourself a guilt trip about it. Save that for the fossil fuel executives.
The IPCC is unequivocal: we must take urgent action to curb global heating and prevent catastrophe. Will our policymakers and the Cop26 conference be up to the task?
In a column for Jacobin, Jeremy Corbyn writes that we need class politics to transform our economies and save humanity from climate apocalypse. There’s no other way.
Climate change is a nightmare, and this summer’s floods, fires and extreme heat, from China to Siberia to British Columbia, are reminders that the problem is rapidly growing worse. Yet the striking thing about the IPCC report released earlier this month is not the bad news, which is not really news at all for those who have followed the science closely. It’s the clarity about possibilities, which I found hopeful.
In their latest synthesis of the physical science of the climate emergency, the world’s foremost experts say there is no longer any doubt about who is responsible for cooking the planet. We spoke with one of the report’s authors about why that’s such a big deal
Global greenhouse gas emissions must peak in the next four years, coal and gas-fired power plants must close in the next decade and lifestyle and behavioural changes will be needed to avoid climate breakdown, according to the leaked draft of a report from the world’s leading authority on climate science.
Clarity on Climate Tipping Points and Feedbacks
The new United Nations' report on climate change is viewed as yet another wake up call to elected officials across the globe, yet many American politicians laughed it off. There's nothing funny about the dire scenarios scientists say are becoming all but inevitable each time action is delayed.
Après une longue période d’interruption en raison de la crise sanitaire, plusieurs mobilisations en faveur du climat vont avoir lieu dès le mois de septembre. Une première action aura lieu le 10 septembre avant que d’autres ne se succèdent jusqu’en octobre, en amont de la conférence internationale sur le climat à Galsgow.
The sixth assessment report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is no ordinary publication. Its 4,000 pages were written by hundreds of independent scientists from 66 countries.
The climate crisis is accelerating at unprecedented pace, according to a new United Nations state-of-the-science report. It is "a code red for humanity," said UN Secretary-General António Guterres — and given that the report concludes the entirety of the warming is due to human greenhouse gas emissions, avoiding the worst of its consequences is up to us.
Remarkably there are still some who, despite years of accumulating scientific evidence and a summer of extraordinary extreme weather events, continue to deny the reality of climate change or the role of humans in causing it. Thankfully their number no longer includes any of the world’s governments.
Hier vind je dat rapport.
As the world battles historic droughts, landscape-altering wildfires and deadly floods, a landmark report from global scientists says the window is rapidly closing to cut our reliance on fossil fuels and avoid catastrophic changes that would transform life as we know it. The state-of-the-science report from the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says the world has rapidly warmed 1.1 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels, and is now careening toward 1.5 degrees — a critical threshold that world leaders agreed warming should remain below to avoid worsening impacts.
Human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways, a major UN scientific report has said. The landmark study warns of increasingly extreme heatwaves, droughts and flooding, and a key temperature limit being broken in just over a decade. The report "is a code red for humanity", says the UN chief.
The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report addresses the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.
China's carbon emissions are vast and growing, dwarfing those of other countries. Experts agree that without big reductions in China's emissions, the world cannot win the fight against climate change. While all countries face problems getting their emissions down, China is facing the biggest challenge.
IPCC WGI Interactive Atlas
The world’s political leaders must heed the dramatic warning that climate scientists have delivered
The Summary for Policymakers (SPM) is the approved version from the 14th session of Working Group I and 54th Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and remains subject to final copy-editing and layout.
Organisations representing 90 countries say that their plans to prevent damage have already been outpaced by climate-induced disasters, which are intensifying and happening more regularly. "We need to adapt our plans to the worsening climate crisis. Our existing plans are not enough to protect our people," says Sonam Wangdi, chair of the UN's Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group on climate change.
Across the world, resting places for the dearly departed are running out of space: and it’s spelling bad news for the environment. In many countries, splashing the cash to secure a traditional grave in commercial cemeteries and columbaria (urn storage buildings) can be something of a status symbol, not least because of the increasingly limited real estate available for grave sites.
Les dérèglements climatiques sont là. Et la crise du coronavirus nous a fait comprendre que le changement est possible, et nécessaire. À la veille d'un important sommet européen et de la conférence climatique de Glasgow, nous voulons envoyer un signal fort. C'est le point de bascule : rester empêtré.e.s dans ce monde d’avant ou opter pour un monde solidaire, juste et durable ?
A group of leading international researchers have issued a stark new warning to governments that relying on technology alone will not be enough to address the growing climate emergency, saying that presumptions that economic growth can continue unchecked should be challenged.
Lake Oroville’s water level has fallen so low that on Thursday, for the first time since the dam was built in 1967, its power plant was shut down because there is no longer enough water to spin the turbines and generate electricity.Last Friday, hoping to avert any more power shutdowns, Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an emergency order that temporarily waives some air pollution rules to allow natural gas power plants to generate more electricity and pays industries $2 a kilowatt-hour to reduce their electricity use during heat waves.
Het globale voedselsysteem is de belangrijkste oorzaak voor de ecologische crisis en de klimaatontregeling. Het duwt natuurlijke systemen tot voorbij de veilige grenzen voor de mensheid, schrijven Jeremy Coller van het investeerdersnetwerk FAIRR, hoogleraar Johan Rockström van het Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research en Gunhild Stordalen, oprichter van stichting EAT.
Climate scientists have detected warning signs of the collapse of the Gulf Stream, one of the planet’s main potential tipping points. The research found “an almost complete loss of stability over the last century” of the currents that researchers call the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The currents are already at their slowest point in at least 1,600 years, but the new analysis shows they may be nearing a shutdown.
The Atlantic Ocean's current system, an engine of the Northern Hemsiphere's climate, could be weakening to such an extent that it could soon bring big changes to the world's weather, a scientific study said on Thursday.
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a major ocean current system transporting warm surface waters toward the northern Atlantic, has been suggested to exhibit two distinct modes of operation. A collapse from the currently attained strong to the weak mode would have severe impacts on the global climate system and further multi-stable Earth system components. Observations and recently suggested fingerprints of AMOC variability indicate a gradual weakening during the last decades, but estimates of the critical transition point remain uncertain.
How sensitive is the climate to increasing carbon dioxide? What’s going on with clouds? Did climate change fuel recent extreme weather? Have regional climate projections improved? How will Antarctic ice sheets contribute to sea-level rise?
The “degrowth” movement to fight the climate crisis offers a romantic, utopian vision. But it’s not a policy agenda.
As an economist who has studied the effects of weather and climate change, I have examined a large body of work that links heat to economic outcomes. Here are four ways extreme heat hurts the economy – and a little good news.
The European Commission just released on Friday 16 July its new EU Forest Strategy. This Strategy supplements the Fit for 55 Package (published on 14 of July) and will contribute to achieve the EU’s target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 55% by 2030, as set out in the European legislation on Climate. This new ambitious strategy “recognises the central and multi-functional role of forests, and the contribution of foresters and the entire forest-based value chain for achieving by 2050 a sustainable and climate-neutral economy
A Pandora’s box of environmental disasters has been opened, threatening the ability of the natural world to recover and humanity to survive. From devastating fires and storms to the emergence of deadly new viruses, it’s hard to deny the terrifying reality of climate change.
L' Atlas de la justice environnementale documente et répertorie les conflits sociaux autour des questions environnementales. Il vise à rendre ces mobilisations plus visibles, à mettre en lumière des revendications et des témoignages et à plaider en faveur d'une véritable responsabilité des entreprises et de l'État pour les injustices infligées à travers leurs activités. Il tente également de servir d'espace virtuel pour ceux qui travaillent sur les questions de JE pour obtenir des informations, trouver d'autres groupes travaillant sur des questions connexes et augmenter la visibilité des conflits environnementaux.
Stability in Earth's climate hinges on a delicate balance between the amount of energy the planet absorbs from the sun and the amount of energy Earth emits back into space. But that equilibrium has been thrown off in recent years — and the imbalance is growing, according to a paper published Wednesday in the journal Nature Communications.
Les activistes de Youth for Climate et de la Coalition Climat, un collectif de 80 organisations, organiseront une nouvelle grande action le dimanche 10 octobre. Intitulé "Back To The Climate", l'événement veut rappeler au monde politique que des progrès urgents sont nécessaires dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.

