Jean-Marc Jancovici

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The directive follows President Trump's orders reversing climate policies.


People around the world suffered an average of 41 extra days of dangerous heat this year because of human-caused climate change. The figure comes from analysis done by researchers at World Weather Attribution and Climate Central. In 2024 climate records were shattered as heat across the globe made it likely to be the hottest year ever measured, with few countries spared fatal weather events.
High-level policy discussions have built momentum for “food system transformation” that would help farmers address the climate crisis.


Nu de VN-klimaattop in Dubai zijn tweede week is ingegaan, neemt de druk toe om in het akkoord te praten over een geleidelijke afbouw van fossiele brandstoffen. Maar ook de tegenstand tegen dat idee groeit, met oliestaat Saudi-Arabië op kop.
Mexico announced this Tuesday a set of measures to ban solar geoengineering experiments in the country, after a US startup began releasing sulfur particles into the atmosphere in the northern state of Baja California.


The coasts of Alaska are piled up with dead birds dying of starvation. Experts say that climate change is resulting in shifts in the food chain.
The UK's advertising regulator has banned two HSBC advertisements for being "misleading" about the company's work to tackle climate change.
New Jersey public school students will be the first in the country required to learn about climate change while in the classroom starting this school year. "Climate change is becoming a real reality," New Jersey first lady Tammy Murphy, who spearheaded the initiative, told "ABC News Live" on Thursday. The new standards were adopted by the state's board of education in 2020, but because of the pandemic, the roll out was halted, giving educators and districts more time to prepare the lesson plans for all students in grades K-12.
Presidents of Senegal, DRC and Ghana travelled to Rotterdam to talk about adapting to climate change. Only one European leader was there to meet them
Climate scientists are clear that it’s already too late to go back to the kind of weather we used to have, but can we stop things from getting a whole lot worse? Professor Michael E Mann – from Penn State university in the United States – and author of ‘The New Climate War’ explains the radical change needed to avert catastrophic temperature rises.