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février 2025

Mechanisms behind a steep rise in temperature

décembre 2024

Sea ice extent for the Arctic overall as of mid-December is at the lowest for this point in the season in the entire satellite era record (since autumn 1978) Whether this is a transient low extent or not, expanded open water now, with the winter solstice upon us, means that there’s less time for ice, once it forms, to thicken up before the spring melt commences in a few months.
In March 2022, a New York City-sized ice shelf collapsed in East Antarctica, long thought to be relatively stable against rapid change. The Conger-Glenzer ice shelf collapsed following decades of ocean-induced thinning, allowing its long-stabilizing features to transform into destabilizing ones.

novembre 2024

Global warming has already caused the Arctic to release more climate-warming methane—but exactly how much will depend closely on the actions we take to halt climate change.

octobre 2024

Harry is a U.K.-based senior staff writer at Live Science. He studied marine biology at the University of Exeter before training to become a journalist. He covers a wide range of topics including space exploration, planetary science, space weather, climate change, animal behavior, evolution and paleontology. His feature on the upcoming solar maximum was shortlisted in the "top scoop" category at the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ) Awards for Excellence in 2023. 
A new declaration aims to make the southernmost continent an autonomous legal entity, akin to a nation-state, with inherent rights to participate in decision making that affects it.
De oppervlakte van het Antarctisch Schiereiland waar planten groeien, is vandaag minstens 12 keer groter dan in 1986. Dat blijkt uit satellietfoto's. De vergroening van de Zuidpool, door de klimaatverandering, gaat steeds sneller. Daardoor zou Antarctica er binnen enkele decennia wel eens heel anders kunnen uitzien.

septembre 2024

As a six-year investigation into the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica wraps up, the scientists involved are pessimistic for the future of this glacier and the consequences for sea level rise
Het gat in de ozonlaag is zich pas begin deze maand beginnen vormen, later dan normaal. Dat meldt de Europese aardobservatiedienst Copernicus. Het gat is daardoor ook kleiner dan de voorgaande jaren. Dat heeft vooral te maken met de temperatuur van de stratosfeer boven Antarctica, die deze zomer bokkensprongen maakte.

août 2024

The Svalbard archipelago’s ice caps suffered extreme episodes of melting in summer 2024, brought on by exceptionally high air temperatures.

juin 2024

Blog edited by Sam Carana, with news on climate change and warming in the Arctic due to snow and ice loss and methane releases from the seafloor.

mars 2024

De hele mensheid profiteert van Antarctica en de oceaan die het continent omringt, schrijven Natalie Stoeckl en Rachel Baird, hoogleraren aan de Universiteit van Tasmanië. Een schatting van de economische waarde kan volgens hen een goede motivatie zijn voor de bescherming van dit unieke ecosysteem.

février 2024

Marine heat waves will become a regular occurrence in the Arctic in the near future and are a product of higher anthropogenic greenhouse-gas emissions, according to a study just released by Dr. Armineh Barkhordarian from Universität Hamburg's Cluster of Excellence for climate research CLICCS. Since 2007, conditions in the Arctic have shifted, as confirmed by data recently published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment. Between 2007 and 2021, the marginal zones of the Arctic Ocean experienced 11 marine heat waves, producing an average temperature rise of 2.2 degrees Celsius above seasonal norm and lasting an average of 37 days. Since 2015, there have been Arctic marine heat waves every year.

novembre 2023

A new paper published in the journal Science has warned that melting areas in the Arctic have become 'frontlines for resource extraction', describing it as a 'modern day gold rush'.

août 2023

Antarctica’s sea ice levels are plummeting as extreme weather events happen faster than scientists predicted

juillet 2023

Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a donné jeudi à Mourmansk le coup d'envoi de la première chaîne d'Arctic LNG 2, gigantesque projet de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) dans l'Arctique, dont le français TotalEnergies s'est retiré en 2022.
As the Arctic warms, shrinking glaciers are exposing bubbling groundwater springs which could provide an underestimated source of the potent greenhouse gas methane, finds new research published in Nature Geoscience. The study, led by researchers from the University of Cambridge and the University Center in Svalbard, Norway, identified large stocks of methane gas leaking from groundwater springs unveiled by melting glaciers.
The world just had the hottest June on record, with unprecedented sea surface temperatures and record low Antarctic sea ice extent, according to a new report.

juin 2023

Ice-free summers inevitable even with sharp emissions cuts and likely to result in more extreme heatwaves and floods

avril 2023

De ijskappen op Groenland en Antarctica smolten nooit zo snel dan de voorbije tien jaar. De slechtste zeven jaar sinds het begin van de metingen hebben zich in het afgelopen decennium voorgedaan. Wetenschappers wijzen de klimaatverandering aan als schuldige.