juillet 2021

Abrupt disruptions to Earth's climate thousands of years ago that caused extreme sea-level rise and mass ice cap melting can serve as an early warning system for today's planetary tipping points, according to new research.
À mesure que la planète se réchauffe, les évènements de chaleur record gagnent nécessairement en fréquence et en intensité. Toutefois, outre la quantité totale de réchauffement, le rythme de ce dernier a également une influence forte sur le comportement des extrêmes chauds. C’est en tout cas ce que montre une nouvelle étude parue dans la revue Nature climate change ce 26 juillet.
Every metric ton of carbon dioxide humans emit comes at a cost—not only in terms of the financial toll of the damage wrought by floods, heat waves and droughts but also the price in human lives. Substantially curtailing emissions today could prevent tens of millions of premature deaths over the course of the 21st century, according to a new study that calculated this “mortality cost of carbon.”
There are some phrases that should stop you in your tracks. The warning of a future that holds "untold suffering" is one of them. That is exactly what scientists from around the world are cautioning will happen if we don't take the threat of climate change seriously. In a paper published Wednesday in the journal BioScience, more than 14,000 scientists from 153 countries signed their name to research that warns of an incoming climate emergency.
Around 13,000 researchers have called for urgent action to slow down the climate emergency as extreme weather patterns shock the world. They listed three core measures.
The Bootleg Fire is raging through a project in southern Oregon, where 400,000 acres of forest owned by Green Diamond Resource Co. are being preserved to compensate for greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere. Microsoft in February paid Green Diamond to offset a quarter million tons of the tech giant’s 2021 carbon emissions.Two other wildfires are active within a Colville Indian Reservation carbon project in eastern Washington.
Salmon in the Columbia River were exposed to unlivable water temperatures that caused them to break out in angry red lesions and white fungus in the wake of the Pacific north-west’s record-shattering heatwave, according to a conservation group that has documented the disturbing sight.
Something powerful is happening around the world. The issue of climate change has moved from the margins to the mainstream, says Alok Sharma, the President-Designate of COP26, the United Nations climate conference set to take place in November 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland.
As scientists gather online to finalize a long-awaited update on global climate research, recent extreme weather events across the globe highlight the need for more research on how it will play out, especially locally.
While the early months of 2021 have been cooler than much of the past decade, global temperatures have risen in recent months as the effects of La Niña have started to fade.
The list of extremes in just the last few weeks has been startling: Unprecedented rains followed by deadly flooding in central China and Europe. Temperatures of 120 Fahrenheit (49 Celsius) in Canada, and tropical heat in Finland and Ireland. The Siberian tundra ablaze. Monstrous U.S. wildfires, along with record drought across the U.S. West and parts of Brazil.
Herrington, a Dutch sustainability researcher and adviser to the Club of Rome, has made headlines in recent days after she authored a report that appeared to show a controversial 1970s study predicting the collapse of civilization was – apparently – right on time. Coming amid a cascade of alarming environmental events, Herrington’s work predicted the collapse could come around 2040 if current trends held.
Beware summer! The season we used to anticipate as the lightest, brightest, balmiest time of the year now comes with a health warning.
This is Why it Feels Like We Might Not Have a Future Anymore. The truth is that we’re probably way past the point of no return. Every thoughtful mind can see the writing on the wall. Experts, like me, can weight in with facts. Ecologists will tell you that mass annihilation is going to rip us apart, too. Climate scientists will tell you it hasn’t been this hot for millions of years, and every year, the temperature goes up by the equivalent in bio-geological time, of a few million years.
The politics of this new, extreme individualism will make collective responses to social crises impossible
The politics of this new, extreme individualism will make collective responses to social crises impossible, writes Guardian columnist Aditya Chakrabortty
It was a slogan that cut to the chase: “Everybody is talking about Germany. We talk about the weather.”
Current methods to calculate the so-called social cost of carbon largely leave out how many future people our emissions will kill. This study tries to correct that.
One can safely say that Bangladesh is a country of rivers, cyclones and floods which in years past would have caused huge numbers of deaths at times. However, over the years Bangladesh has invested in making sure that we no longer lose lives when such disasters strike us.
The huge amount of money poured into the recovery from the pandemic—around $16 trillion, by the latest count—could have helped launch the world on a path to cut emissions quickly enough to meet the goals of the Paris climate agreement. But only around 2% of the spending is going to clean energy so far,
The Global Alliance for a Green New Deal is inviting politicians from legislatures in all countries to work together on policies that would deliver a just transition to a green economy ahead of Cop26 UN climate talks in Glasgow this November.
Scientists know that global warming is changing clouds, but they haven’t been sure whether those changes would heat or cool the planet overall. It’s an important question, because clouds have been the main source of uncertainty in projecting just how sensitive the climate is to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, and because clouds have a huge effect on the climate system.
Growing global meat consumption threatens to derail the Paris Agreement, but that hasn’t stopped the meat industry insisting it is part of the solution to climate change.
A Belgian climatologist surveys the wreckage of his hometown. Pierre Ozer has been expecting these floods for decades.
It’s Beginning to Feel Like We’ve Finally Pushed the Planet Past its Final Tipping Point. We have “extreme events” the kind scientists have long feared. But they’ve even shocked scientists with how suddenly extreme and frequent they are. And “This is not a localised freak event, it is definitely part of a coherent global pattern.”
More than 100 developing countries have set out their key negotiating demands ahead of the COP26 climate meeting in Glasgow.
Climate change and deforestation have flipped a large swathe of the Amazon basin from absorbing to emitting planet-warming carbon dioxide (CO2), a transformation that could turn humanity's greatest natural ally in the fight against global warming into a foe, researchers reported on Wednesday.
The Boiling Planet. The Pandemic. The Dying Planet. The Collapse. The Fascism. None of This is Remotely Normal.
Consumers are faced with "confusing and often misleading claims about sustainability benefits", according to US vice president's analysis.
The pipeline operator is repairing damage to its supports caused by a sliding slope of permafrost, and installing chillers to keep the ground around it frozen.
This site provides two databases of climate change caselaw. Cases in the databases are organized by type of claim and are searchable. In many cases, links are available to decisions, complaints, and other case documents.
Meeting human needs at sustainable levels of energy use is fundamental for avoiding catastrophic climate change and securing the well-being of all people. In the current political-economic regime, no country does so. Here, we assess which socio-economic conditions might enable societies to satisfy human needs at low energy use, to reconcile human well-being with climate mitigation.
It seems abundantly clear that something any man, woman or child with a reasonable understanding of the scientific method will agree on is that we need to stop burning fossil fuels if we are to avoid the breakdown of ecosystems and runaway global warming.
This page features the top documents that the Climate Investigations Center believes lawyers, government officials, journalists, and the public must read to understand the unfolding #ExxonKnew investigations underway in several states. There are three basic phases to this story: What Exxon knew and when they knew it, What Exxon did to block rising concern about climate change, What Exxon would like to hide from investigators now
In 2018, a climate paper by Jem Bendell went viral, being downloaded over a million times. It helped to launch a worldwide movement of people seeking to reduce harm in the face of societal disruption and collapse. In this interview for Facing Future TV, Jem explains the concept of Deep Adaptation, how he developed the idea, what it means in practice, what he says to critics, and what his new book on the topic is about.
Whenever an extreme weather or climate-related event occurs, the media and decision-makers ask the question to what extent it is influenced by climate change. For a few years now the scientific community has been able to answer that question for relatively simple extremes: hot and cold extremes, extreme precipitation and drought. This emerging field of climate science is called Extreme Event Attribution ...
Environment minister has 28 days to appeal historic ruling that carbon emissions from coalmine should not cause young people ‘personal injury or death’
be a source of information with regular updates on climate change lawsuits around the world. From cases grounded in human rights claims to straightforward tort suits, litigation relating to the climate crisis has grown substantially in recent years. And as the crisis continues and worsens, climate litigation is likely to rise as people increasingly seek relief through the courts.
During the last days of June 2021, Pacific northwest areas of the U.S. and Canada experienced temperatures never previously observed, with records broken in many places by several degrees Celsius.
Nearly 700 million people worldwide live in low coastal zones vulnerable to sea-level rise and coastal storms. That number could reach a billion by 2050. [..] In response, humans that can move will move...
how much global warming is each country's pledge leading to ?
On the first day of summer, I woke up to the acrid smell of hot tar. Even before my sleepy brain could name the source, my body tensed with anxiety: wildfire season was underway. Given the deepening drought and record-setting heat across most of the American west, this year’s fire season is widely predicted to be among the worst in recent memory – which is saying something, because last year’s was grotesque.
Fossil fuel companies lied for decades about climate change, and humanity is paying the price. Shouldn’t those lies be central to the public narrative? Every person on Earth today is living in a crime scene. This crime has been going on for decades. We see its effects in the horrific heat and wildfires unfolding this summer in the American west; in the mega-storms that were so numerous in 2020 that scientists ran out of names for them...
What could bring down the industrial civilization? Would it be global warming (fire) or resource depletion (ice)? At present, it may well be that depletion is hitting us faster. But, in the long run, global warming may hit us much harder. Maybe the fall of our civilization will be Fire AND ice.
The effects of ‘weird weather’ were already being felt in the 1960s, but scientists linking fossil fuels with climate change were dismissed as prophets of doom
Climate scientists have said nowhere is safe from the kind of extreme heat events that have hit the western US and Canada in recent days and urged governments to dramatically ramp up their efforts to tackle the escalating climate emergency.
Climate change will affect every aspect of our lives – including the buildings we live and work in. Most people in the US, for example, spend about 90% of their time indoors. Climate change is fundamentally altering the environmental conditions in which these buildings are designed to function.

