Veille 2.1

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Sélection du moment:

Hundreds of students and graduates vow not to work for ‘climate wreckers that insure those responsible for the climate crisis’
“Once you learn how damaged the world’s ecosystems are, it’s not really something you can unsee,” says Rachel Larrivee, 23, a sustainability consultant based in Boston. “To me, there’s no point in pursuing a career – or life for that matter – in any other area.”

Résultats pour:

mai 2023

Hundreds of students and graduates vow not to work for ‘climate wreckers that insure those responsible for the climate crisis’

septembre 2021

“Once you learn how damaged the world’s ecosystems are, it’s not really something you can unsee,” says Rachel Larrivee, 23, a sustainability consultant based in Boston. “To me, there’s no point in pursuing a career – or life for that matter – in any other area.”