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“L’effondrement de nos sociétés modernes a commencé. Telle est la conclusion de deux années de recherches menées par l’équipe interdisciplinaire à l’origine de S’effondrer ensemble. Comment en est-…
The New York Times bestselling edge-of-your-seat non-fiction thriller, perfect for readers of American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham.


This volume addresses political action in Anthropocene and tension between the Promethean project of modernity and post-Promethean approach.
This Handbook explains the complexity of the concept of the Anthropocene, scientific and a political concept and also an ideological concept.
This innovative and comprehensive collection of essays explores the biggest threats facing humanity in the 21st century; threats that cannot be contained or controlled and that have the potential to bring about human extinction and civilization collapse. Bringing together experts from many disciplines, it provides an accessible survey of what we know about these threats, how we can understand them better, and most importantly what can be done to manage them effectively.
The collapse of modern societies has already begun. That is the conclusion of two years of research by the interdisciplinary team behind Breaking Together. How did it come to this? Because monetary systems caused us to harm each other and nature to such an extent it broke the foundations of our societies. So what can we do? This book describes people allowing the full pain of our predicament to liberate them into living more courageously and creatively.
In this sweeping work of science and history, the renowned climate scientist and author of The New Climate War shows us the conditions on Earth that allowed humans not only to exist but thrive, and how they are imperiled if we veer off course.


Soils are known to be an enormous reservoir of carbon and represent an important and dynamic part of the global carbon cycle. However, this reservoir is under constant threat due to a combination of issues, including mismanagement, climate change and intensive agricultural production which has led to depletion of soil organic carbon. Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration reviews the wealth of research on important aspects of soil carbon sequestration, including its potential in mitigating and adapting to climate change and improving global food security. The collection explores our understanding of carbon sequestration in soils, detailing the mechanisms and abiotic factors that can affect the process, as well as the socioeconomic, legal and policy issues that can arise as a result of this use. In its extensive exploration of soil carbon cycling and capture, the book highlights how an informed understanding of carbon sequestration in a variety of soil types can contribute to achieving a more su
Résumé fr - Alain Vézina - Au cours des 11 700 dernières années, pendant lesquelles la civilisation humaine s'est développée, la Terre a vécu dans ce que les géologues appellent l'époque holocène. Aujourd'hui, la science nous dit que l'époque de l'Holocène s'est achevée sur l'échelle des temps géologiques et qu'elle a été remplacée par une nouvelle époque, plus dangereuse, l'Anthropocène, qui a débuté vers 1950. L'époque de l'Anthropocène se caractérise par une "faille anthropique" dans les cycles biologiques du système terrestre, marquant un changement de réalité dans lequel les activités humaines sont désormais la principale force géologique ayant un impact sur la terre dans son ensemble, générant en même temps une crise existentielle pour la population mondiale. Qu'est-ce qui a provoqué ce changement massif dans l'histoire de la Terre ? Dans cette étude exhaustive, John Bellamy Foster nous apprend qu'un système mondialisé d'accumulation du capital a incité l'humanité à faire son propre ni
We need to break free from the capitalist economy. Degrowth gives us the tools to bend its bars.
In 1972, a book changed the world. The Club of Rome commissioned a report that shifted how we see what humans are doing to the planet. Looking back five decades later, what happened next, what did we do and not do, what did we learn, and what happens now? In The Limits to Growth, a team from MIT studied the way humans were using the resources of the earth. Using sophisticated computer modelling, the researchers developed scenarios to map out possible paths for humanity, the global economy and the impact on the planet.


This book explores how the State can play a role as an enabler of citizens-led social innovations, to accelerate the shift to sustainable and socially just lifestyles.
A Pandora’s box of environmental disasters has been opened, threatening the ability of the natural world to recover and humanity to survive. From devastating fires and storms to the emergence of deadly new viruses, it’s hard to deny the terrifying reality of climate change.
Deep adaptation’ refers to the personal and collective changes that might help us to prepare for – and live with – a climate-influenced breakdown or collapse of our societies. It is a framework for responding to the terrifying realization of increasing disruption by committing ourselves to reducing suffering while saving more of society and the natural world. This is the first book to show how professionals across different sectors are beginning to incorporate the acceptance of likely or unfolding societal breakdown into their work and lives.