juin 2021

Een gezonde democratie kan niet zonder kritische journalistiek. Dat houdt politici scherp en de bevolking goed geïnformeerd – in tijden van nepnieuws geen overbodige luxe. Daarom is het zorgelijk dat de Nederlandse journalistiek muisstil bleef nadat afgelopen woensdag een deel van het conceptrapport was uitgelekt van het International Panel on Climate Change – de internationale club wetenschappers die namens de Verenigde Naties onderzoek doet naar de staat van het klimaat. Dat die staat belabberd is, zal niet verbazen. Maar hoe belabberd het klimaat ervoor staat en hoe desastreus de gevolgen op korte termijn zijn, dat blijkt uit dit voorlopige rapport.
Fossil fuel companies lied for decades about climate change, and humanity is paying the price. Shouldn’t those lies be central to the public narrative?
A new report has found that by 2025, the world must remove 1 Gigatonne, or 1 billion tonnes, of carbon from the atmosphere to keep global warming within the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C. However, projects in development will remove only a fraction of this. The report says, “Without action to deliver 1 Gigatonne (Gt) of negative emissions globally by 2025, keeping global warming within the Paris Agreement target of 1.5°C cannot be achieved.”
A landmark report by the world’s most senior climate and biodiversity scientists argues that the world will have to tackle the climate crisis and the species extinction crisis simultaneously, or not at all.
After a century of wielding extraordinary economic and political power, America’s petroleum giants face a reckoning for driving the greatest existential threat of our lifetimes. An unprecedented wave of lawsuits, filed by cities and states across the US, aim to hold the oil and gas industry to account for the environmental devastation caused by fossil fuels – and covering up what they knew along the way.
Like humans, trees need water to survive on hot, dry days, and they can survive for only short times under extreme heat and dry conditions. During prolonged droughts and extreme heat waves like the Western U.S. is experiencing, even native trees that are accustomed to the local climate can start to die.
The shocking collapse of a 12-storey building in the Miami area last week has raised questions as to the role played by the climate crisis, and whether the severe vulnerability of south Florida to the rising seas may lead to the destabilization of further buildings in the future.
There's likely to be a significant increase in the number of lawsuits brought against fossil fuel companies in the coming years, say researchers. Their new study finds that to date, lawyers have failed to use the most up-to-date scientific evidence on the cause of rising temperatures. As a result, there have been few successful claims for compensation. That could change, as evidence linking specific weather events to carbon emissions increases.
Experts say scientific advances are making it easier to attribute the damages of climate breakdown to companies’ activities. Businesses could soon be facing a fresh wave of legal action holding them to account for their greenhouse gas emissions, owing to advances in climate science, experts have warned.
On Sunday this week Zakaria ended his program with a concise description of an effective approach to address climate change – in just a few minutes he described how carbon fee-and-dividend could be made near-global. I won’t try to summarize his take – it’s impossible to match his clarity and brevity, which includes great illustrations.
Officials prepare to elevate streets despite financial shortfalls, amid recognition that not every home can be save. Long famed for its spectacular fishing, sprawling coral reefs and literary residents such as Ernest Hemingway, the Florida Keys is now acknowledging a previously unthinkable reality: it faces being overwhelmed by the rising seas and not every home can be saved.
The potent greenhouse gas methane is spewing out of natural gas infrastructure across the European Union because of leaks and venting. Using an infrared camera, non-profit Clean Air Task Force (CATF) found methane seeping into the atmosphere at 123 oil and gas sites in several countries this year. Methane, the biggest cause of climate change after carbon dioxide (CO2), is the main component of natural gas and over 80 times more potent than CO2 in its first 20 years in the air.
Around the world, dozens of ingenious projects are trying to ‘trick’ the ocean into absorbing more CO2. But critics warn of unforeseen consequences
Climate scientists are increasingly concerned that global heating will trigger tipping points in Earth’s natural systems, which will lead to widespread and possibly irrevocable disaster, unless action is taken urgently. The impacts are likely to be much closer than most people realise, a a draft report from the world’s leading climate scientists suggests, and will fundamentally reshape life in the coming decades even if greenhouse gas emissions are brought under some control.
Every new climate pledge is an attempt to distract people from the failed ones it replaces. Apparently, all seven governments have committed “to conserve or protect at least 30 per cent of the world’s land and at least 30 per cent of the world’s ocean by 2030”. But what does it mean?
Warming Stripes for GLOBE from 1850-2020 Data: Berkeley Earth, NOAA, UK Met Office, MeteoSwiss, DWD, SMHI, UoR, Meteo France & ZAMG
Companies with high greenhouse gas emissions should be subject to a carbon price of $75 a tonne of carbon dioxide, the International Monetary Fund has said, as a way of reaching the goals of the Paris climate agreement. A carbon floor price would mean that companies, including energy generators and heavy industries, would have to pay for the carbon they produce. At present, many countries and regions have their own carbon pricing systems, but there is no globally agreed carbon price.
New research suggests social transformations that prompt “degrowth” could cut humanity’s climate footprint in time to meet the Paris climate agreement target.
More than half the world’s rivers stop flowing for at least one day per year, according to the first detailed global map of river flow. More rivers than that are expected to run dry if climate change and water management issues aren’t addressed.
In our latest study, scientists from France, Germany, Netherlands, and the UK collaborated to examine whether and to what extent human-induced climate change had a part to play in the cold early April following a very warm March 2021 that led to large scale frost damages in grapevines and fruit trees in central France.
A new report, published on 14 March, 2021 in the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ journal Ambio, points out that humanity is hurtling towards destruction unless we have the collective wisdom to change course quickly.
Knock-on effects could transform the Amazon rainforest into savannah
In December 2020, 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts, selected by a 12-person Scientific Steering Committee assembled by IPBES and IPCC, participated in a four-day virtual workshop to examine the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation.
This report analyzes fossil fuel financing from the world’s 60 largest commercial and investment banks — aggregating their leading roles in lending and underwriting of debt and equity issuances — and finds that these banks poured a total of $3.8 trillion into fossil fuels from 2016–2020.
In December 2020, 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts, selected by a 12-person Scientific Steering Committee assembled by IPBES and IPCC, participated in a four-day virtual workshop to examine the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This represents the first-ever collaboration between the two intergovernmental science-policy bodies.
InfluenceMap, a think tank that monitors corporate lobbying around climate change, reveals: while the 10 European airlines looked at for this report have received around €30 billion in bailouts during the pandemic – some of which came with conditions attached to encourage climate-friendly actions – most have simultaneously lobbied to delay new proposals to cut aviation emissions.
Meurtri par la pandémie de coronavirus, le Brésil vit un drame sans fin, avec la menace d'une troisième vague dévastatrice en raison de la lenteur de la vaccination, du relâchement précoce des restrictions et de la circulation effrénée des variants.
Failing, heavily subsidized private oil companies enjoy the profits of oil extraction while the rest of us pay in tax dollars, human rights abuses, and an unlivable climate. Oil and gas companies are a political structure: they possess private, authoritarian dominion over the pace and volume of oil and gas production, and thus of important determinants of global emissions. These emissions and their consequences do not respect any sort of public/private distinction, nor borders, nor the rights to clean air or clean water.
The root cause of pandemics – the destruction of nature – is being ignored, scientists have warned. The focus of world leaders on responding to future outbreaks overlooks the far cheaper and more effective strategy of stopping the spillover of disease from animals to humans in the first place, they have said. The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock. About 70% of new infectious diseases have come from animals, including Covid-19, Sars, bird flu, Ebola and HIV.
Soils provide 95% of all food but are damaged by industrial, farming, mining and urban pollution. Soils are also the largest active store of carbon, after the oceans, and therefore crucial in fighting the climate crisis. But the report said industrial pollution, mining, farming and poor waste management are poisoning soils, with the “polluter pays” principle absent in many countries.
Deep adaptation’ refers to the personal and collective changes that might help us to prepare for – and live with – a climate-influenced breakdown or collapse of our societies. It is a framework for responding to the terrifying realization of increasing disruption by committing ourselves to reducing suffering while saving more of society and the natural world. This is the first book to show how professionals across different sectors are beginning to incorporate the acceptance of likely or unfolding societal breakdown into their work and lives.
La Chine a rapporté ce mardi un premier cas mondial chez l’être humain de grippe aviaire H10N3, un virus de la famille influenza frappant les oiseaux sauvages. Les autorités chinoises assurent que le risque d’une épidémie est "extrêmement faible".
Analysis shows significant risk of cascading events even at 2C of heating, with severe long-term effects. The new research examined the interactions between ice sheets in West Antarctica, Greenland, the warm Atlantic Gulf Stream and the Amazon rainforest. The scientists carried out 3m computer simulations and found domino effects in a third of them, even when temperature rises were below 2C, the upper limit of the Paris agreement.
Les tout premiers résultats de la Campagne Glyphosate sont alarmants : près de 7 000 personnes ont participé à l’action débutée en 2018 en urinant dans un bocal. Et 99,7 % d’entre eux présentent des traces importantes de cet herbicide dangereux.
The world’s coal producers are currently planning as many as 432 new mine projects with 2.28 billion tonnes of annual output capacity, research published on Thursday showed, putting targets for slowing global climate change at risk. China, Australia, India and Russia account for more than three quarters of the new projects,
The world must rewild and restore an area the size of China to meet commitments on nature and the climate, says the UN, and the revival of ecosystems must be met with all the ambition of the space race. Existing conservation efforts are insufficient to prevent widespread biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, the global body has warned at the launch of the decade on ecosystem restoration, an urgent call for the large-scale revival of nature in farmlands, forests and other ecosystems.
We asked the world’s press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is. Their response was dispiriting
Today, all of humanity is under attack, this time from an overheated planet—and too many newsrooms still are more inclined to cover today’s equivalent of dance competitions. A handful of major newspapers are paying attention. But most news coverage, especially on television, continues to underplay the climate story, regarding it as too complicated, or disheartening, or controversial. Last month, we asked the world’s press to commit to treating climate change as the emergency that scientists say it is; their response was dispiriting.
The climate crisis is causing a widespread fall in oxygen levels in lakes across the world, suffocating wildlife and threatening drinking water supplies. Falling levels of oxygen in oceans had already been identified, but new research shows that the decline in lakes has been between three and nine times faster in the past 40 years. Scientists found oxygen levels had fallen by 19% in deep waters and 5% at the surface.
Le géant dans le domaine de l’alimentation Nestlé admet dans une publication interne que plus de 60% des produits qu’il vend ne sont "pas conformes à la définition de la santé", selon le Financial Times, qui a consulté cette publication. De plus, Nestlé y admet que, quels que soient les efforts qui seront faits à l’avenir, certaines catégories de ses produits ne pourront jamais être considérées comme 'sains'.
When we hike through the woods, drive by a cornfield, or mow our lawns, we tend to focus on the plants: the blooming flowers, the tassel-topped stalks, and the green grass borders. But what about the dirt? It seems soil is one of the planet’s most underappreciated natural resources. Yet healthy soil is the foundation for agriculture; it also plays a vital role in protecting the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat—and even our climate.

mai 2021

Un groupe de scientifiques du Jet Propulsion Laboratory a récemment cherché à mieux quantifier l’évapotranspiration continentale et son évolution au fil du temps. Les résultats publiés dans la revue Nature confirment une augmentation rapide depuis le début des années 2000, concrétisant un assèchement généralisé des terres avec le réchauffement planétaire.
Proposals for coordinated climate action at the global level all too easily run into free-rider and fairness problems, leaving many of the most popular policy proposals dead on arrival. But a simple framework that gives all countries similar incentives would overcome these problems.
Les membres de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), au cœur de la bataille contre le Covid-19, ont accepté lundi de renforcer l'agence onusienne mais les contours de la réforme restent encore à définir.
Dans un document interne, le numéro un mondial de l’agroalimentaire admet ne réaliser que 37 % de son chiffre d’affaires avec des produits atteignant le seuil de bonne qualité nutritionnelle.
Emballages alimentaires jetables, vaisselles en papier, en carton ou en fibres végétales moulées comme la restauration rapide nous en propose pour emporter nos hamburgers ou nos pizzas, nous pouvons trouver des perfluorés dans de nombreux objets quotidiens. Les perfluoroalkylées, les PFAS comme on les appelle, sont une famille chimique toxique qui regroupe près de 4500 composés distincts.
There is about a 40% chance of the annual average global temperature temporarily reaching 1.5°C above the pre-industrial level in at least one of the next five years – and these odds are increasing with time, according to a new climate update issued by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). There is a 90% likelihood of at least one year between 2021-2025 becoming the warmest on record, which would dislodge 2016 from the top ranking, according to the Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update, produced by the United Kingdom’s Met Office, the WMO lead centre for such predictions.
The climate crisis is damaging the mental health of hundreds of millions of people around the world but the huge costs are hidden, scientists have warned. Heatwaves are increasing rates of suicide, extreme weather such as floods and wildfires are leaving victims traumatised, and loss of food security, homes and livelihoods is resulting in stress and depression. Anxiety about the future is also harming people’s mental health, especially the young, the scientists said in a report.
Dans un rapport publié jeudi, neuf ONG dont Générations futures, dénoncent la présence de produits chimiques perfluorés, connus pour leurs effets néfastes sur la santé, dans des emballages alimentaires vendus en Europe. Elles exigent de l'Union européenne leur interdiction pour "tout usage non essentiel".
La saga du dioxyde de titane (E171) touche à sa fin, et son interdiction dans l’alimentation, dans l’ensemble de l’Union européenne, semble désormais inexorable. La Commission a proposé aux Etats membres, mardi 18 mai, l’interdiction de cet additif controversé dans les préparations alimentaires.
Une étude publiée jeudi souligne la présence de PFAS, des substances chimiques de synthèse potentiellement dangereuses pour la santé, dans les emballages et couverts jetables de l’industrie européenne du fast-food. Un nouveau rappel de l’omniprésence de ces "pollueurs éternels" très prisés par l’industrie.
Environ 8.000 habitants des communautés autochtones péruviennes présentent des niveaux élevés de plomb, d’arsenic et de mercure dans leur organisme. En cause : l’exploitation minière près de leurs villages, dénonce un rapport publié par Amnesty International.
Where it’s no longer credible to deny climate change, the fossil fuel giant puts the focus on ‘risk’ and blame on consumers, in echo of tobacco industry PR, researchers find.
Le "syndrome de La Havane", qui a touché plusieurs diplomates américains en déplacement notamment à Cuba, gagnerait désormais Washington. Depuis novembre 2016, une vingtaine de fonctionnaires américains en mission à La Havane ont déclaré souffrir d'étranges symptômes, comme des pertes d'audition, des problèmes d’équilibre ou de coordination, des vertiges, ainsi que d’anxiété et d’irritabilité. N'étant plus en capacité de travailler, ces diplomates ont finalement été contraints de quitter le pays.  
The framing of climate change, in particular, as something that wouldn’t be an issue if “we” had all just made better consumer choices has been persistent and effective. Every Earth Day, we’re bombarded with tips about how to minimize our personal carbon footprints; meanwhile, it’s 2021 and the GOP is still suggesting tree-planting as climate policy.
L’eau, l’air, les sols, notre alimentation… les polluants présents dans l’environnement peuvent pénétrer le corps humain de différentes façons. Dans une nouvelle étude, des chercheurs ont étudié huit circuits par lesquels ces polluants nous affectent.
Plusieurs cas ont été rapportés dans la presse ces derniers jours de personnes vaccinées contre le Covid-19, et qui ont pourtant développé la maladie. Comment l'expliquer, et faut-il s'en inquiéter?
Connaissez-vous le martinet, cet oiseau capable de mille prouesses qui bat le record mondial du vol d’endurance? Chaque année, des milliards d’oiseaux migrent entre l’Afrique et l’Europe. Une migration au long cours, qui force l’admiration. Février dernier, les grues cendrées ouvraient le bal, déchirant le ciel de leur cri sonore, en remontant vers le nord. Fin mars, les hirondelles se posaient au Plat Pays. Mai : c’est le retour des martinets.
A range of studies have long indicated that attention should be paid to the effects of climate change on subsystems such as the Amazon, Greenland ice or permafrost. These effects have been debated for more than 20 years. Since then, thousands of pages have been written describing their interrelationships, warning of a coming disaster. As in this article published in Nature by key figures in climate science, or this article published in National Geographic. However, despite the seriousness of the issue, mainstream media silence remains thunderous. With Ferran Puig Vilar
L'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA) ne considère plus le dioxyde de titane comme sûr lorsqu'il est utilisé comme additif alimentaire. L'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments (EFSA) a estimé jeudi que le dioxyde de titane, connu aussi comme le colorant E171, ne pouvait plus être considéré comme sûr en tant qu'additif alimentaire.
Fossil fuels, cattle and rotting waste produce greenhouse gas responsible for 30% of global heating
Les Etats-Unis sont favorables à la levée des protections de propriété intellectuelle pour les vaccins contre le Covid-19, afin d'accélérer la production et la distribution des précieux sérums dans le monde, a annoncé mercredi l'administration Biden.

avril 2021

Rougeole, polio, tuberculose ou diphtérie sont autant de maladies que l’on croyait faire partie d’un autre siècle. Ces dernières décennies, les vaccins traditionnels ont en effet réussi à quasiment éradiquer certaines maladies (la variole, la polio), et à diminuer drastiquement l’ampleur de certaines autres.
Adélaïde Charlier était l’invitée du Grand Oral RTBF/Le Soir ce samedi 24 avril sur La Première. Elle pose un regard critique sur la gestion de la crise sanitaire vis-à-vis des jeunes, mais aussi sur le sommet international sur le Climat où Joe Biden a fait de grandes promesses.
En cette journée internationale du livre et au lendemain de la journée de la Terre, Novethic présente le nouvel ouvrage de Naomi Klein et Rebecca Stefoff "Vaincre l'injustice climatique et social", publié le 21 avril. Dans cet essai, les autrices s'adressent aux jeunes générations. Elles livrent des outils pour comprendre le réchauffement climatique, et s'engager efficacement. 
Sea ice land. 7 Tipping points are analysed here. Climate tipping points, elements of the Earth system in which small changes in global temperature can kick off reinforcing loops that ‘tip’ a system into a profoundly different state, accelerating heat waves, permafrost thaw, and coastal flooding — and, in some cases, fueling more warming.
EU leaders are focused on the spectacle of arriving at the US climate summit on Thursday (22 April) with an agreement on the EU climate law and 2030 target, but risk sacrificing the quality of the legislation, argue Adélaïde Charlier and Chloé Mikolajczak.
C’est un fait désormais connu : le Covid passe de l’humain à l’animal, et vice versa. Grands singes, chats, chiens, belettes, hamsters... Le virus pourrait menacer de très nombreuses espèces et bouleverser les milieux naturels. Car exposer la faune sauvage à des pathogènes inédits n’a rien d’anodin.
The best available evidence shows that, on the contrary, warming is likely to more or less stop once carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reach zero, meaning humans have the power to choose their climate future.
For the organizations looking to stall climate action, climate denial has become passé. Instead, they have turned to carbon shaming, it’s-too-late climate doomism, and stirring up fights among climate advocates, all to paralyze behaviors and policies that could help us fight climate change.
Les centrales biomasses sont parmi les sources de pollution de l’air les plus toxiques, et pourtant elles se multiplient, dénoncent les auteurs de cette tribune, professionnels de santé strasbourgeois. Un danger accentué par la déforestation, et par l’insuffisance des valeurs limites pour d’autres polluants nocifs cancérigènes.
Lucrative pay and share options have created an incentive for oil company executives to resist climate action, according to a study that casts doubt on recent net-zero commitments by BP and Shell. Compensation packages for CEOs, often in excess of $10m (£7.2m), are linked to continued extraction of fossil fuels, exploration of new fields and the promotion of strong market demand through advertising, lobbying and government subsidies, the report says.
The latest report from the Climate Council of Australia, Aim High, Go Fast: Why Emissions Need to Plummet This Decade, lays out the science behind the necessity of urgent near-term climate action. The diagnosis is in, now the treatment must be ramped up with a greater sense of urgency than ever before, and we have to do it in the next 10 years.
La Chine a qualifié mardi "d'irresponsable" la décision du Japon de rejeter à la mer les eaux issues de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima, accidentée en 2011.
Le gouvernement japonais a officialisé ce mardi sa décision de rejeter dans l’océan Pacifique plus d’un million de tonnes d’eau traitée mais toujours radioactive de la centrale nucléaire accidentée de Fukushima Daiichi. Une opération qui pourrait s’étaler sur plusieurs décennies, malgré l’opposition de pays voisins, des ONG environnementales et des pêcheurs locaux.
Il ne faudrait pas que le XXIe siècle soit celui de l’humano-business. Mais y a-t-il encore dans l’avion des gens qui réfléchissent ?
C’est l’une des théories privilégiées des experts mandatés par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS): le coronavirus, qui a fait plus de 2,93 millions de morts selon un décompte de l'AFP arrêté lundi, aurait été transmis à l’homme par un animal sauvage.
Given the circumstances, Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term “climate emergency” in its coverage of climate change. Journalism should reflect what science says: the climate emergency is here.
Cela pourrait paraître contre-intuitif, mais de plus en plus de preuves suggèrent que la perte de biodiversité augmente notre exposition aux pathogènes zoonotiques nouveaux et établis. C’est en tout cas la conclusion d’un nouveau document qui synthétise les connaissances actuelles sur la façon dont la biodiversité affecte la santé humaine.
International lawyers, environmentalists and a growing number of world leaders say “ecocide”—widespread destruction of the environment—would serve as a “moral red line” for the planet.
Three out of every four board members at seven major US banks (77%) have current or past ties to climate-conflicted companies or organizations – from oil and gas corporations to trade groups that lobby against reducing climate pollution, according to a first-of-its-kind review by climate influence analysts for DeSmog. and they continue to invest deeply in fossil fuel projects.
Global warming is a "threat multiplier" for habitats and species already under pressure – by understanding how the problems are linked, we can solve two crises at once

mars 2021

Il y a plus d'un an débutait une pandémie sans précédent face à laquelle le monde a manqué de coordination et de solidarité, comme le montrent les inégalités dans la distribution du vaccin contre le Covid-19. L'Union européenne (UE) doit aujourd'hui relever plusieurs défis pour rattraper des erreurs commises au début de la crise sanitaire, sa priorité étant d'accélérer la production et la distribution de vaccins.
Des produits chimiques appelés phtalates provoquent la naissance de bébés humains avec des organes génitaux mal formés et plus petits. Un livre détaillant les défis auxquels la reproduction humaine est confrontée, écrit par le Dr Shanna Swan professeur de médecine environnementale et de santé publique au Mount Sinai Hospital de New York, livre ce constat effrayant : les pénis rétrécissent et les organes génitaux se déforment à cause de la pollution, comme l’explique The Independant. En 2017 déjà, le Dr Swan a co-écrit une étude qui révélait que le nombre de spermatozoïdes avait chuté de 59% en Occident entre 1973 et 2011. Elle étudie la question plus complètement dans son dernier ouvrage.
Dans son nouveau livre, «Countdown», l'épidémiologiste environnementale et reproductive Shanna Swan prédit que le nombre de spermatozoïdes pourrait atteindre zéro d'ici 2045 grâce à des produits chimiques perturbateurs hormonaux qui sont «partout»
Une étude canadienne révèle que le fait d’écouter des sons naturels a un effet bénéfique sur le moral et les performances cognitives. Pourquoi cet effet bénéfique? Personne ne sait vraiment, mais la chercheuse avance son hypothèse.
Une hausse du nombre de contaminations au coronavirus a été observée ces trois dernières semaines en Europe, a affirmé jeudi le Dr Hans Kluge, le directeur régional Europe pour l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), citant le nombre de 1,2 million de nouvelles infections ces 7 derniers jours. L'Europe centrale, l'Albanie notamment, et les Balkans et les pays Baltes sont particulièrement concernés par ce constat, selon l'OMS. Le Dr Catherine Smallwood, chargée des situations d'urgence à l'OMS Europe, précise que le nombre de morts et d'hospitalisations y est pour le moment, parmi les plus élevés au monde. Le Dr Smallwood souligne a l'inverse les grands progrès en matière de contrôle des contaminations effectués par l'Espagne.
La Belgique vient de ré-autoriser l’utilisation de l’Imidaclopride, un insecticide de la famille des néonicotinoïdes. Sa toxicité pour l’entomofaune, et pour certains vertébrés, a pourtant été démontrée par de multiples études scientifiques. Ce pesticide a été interdit par l’Union européenne pour sa dangerosité en 2018. Malgré cela, cela fait 3 années consécutives que notre pays obtient une dérogation de 120 jours pour perpétuer son utilisation dans ces cultures de betteraves, notamment. Pour la troisième fois, Nature & Progrès Belgique et le Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe, ont introduit un recours devant le Conseil d’Etat
Céline Nieuwenhuys, secrétaire générale de la fédération des services sociaux, est une des experts qui conseillent les responsables politiques depuis le début de la crise sanitaire. Elle a fait partie du GEES (le groupe d’experts en charge du déconfinement), aux côtés d'épidémiologistes et d'économistes. Elle y était la seule représentante du milieu social. Dans une vidéo très commentée et partagée sur les réseaux sociaux, Céline Nieuwenhuys a récemment expliqué les coulisses de la gestion politique de l'an dernier. Ce matin, elle était l'invitée de La Première. "On continue à gérer cette crise comme si elle allait s'arrêter après demain", a-t-elle déploré à la radio. "On est entré [dans cette crise] en apnée en mars dernier en se disant qu'en été ça irait, qu'en octobre ça irait", estime la secrétaire générale. "Tirer les leçons, ce serait se préparer à vivre avec un virus et pas seulement recoller les morceaux ou réparer à chaque fois qu'on sent qu'il y a quelque chose qui craque dans le systè
Le documentaire intitulé « La Grande Malbouffe », diffusé sur Arte début février, nous en apprend beaucoup sur les pratiques des grandes marques de l’industrie agroalimentaire. Dans le but de réduire les coûts et augmenter leurs marges, ces derniers développent des trésors d’ingéniosité… Au détriment de notre santé. Retour sur le contenu de ce documentaire édifiant et sur ces pratiques. 
Nous sommes des membres du corps soignant, de toutes les professions qui le composent. Nous sommes dans nos villes, nos campagnes. Nous sommes libéraux, salariés, fonctionnaires. Soigner est notre but, le système de santé, notre outil de travail. En tant qu’utilisateur de cet outil, nous souhaitons manifester notre inquiétude. En effet, les prochaines décennies seront celles de la contrainte écologique. Notre système santé n’y est pas préparé. Nous craignons pour sa survie.
Cela finira mal. Une manifestation monstre vient d'avoir lieu à Fort-de-France (Martinique) pour protester contre l'impunité dans le lourd dossier de l'empoisonnement par le chlordécone. Pendant plus de vingt ans, jusqu'en 1993 au moins, on a utilisé dans les bananeraies un pesticide qu'on savait cancérogène et très toxique. Le sang de 90% des Antillais est contaminé par un produit si stable chimiquement qu'il pourrait être présent dans les sols pendant plusieurs siècles.
Depuis 2018, le nouveau plan de sécurité nucléaire belge a étendu le rayon de distribution des comprimés d'iode - qui permettent de réduire les risques de cancer de la thyroïde en cas d'irradiation - à 100 kilomètres autour des centrales nucléaires, ce qui revient à couvrir l'ensemble de la population. Or, aujourd'hui, 8 millions de Belges n'ont toujours rien reçu...
Le 11 mars 2011, l’archipel est secoué par le plus important séisme enregistré, de magnitude 9 sur l’échelle de Richter. 51 minutes plus tard, un tsunami frappe les côtes causant plus de 18 000 morts et provoquant des dégâts considérables.
La consommation massive de grenouilles va, sans surprise, finir par faire disparaître l'espèce. Tour d'horizon du déclin des batraciens. Certes, l’exploitation des grenouilles n’est pas la seule cause de leur disparition, mais elle ajoute au déclin. À ce déclin alarmant, il faut aussi prendre en compte la maltraitance dont sont victimes les batraciens commercialisés.
Victime d’un cancer de la thyroïde alors qu’il travaillait dans l’industrie nucléaire, Patrice Girardier dénonce depuis les conditions de travail dangereuses des petites mains de l’atome. « Nous, les sous-traitants d’EDF, sommes de la chair à canon. »
Céline Nieuwenhuys, secrétaire générale de la Fédération des services sociaux, est revenue sur son expérience au sein du GEES, le groupe d'experts chargés d'élaborer une stratégie de sortie au printemps dernier. Dans le cadre d'un projet de l’Ecole de la Transformation Sociale, elle réagit face caméra, durant 27 minutes, à diverses thématiques qui lui sont présentées, sans débat contradictoire avec un journaliste.
Cinq ans après l'Accord de Paris, la croissance des émissions de CO2 a commencé à ralentir. Sous l'effet ponctuel de la crise du Covid-19, qui a provoqué une baisse des émissions d'environ 7% en 2020 pour plafonner à 34 milliards de tonnes. Mais pas seulement. Entre 2016 et 2019, les émissions ont baissé dans 64 pays, analyse une étude publiée mercredi dans la revue Nature Climate Change. Une baisse qui s'est limitée en moyenne à 0,16 milliard de tonnes par an, soit "un dixième de ce qui serait nécessaire au niveau mondial pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques de Paris", indiquent les auteurs. Objectifs pour lesquels une réduction annuelle de 1,5 milliard de tonnes est nécessaire. Parmi les 150 pays où les émissions ont augmenté, la croissance annuelle moyenne aura été de 0,37 milliard de tonnes.

février 2021

Du vent chargé de sable du Sahara a atteint l’Europe à deux reprises en février, en colorant par endroits le ciel en tons orangés, vous vous en êtes peut-être aperçus.
Alors que l'année 2020 devait marquer une étape importante dans la protection du climat et de la biodiversité, la pandémie de Covid-19 a tout différé.
C’est une alerte lancée par les hôpitaux de Paris. La pénurie de plastique en cours génère des problèmes d’approvisionnement en test PCR notamment. Même la fabrication des vaccins est atteinte. Alors que la consommation de plastique a explosé avec la crise sanitaire, cette situation montre à quel point la France et l’Union européenne sont dépendantes de cette matière si décriée.
Mapped: How climate change affects extreme weather around the world
The Daily Express removed an article quoting a prominent climate science denier, after an energy company that claims to sell power that is “good for the planet” and “good for your soul” said it was reviewing whether to remove its advertising from the website.
To climate scientists, clouds are powerful, pillowy paradoxes: They can simultaneously reflect away the sun’s heat but also trap it in the atmosphere; they can be products of warming temperatures but can also amplify their effects.
Si l’on ne veut pas dépasser l’objectif d’un accroissement de 1,5°C d’ici la fin du siècle, il est impératif de réduire de 8 % par an les émissions mondiales de CO2. Dans ce cadre, et avec les données actuellement disponibles, le déploiement de la 5G se profile comme tout sauf une bonne idée. En effet, cette technologie est globalement énergivore.
The Energy Charter Treaty is a little-known investment protection treaty. It allows foreign investors to claim billions in compensation from the signatory states before international arbitration tribunals if the companies feel treated unfairly by the states energy or climate policies. This procedure has numerous problems: The treaty is one-sided, because only companies can sue states. It is extremely vaguely worded and thus a gateway for investors to sue. The arbitration courts meet in secret like shadow courts. In some cases, it is not even made public that there are proceedings at all.
Le projet Seniors4Climate a pour objectif de renforcer l’engagement en faveur du climat des personnes de plus de 65 ans.
The author and eminent climate scientist on the deniers’ new tactics and why positive change feels closer than it has done in 20 years
L'absence de réactions face à un ouvrage collectif de scientifiques qui fait le lien entre pollution électromagnétique et santé montre le niveau d'aveuglement de la population face au danger sanitaire que représentent ces technologies.
A new report reveals that tropically forested countries are facing higher-than-ever rates of destruction, due to COVID-19.1 This has had – and will continue to have – a devastating impact on the environment, the global climate, and the many Indigenous peoples who rely on these ancient and biodiverse forests for their homes and sustenance, unless the governments of these countries are called to task and held accountable.
Des chercheurs du CHRU de Tours prouvent pour la première fois le lien entre exposition professionnelle aux pesticides et hausse du risque de leucémie. Elle pourrait relancer le débat sur les distances de sécurité d’épandage des pesticides à proximité des habitations.
Les résultats d’une étude publiée le lundi 8 février montrent que la saison pollinique en Amérique du Nord s’est considérablement allongée en trente ans. La concentration de pollen a également évolué, en partie à cause d’un climat plus chaud.
Some research suggests that while fear can prompt us to spring into action, hope actually gives us something to do.
La pandémie qui nous accompagne depuis le début de l’année 2020 a tragiquement bousculé bien des vies, secoué des pans entiers de l’organisation sociale, plombé l’économie.
Nous vivons plus longtemps, mais en moins bonne santé. Des substances chimiques qu’on ne peut plus ignorer sont en cause.
Peter Piot est de ceux qui ont "regardé la mort dans les yeux": le découvreur d’Ebola, spécialiste des maladies infectieuses, n’avait jamais été affecté de la sorte par un de ses sujets d’étude avant de contracter le Covid-19. Après des mois de combat victorieux contre le "long Covid", le microbiologiste flamand est retourné au front, notamment comme conseiller spécial d’Ursula von der Leyen. Par ses travaux et son engagement, le directeur de la London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine aura "permis d'améliorer la santé et le bien-être de milliers de gens de par le monde", selon l'UCLouvain, qui lui décernait mardi le titre de docteur honoris causa.
Une étude de Harvard, University College de Londres et d’autres universités, parue mardi 9 février, conclut qu’une mort sur cinq dans le monde est imputable à la pollution de l’air extérieur causée par la combustion des énergies fossiles, principalement le charbon et le diesel. Ce sont ainsi 8 millions de personnes qui meurent prématurément, chaque année, à cause de la pollution de l’air liée aux énergies fossiles. Et si les plus hauts ratios de mortalité sont observés en Chine et en Inde, aucun pays n’est épargné.
Ce n’est pas un scoop : les masques chirurgicaux pour limiter la propagation du coronavirus sont également au centre d’une catastrophe écologique. À Singapour, un quotidien a publié une infographie montrant l’ampleur de ce désastre.
Le réchauffement climatique pourrait avoir joué un rôle dans le passage à l'homme du coronavirus responsable du Covid-19, en offrant de nouveaux habitats aux chauve-souris, espèce d'origine présumée du virus, selon une étude publiée vendredi.

janvier 2021

Climate Challenge permet aux enseignant·e·s du secondaire d'aborder en classe la problématique du changement climatique de manière attrayante et innovante. Voir aussi - en ligne depuis novembre 2019.
Meet the 1.5°C target. “It’s still possible,if only we have the political will”. But what is the extent of our political will, and more importantly, what are the deeper social dynamics driving it? Is it not only possible, but in fact plausible that we will reach deep decarbonisation by 2050 and meet the target? is there enough societal momentum and political will to make that future materialise ?
The growing popularity of SUVs is making it even harder to cut carbon dioxide emissions and meet climate goals. “Policy-makers need to find ways to persuade consumers to choose smaller and more efficient cars,” says Petropoulos.
It's time to take on those who are sabotaging our response to the climate crisis—face to face.
La crise sanitaire a solidement modifié notre façon de vivre, et elle a aussi un impact sur toute une série de statistique. Les chiffres de la mortalité pour 2020 ont ainsi montré que la Belgique a enregistré 127.134 décès l'année dernière, soit 18.389 de plus qu'en 2019. Et 17,72% de plus que la moyenne sur dix ans (2010-2019), selon Statbel.
Le comité d'urgence de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) se penche jeudi sur les nouveaux variants du coronavirus, qui inquiètent les autorités dans le monde, où la lutte contre le regain de la pandémie s'intensifie à coups de confinements, couvre-feux et campagnes de vaccination.
The war of disinformation against climate science is now essentially over. The scientific evidence has become impossible to dispute in light of the dramatic increases in extreme weather events, megafires in recent years. The deniers have not given up the battle, They have merely changed their tactics, Michael Mann contends in his book The New Climate War...
D'abord la panique en Chine, puis l'opacité du système communiste, enfin les accusations de Donald Trump: un an après la mort de la première victime du Covid-19, la politisation de l'épidémie éloigne les chances de connaître un jour l'origine du virus.
Traceable evidence of the impacts of climate change on humanity, the data sheet with scientific references

décembre 2020

Exploration de la situation sociale des personnes dites « électrosensibles », dont le corps et la santé souffrent des rayonnements des technologies sans fil. Dans cette situation, toutes les dimensions de l’existence sont profondément perturbées.
Global warming is not only about melting icebergs or expanding deserts. It is something which does happen in our backyard as well. Data and estimates on the mean temperatures at the local level indicate that climate change has been affecting almost every corner of Europe, as mean temperatures have increased by more than 2°C in half a century in multiple areas.
Le point sur la pandémie de Covid-19 dans le monde...
Climate Accountability Institute releases treasure trove of data on fossil fuel company operational and product-related emissions. "Our vision is for a world protected from the social, economic, and environmental damages of climate change."
Un établissement de santé sur quatre dans le monde est dépourvu de services d'approvisionnement en eau, exposant le personnel de santé et les patients à un risque plus élevé d'infection au Covid-19, a alerté l'OMS lundi. Environ 1,8 milliard de personnes se rendent ou travaillent dans des établissements de santé ne disposant pas de services d'approvisionnement en eau de base, avertissent l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) et le Fonds des Nations unies pour l'enfance (Unicef) dans un rapport conjoint basé sur des données de 165 pays.
Letter: Scientists and academics including Prof Gesa Weyhenmeyer and Prof Will Steffen argue that we must discuss the threat of societal disruption in order to prepare for it
Voilà le genre d'anniversaire dont on se passerait bien. C'est en décembre 2019 que le premier cas de Covid-19 est déniché à Wuhan, même s'il faudra quelques semaines pour que l'information percole hors de Chine, et un paquet d'autres pour que l'Europe s'en soucie réellement.
Les systèmes de santé sont mal préparés pour faire face aux dangers grandissants liés au changement climatique et aucun pays - riches ou pauvres - n'est à l'abri, comme l'a prouvé la crise du Covid-19, avertissent des experts dans un rapport publié jeudi.
Il y a un an et demi, Muriel Moser, professeure à l'ULB, avait l'idée d'inaugurer la nouvelle collection des Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, Débats, par un ouvrage consacré aux vaccins*. Sans savoir alors que, lors de sa parution, ce jeudi, ce sujet serait au cœur de l'actualité, Covid oblige.
L’Union européenne, poussée par la Belgique, doit suspendre la propriété intellectuelle sur les vaccins Covid-19 tant que l’immunité mondiale n’a pas été atteinte.
Nouveaux bilans, nouveaux records, nouvelles mesures: le point sur la pandémie de coronavirus dans le monde. La pandémie de coronavirus a fait au moins 1,46 million de morts dans le monde depuis fin décembre, selon un bilan établi par l'AFP à partir de sources officielles mardi soir.
Certains États sont dirigés par des Présidents à la santé mentale inquiétante. Décelons les différents stades de l’évolution psychique de l’homme pour mieux comprendre le dangereux raisonnement de ceux qui ébranlent la démocratie.

novembre 2020

Water shortages are now affecting more than 3 billion people around the world, as the amount of fresh water available for each person has plunged by a fifth over two decades, data has shown. About 1.5 billion people are suffering severe water scarcity or even drought, as a combination of climate breakdown, rising demand and poor management has made agriculture increasingly difficult across swathes of the globe.
Il n’y a pas à choisir entre la santé et l’économie, ni davantage entre l’écologie et l’économie : si nous détruisons les écosystèmes, nous détruirons notre santé et nos économies, prévient l’économiste.
C’est officiel : en Belgique, le vaccin contre le coronavirus sera administré sur base volontaire et gratuite. C’est une décision des différents ministres en charge de la Santé. Leur objectif : vacciner au moins 8 millions de Belges, soit 70% de la population. Pas d’obligation donc, pas d’exigence non plus, comme cela est le cas pour d’autres vaccins. Lesquels ? Passage en revue.
The methane emissions leaking from the world’s coalmines could be stoking the global climate crisis at the same rate as the shipping and aviation industries combined.Coalmines are belching millions of tonnes of methane into the atmosphere unchecked, because policymakers have overlooked the rising climate threat, according to new research.
Alors que son voisin suédois avait capté l’attention des médias, la Finlande semble avoir mené un combat victorieux contre le coronavirus. Ce pays a en effet maintenu des niveaux d’infection cinq fois inférieurs à la moyenne de l’Union européenne.
Inutile de se précipiter pour tenter d’échapper à la nouvelle taxe sur les comptes-titres. D’après l’avant-projet de loi instaurant cet impôt approuvé lundi en conseil des ministres, une nouvelle disposition anti-abus s'appliquera, avec effet rétroactif, à partir du moment où les médias ont porté la taxe à la connaissance du public.

octobre 2020

A moins d'une transformation radicale du système économique, les pandémies comme le Covid-19 vont se multiplier et faire plus de morts, alertent jeudi des experts de l'ONU sur la biodiversité (IPBES) soulignant l'immense réservoir de virus inconnus dans le monde animal. "Sans des stratégies de prévention, les pandémies vont émerger plus souvent, se répandre plus rapidement, tuer plus de gens et avoir des impacts dévastateurs sans précédent sur l'économie mondiale", met en garde ce rapport.
Flying is a highly controversial topic in climate debates. It accounts for around 2.5% of global CO₂ emissions, but 3.5% when we take non-CO₂ impacts on climate into account.
Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently. Many think of the climate crisis as distinct from the health and economic crises caused by the pandemic. But the three crises – and their solutions – are interconnected.

septembre 2020

Certains éminents épidémiologistes affirment que notre inertie écologique tuera et tue déjà aujourd’hui bien plus de gens sur Terre que la pandémie de Covid-19. Une opinion de Cédric Chevalier, auteur de Déclarons l’Etat d’Urgence écologique (Luc Pire), coordinateur de la pétition citoyenne « Déclarons l’état d’urgence environnemental et social ».
Un appel a été lancé à l'ONU pour faire du vaccin Covid-19 un bien public mondial.
Scientists just completed one of the most comprehensive investigations of Earth’s climate history—and the findings aren’t favorable. They found that the planet could eventually warm to levels it hasn’t reached in at least 34 million years.
While climate scientists warn that climate change could be catastrophic, economists such as 2018 Nobel prize winner William Nordhaus assert that it will be nowhere near as damaging. In a 2018 paper published after he was awarded the prize, Nordhaus claimed that 3°C of warming would reduce global GDP by just 2.1%, compared to what it would be in the total absence of climate change.
Emily Stochl is a writer with a focus on the climate crisis, the second-hand fashion industry, ethical labor practices and sustainability. She is a climate activist with the grassroots organization, Sunrise Movement. She is also the host and creator of Pre-Loved Podcast.

août 2020

Rising consumption by the affluent has a far greater environmental impact than the birth rate in poorer nations
Ce jeudi Matin Prem1ère accueille Adélaïde Charlier, Anuna De Wever et Luisa Neubauer. Depuis Berlin où elles se trouvent en compagnie de Greta Thunberg afin de rencontrer la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel, les jeunes militantes pour le climat font le point sur l'appel qu’elles ont lancé aux chefs d’État et de gouvernement européens afin qu’ils prennent des mesures urgentes afin de prévenir une catastrophe climatique.
La militante suédoise et figure du mouvement pour le climat Greta Thunberg a entamé jeudi une rencontre avec Angela Merkel à Berlin, après avoir dénoncé "l'inaction politique" et le "déni" des Etats face au changement climatique.
Plusieurs figures emblématiques du mouvement des jeunes pour le climat, dont Greta Thunberg et les Belges Anuna De Wever et Adélaïde Charlier, ont été reçues jeudi par la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel.
Anuna De Wever, Adélaïde Charlier, Greta Thunberg et d'autres membres du mouvement Fridays for Future ont pu discuter du changement climatique avec la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel jeudi lors d'une réunion informelle qui a duré une heure et demie.
La Vallée de la Mort est l’endroit le plus bas, le plus chaud et le plus sec d’Amérique du Nord.
Based on preliminary analysis, the global average atmospheric carbon dioxide in 2020 was 412.5 parts per million (ppm for short), setting a new record high amount despite the economic slowdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, the jump of 2.6 ppm over 2019 levels was the fifth-highest annual increase in NOAA's 63-year record. Since 2000, the global atmospheric carbon dioxide amount has grown by 43.5 ppm, an increase of 12 percent.

juillet 2020

Un tiers des enfants du monde sont intoxiqués au plomb, révèle un rapport de l'Institute of Health Metrics Evaluation de l'Université de Washington, publié jeudi.
Today, the average global temperature has increased by more than 1°C compared to pre-industrial values (Figure 1-1); atmospheric CO2 concentrations have risen from 280 to more than 400 ppm. At the current pace of emissions, the carbon budget that is left for staying below the 2°C target of the Paris Agreement will be depleted in a few tens of years. For the 1.5°C target, this budget will be exhausted before the decade is out.
Our planet is no longer stable. Old certainties about the climate are evaporating as rising greenhouse gas emissions accelerate global warming.
Concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere have increased from pre-industrial levels of 280 parts per million (ppm) to around 416ppm today. Without actions to reduce emissions, concentrations are likely to reach 560ppm – double pre-industrial levels – around the year 2060.
L'accord obtenu à l'arraché, mardi matin au sommet européen, sur le prochain cadre financier 2021-2027 de l'Union et un instrument de relance post-coronavirus à 750 milliards d'euros n'a pas entraîné que des louanges et des "ouf" de soulagement. Dans les rangs verts, entre autres, des critiques émergent mardi, alors que le paquet financier doit encore passer par l'étape des négociations avec le Parlement européen.
La pandémie de Covid-19 pourrait faire basculer 100 millions de personnes supplémentaires dans l'extrême pauvreté, mettant en lumière "la fragilité de notre monde" inégalitaire, a estimé samedi le secrétaire général des Nations unies, Antonio Guterres.
Le choc économique de la pandémie « va enflammer la colère publique » et entraîner des « troubles majeurs » au second semestre 2020, d'après un cabinet d'étude des risques. Une quarantaine de pays, principalement en Afrique et en Amérique latine, pourraient faire face à des manifestations de rue sans précédent.
The climate crisis is causing ancient permafrost to thaw, which could unleash viruses and bacteria that have been dormant for thousands of years, presenting a potentially catastrophic risk to humans and ecosystems alike.
Unlike carbon dioxide, atmospheric methane concentrations are rising faster than at any time in the past two decades. The fossil fuel, agriculture and waste sectors are equally responsible.
Médecine environnementale - liens entre santé et environnement - Docteur Coquelicot est un projet de vulgarisation de la Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale . Son équipe de rédaction fait partie de la Cellule environnement qui creuse les sujets de santé environnementale.

juin 2020

An extensive new multi-proxy database of paleo-temperature time series (Temperature 12k) enables a more robust analysis of global mean surface temperature (GMST) and associated uncertainties than was previously available. We applied five different statistical methods to reconstruct the GMST of the past 12,000 years (Holocene). Each method used different approaches to averaging the globally distributed time series and to characterizing various sources of uncertainty, including proxy temperature, chronology and methodological choices. The results were aggregated to generate a multi-method ensemble of plausible GMST and latitudinal-zone temperature reconstructions with a realistic range of uncertainties. The warmest 200-year-long interval took place around 6500 years ago when GMST was 0.7 °C (0.3, 1.8) warmer than the 19th Century (median, 5th, 95th percentiles). Following the Holocene global thermal maximum, GMST cooled at an average rate −0.08 °C per 1000 years (−0.24, −0.05). The multi-method ensembles and th
Australia’s top climate scientist says “we are already deep into the trajectory towards collapse” of civilisation, which may now be inevitable because 9 of the 15 known global climate tipping points that regulate the state of the planet have been activated.

mai 2020

As the public conversation on climate change evolves, so too does the sophistication and range of arguments used to downplay or discount the need for action (McKie, Reference McKie2019; Norgaard, Reference Norgaard2011). A mainstay of this counter-movement has been outright denial of the reality or human causation of climate change (Farrell et al., Reference Farrell, McConnell and Brulle2019), supplemented by climate-impact scepticism (Harvey et al., Reference Harvey, Van Den Berg, Ellers, Kampen, Crowther, Roessingh and Mann2018) and ad hominem attacks on scientists and the scientific consensus (Oreskes & Conway, Reference Oreskes and Conway2011). A fourth strategy has received relatively little attention to date: policy-focused discourses that exploit contemporary discussions on what action should be taken, how fast, who bears responsibility and where costs and benefits should be allocated (Bohr, Reference Bohr2016; Jacques & Knox, Reference Jacques and Knox2016; McKie, Reference McKie2019). We call these ‘
Le secrétaire général des Nations unies a critiqué lundi les pays ayant « ignoré les recommandations » de l’OMS pour répondre à la pandémie, estimant que le monde payait aujourd’hui au « prix fort » les stratégies divergentes.
The daunting changes required to stay under the 1.5C limit and avoid catastrophic climate impacts, including widespread clean energy and tech adoption
Le Covid-19 a remis sur le devant de la scène les zoonoses, ces maladies qui nous viennent des animaux. Elles sont nombreuses et certaines sont anciennes. Toutes elles interrogent notre rapport à un écosystème dont nous ne cessons d’altérer la biodiversité.

avril 2020

Stupeur à Berlin, mardi. Le taux de reproduction (R0) du coronavirus, très surveillé par les autorités, a de nouveau atteint le seuil de 1,0. En d'autres termes, cela signifie que chaque malade contamine une autre personne. Depuis le début de l'épidémie, le gouvernement et les virologues n'ont eu de cesse de souligner l'importance d'avoir un taux inférieur à ce seuil. Redescendu à 0,7 à la mi-avril, il est reparti à la hausse alors que les mesures de restriction ont été assouplies. Si la tendance se confirme, le déconfinement risque de connaître un coup d'arrêt chez nos voisins.
Michael Moore presents Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road — selling out the green movement to wealthy interests and corporate America. This film is the wake-up call to the reality we are afraid to face: that in the midst of a human-caused extinction event, the environmental movement’s answer is to push for techno-fixes and band-aids. It's too little, too late.
The growing threat of abrupt and irreversible climate changes must compel political and economic action on emissions.
Une opinion signée par plus de 250 scientifiques
Face à la crise historique engendrée par la pandémie de coronavirus, organisons notre sécurité alimentaire - La Libre /*! normalize.css v3.0.0 | MIT License | */html{font-family:sans-serif;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display:inline-block;vertical-align:baseline}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}a{background:0 0}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}abbr[title]{border-bottom:1px dotted}b,strong{font-weight:700}dfn{font-style:italic}h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 0}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}small{font-size:80%}sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-.5em}sub{bottom:-.25em}img{border:0}svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}figure{margin:1em 40px}hr{-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;height:0}pre{overflow:auto}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-family:
On pourra toujours dire que la pandémie du Covid-19 était prévisible, que nous aurions dû être alertés par l’épidémie de SARS, que plusieurs articles scientifiques nous avaient mis en garde, que les rapports de la CIA l’avaient envisagé, que Bill Gates nous avait prévenus… Certes. Reste que nous n’étions pas préparés, et que cette crise a eu des conséquences très improbables,
Nous sommes un groupe pluridisciplinaire et international d’experts qui concluent que la négligence de la transmission du COVID-19 par aérosol est à l’origine de la différence entre les pays qui contrôlent ou ne contrôlent pas la propagation du nouveau coronavirus. Quand une personne est infectée, sa toux, ses éternuements, mais aussi sa conversation ou ses chants vont produire un nuage de gouttelettes depuis sa bouche ou son nez.

mars 2020

Depuis le début de l'épidémie de coronavirus, les gouvernements européens, pris au dépourvu, prennent des mesures de santé publique compréhensibles, mais sans se coordonner entre eux, alors qu'ils constituent l'Union économique la plus intégrée et le marché le plus riche de la planète. Les citoyens européens, eux, le paient cash. Avec près de 71.000 malades et plus de 3.300 morts mercredi, l'Europe a dépassé l'Asie en nombre de victimes.
Les mesures décidées par la Belgique pour lutter contre le coronavirus étaient nécessaires, estime l'épidémiologiste Marius Gilbert, de l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Seront-elles suffisantes et devront-elles être prolongées ? On devrait y voir plus clair d'ici une semaine, si l'augmentation du nombre de cas ralentit significativement, explique-t-il. Des mesures fortes sont prises en Belgique contre la propagation du coronavirus, c'est la réponse qui était nécessaire?
Même s’il y a bien trop de pétrole disponible sur les marchés pour la demande actuelle, le pic pétrolier mondial semble bien, avec le plongeon des prix de l’or noir, frapper à notre porte. Parce que beaucoup d’entreprises du pétrole de schiste américain, déjà mal en point, ne pourront pas résister longtemps. Or, c’est ce « shale oil » qui compense en bonne partie la déplétion du pétrole conventionnel depuis une dizaine d’années.
Humanity at risk if we keep thinking everything is under control
Le coronavirus nous rappelle que les urgences vont s’additionner et parfois entrer en collision. Le politique devra faire preuve d’un leadership responsable pour y faire face. Le philosophe Hans Jonas pourra le guider. Nous ne savons pas combien de Belges souffriront et mourront du coronavirus. L’urgence est à l’action, surtout pour ceux qui sont en première ligne. Minimiser le nombre de victimes est un impératif catégorique pour chacun, décideur politique, professionnel de la santé, travailleur, parent, enseignant, étudiant ou pensionné.
L’épidémie naissante de Covid-19 touche aux peurs fondamentales de nos sociétés. Dans ce cadre, deux positions caractéristiques se sont développées qui mobilisent chacune une sélection subjective des chiffres relatifs aux décès et à la transmission de cette maladie.

février 2020

Ce texte émane de l'Association Médicale pour la Prévention de la Guerre Nucléaire, ... Son but est de faire connaître au public, aux politiciens et aux membres des professions médicales et paramédicales les effets catastrophiques qui découleraient de l'utilisation de telles armes et l'impossibilité d'y faire face par des plans sanitaires d'urgence ou des mesures de protection civile.
The persistent march of a warming climate is seen across a multitude of continuous, incremental changes. CO2 levels in the atmosphere. Ocean heat content. Global sea level rise. Each creeps up year after year, fuelled by human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.
En 2006, l'économiste britannique Lord Nicholas Stern a écrit sa critique mise en garde contre les graves répercussions du changement climatique, en particulier ses effets sur l'économie mondiale et les systèmes financiers mondiaux.Ce n'est que récemment que les banquiers et les financiers ont revu son travail et brandi leurs propres drapeaux rouges sur les conséquences désastreuses d'un monde en réchauffement.
Toutes les eaux d'évacuation, d'origine domestique, industrielle ou hospitalière, sont pourtant traitées - du moins dans les pays développés - par des stations d'épuration. Mais ces installations, qui éliminent les pollutions azotées, carbonées ou phosphorées, n'ont dans leur cahier des charges aucune obligation concernant les résidus médicamenteux. Ceux-ci ne sont que "partiellement" détruits,

janvier 2020


décembre 2019

Si la pandémie de Covid-19 a mis à l’arrêt une grande partie des activités mondiales faisant baisser les émissions de C02 en 2020, ce répit pourrait être de courte durée. Ces dernières décennies, la crise climatique s’est aggravée et les pays les plus riches ainsi que les ménages les plus aisés en sont les premiers responsables. C’est le constat du nouveau rapport d’Oxfam qui met en lumière les inégalités en matière d’émissions de CO2. Les principales données sont résumées en une infographie.
La Croix-Rouge française remettra, à l’occasion de la COP 25 qui s’est ouverte lundi 2 décembre 2019 à Madrid, un rapport sur les conséquences des changements climatiques sur la santé, une problématique sur laquelle l’association est fortement engagée.
The fast fall of PG&E after California’s wildfires is a jolt for companies considering the uncertain risks of a warming planet

novembre 2019


octobre 2019

On entend parler de « solalstalgie » et « d’éco-anxiété » voir de « deuil » pour désigner les craintes relatives à la disparition d’espèces ou aux menaces d’effondrements. Sur quel plan paradigmatique – psychologique, philosophique, autre – se positionner pour qualifier peurs, anxiété, ou angoisses qui selon les tableaux cliniques classiques ne sont pas de même nature même si elles peuvent être imbriquées ? En bref, quels mots utiliser pour nommer les maux consécutifs aux atteintes à l’environnement et à la prise de conscience du collapse, le processus d’effondrement de notre société thermo-industrielles ?
A short glossary of the changes we’ve made to the Guardian’s style guide, for use by our journalists and editors when writing about the environment
Industry funds ‘grassroots’ resistance to tougher rules while touting green credentials, study shows
For decades fossil fuel majors tried to fight the consensus – just as big tobacco once disputed that smoking kills.

septembre 2019

Activists and politicians have been criticized from the right for saying we have only 12 years to stop climate change. Scientists say the situation is in some ways worse than that.
The accelerating thaw of Antarctica might drive sea levels up by more than five metres by 2300 unless governments act quickly to cut greenhouse gas emissions, a UN report said on Wednesday.
Action on climate change is arguably the greatest challenge for public policy of our times. But despite economic forces being the major driver of the carbon dioxide problem, this column argues that economists have so far been too silent on the subject. For example, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the most-cited journal in economics, has never published an article on climate change. Good economics can and should play a fundamental role in guiding the policy framework that will influence investment decisions in the coming years, so it is important that the profession dramatically increases its work now.
Climate change has been relatively kind to banana suppliers so far – but in the decades to come, friend may turn to foe. Temperatures are likely to get so hot that the annual production gains enjoyed by banana suppliers will begin to drop. And in some places, total banana yields will begin to decline.

août 2019

For the last three decades, environmental groups have diligently lobbied their governments to slow carbon and methane emissions. Activists have put pressure on industry too. They’ve been smart, full of energy and creative. Yet, despite several big international treaties — especially the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement — and some impressive accomplishments including holding up pipelines and getting institutional investors to divest from fossil fuels, the pollution and the warming have not stopped.

juillet 2019

In the Second World War, Britain’s media was a crucial part of the war effort to save the country from fascism. Now it must meet its responsibility to tackle the climate emergency. The first of the Extinction Rebellion three demands calls on the government to declare a climate & ecological emergency and to work with the media to tell the public the truth of the depth of the crises.

juin 2019

An in-depth look at workers’ participation in the climate and ecological breakdown, and how this might be transformed into ecological care, and leveraged for change.
Advocates of the Green New Deal say there is great urgency in dealing with the climate crisis and highlight the scale and scope of what is required to combat it. We can afford it, with the right fiscal policies and collective will. But more importantly, we must afford it. The climate emergency is our third world war. Our lives and civilization as we know it are at stake, just as they were in the second world war.
Natural gas, marketed for years as a “bridge fuel” to cleaner energy sources, cannot be part of any climate solution, according to a new report from Oil Change International.
The climate change analysis was written by a former fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Australia's military.

mai 2019

Humanity has swung a wrecking ball through the biosphere. We have chopped down over half of the world’s rainforests and by the middle of this century there may not be much more than a quarter left. This has been accompanied by a massive loss in biodiversity, such that the biosphere may be entering one of the great mass extinction events in the history of life on Earth.

avril 2019

Résumé à destination des enseignants. « chaque degré compte, chaque année compte et chaque décision compte : ne pas agir aujourd’hui c’est ajouter au fardeau des générations futures. limiter le réchauffement à 1,5°c n’est pas impossible mais nécessite une politique forte et immédiate. ». Valérie Masson-Delmotte, co-présidente du groupe de travail du GiEc (8 octobre 2018 – intervention au Sénat)

mars 2019


février 2019

After water, concrete is the most widely used substance on Earth. If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest carbon dioxide emitter in the world with up to 2.8bn tonnes, surpassed only by China and the US. The material is the foundation of modern development. Concrete is how we try to tame nature...
Pour le cinquième jeudi consécutif, ils étaient plus de 20 000 lycéens et étudiants en Belgique et plusieurs milliers de Néerlandais à sécher les cours pour protester contre l'inaction climatique. Et à Nantes, ils étaient 150 vendredi dernier pour la première mobilisation du genre en France. Comme eux, ils sont nombreux à troquer leur cartable contre des banderoles chaque semaine pour inciter leurs élus à accélérer sur la lutte contre le changement climatique. La prochaine journée de grève mondiale est prévue pour le 15 mars.

novembre 2018

Une étude publiée dans Nature Climate Change explore les effets combinés des aléas provoqués par le réchauffement climatique. Au total, les chercheurs ont dénombré pas moins de 467 menaces différentes.

octobre 2018

The IPCC report sets out the world’s current knowledge of the impacts of 1.5C of warming and clearly shows the dangers of breaching such a limit. However, many scientists are increasingly worried about factors about which we know much less. These “known unknowns” of climate change are tipping points, or feedback mechanisms within the climate system – thresholds that, if passed, could send the Earth into a spiral of runaway climate change.

septembre 2018


août 2018

A new scientific paper proposing a scenario of unstoppable climate change has gone viral, thanks to its evocative description of a “Hothouse Earth”. Much of the media coverage suggests that we face an imminent and unavoidable extreme climate catastrophe. But as a climate scientist who has carried out similar research myself, I am aware that this latest work is a lot more nuanced than the headlines imply. So what does the hothouse paper actually say, and how did the authors draw their conclusions?

avril 2018

In 1968, the best-seller “The Population Bomb,” written by Paul and Anne Ehrlich warned of the perils of overpopulation: mass starvation, societal upheaval, environmental deterioration. The book was criticized at the time for painting an overly dark picture of the future. But while not all of the Ehrlich’s dire predictions have come to pass, the world’s population has doubled since then, to over seven billion, straining the planet’s resources and heating up our climate.

janvier 2018


octobre 2017

there is growing consensus among experts that climate change will severely affect coffee crops over the next 80 years. By 2100, more than 50 per cent of the land used to grow coffee will no longer be arable.

août 2017

If you read or listen to almost any article about climate change, it’s likely the story refers in some way to the “2 degrees Celsius limit.” The story often mentions greatly increased risks if the climate exceeds 2°C and even “catastrophic” impacts to our world if we warm more than the target.

juillet 2017

By continuing to delay significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, we risk handing young people alive today a bill of up to US$535 trillion. This would be the cost of the “negative emissions” technologies required to remove CO₂ from the air in order to avoid dangerous climate change.
Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than you think.

décembre 2016


janvier 2016

Kristina Searle Kathryn Gow, (2010),"Do concerns about climate change lead to distress?", International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, Vol. 2 Iss 4 pp. 362 - 379

février 2015


décembre 2014

To prevent crop damage, over the last 30 years farmers have increased the altitude at which they plant potatoes by more than 1,000 metres, said Mamani. The curator of the CIP germplasm bank, Rene Gómez, predicts that at this rate of prolonged drought and high temperatures for much of the year, followed by severe frost and plunging temperatures that freeze up the fields, potatoes are “absolutely at risk” in Peru’s highlands. “I estimate that in 40 years there will be nowhere left to plant potatoes [in Peru’s highlands],” ...

juin 2014

Large misinformation campaigns on climate change science are being funded by a handful of sources with an interest in maintaining the status quo.

décembre 2012

Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions Program Earth Institute Columbia University 475 Riverside Drive (Room 401-O) New York, NY 10115 USA E-mail:

octobre 2012

a lot of corporations, including oil companies, that objected to the Kyoto accords in 1997. But most of them lobbied against the treaty on economic and fairness grounds that would cost the economy of the United States too much for the benefits promised, and also that it wasn’t fair that developing societies would be left out of the bargain. But Exxon did something that I think was fairly radical, which was that they chose to go after the science.

mars 2012

The scientist who has borne the full brunt of attacks by climate change deniers, including death threats and accusations of misappropriating funds, is set to hit back.
The scientist who has borne the full brunt of attacks by climate change deniers, including death threats and accusations of misappropriating funds, is set to hit back.

août 2011

L’atténuation et l’adaptation sont deux stratégies pour faire face au problème du changement climatique. L’atténuation est une intervention visant à réduire les sources ou augmenter les puits de gaz à effet de serre. L’adaptation est « un ajustement des systèmes naturels ou humains en réponse à des stimuli climatiques présents ou futurs ou à leurs effets, afin d’en atténuer les effets néfastes ou d’exploiter des opportunités bénéfiques » (IPCC 2001).

janvier 2009

In 1973, Ernest Becker, a cultural anthropologist cross-trained in philosophy, sociology, and psychiatry, invoked consciousness of self and the inevitability of death as the primary sources of human anxiety and repression. He proposed that the psychological basis of cooperation, competition, and emotional and mental health is a tendency to hold tightly to anxiety-buffering cultural world views or “immortality projects” that serve as the basis for self-esteem and meaning. Although he focused mainly on social and political outcomes like war, torture, and genocide, he was increasingly aware that materialism, denial of nature, and immortality-striving efforts to control, rather than sanctify, the natural world were problems whose severity was increasing. In this paper I review Becker’s ideas and suggest ways in which they illuminate human response to global climate change. Because immortality projects range from belief in technology and materialism to reverence for nature or belief in a celestial god, they act bo

août 1912

Les fourneaux du monde brûlent maintenant environ 2 millions de tonnes de charbon par an. Lorsque le charbon est brûlé, qu’il est assemblé à l’oxygène, cela ajoute environ 7 millions de tonnes de dioxyde de carbone dans l’atmosphère chaque année. (…) Ceci tend à faire de l’atmosphère une véritable couverture plus ‘efficace’ pour la planète, ce qui a pour effet d’augmenter sa température. L’effet sera probablement considérable dans quelques siècles.