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Microplastics are ubiquitous environmental contaminants for which there are documented human exposures, but there is a paucity of research evaluating their impacts on human health. We conducted a rapid systematic review using the “Navigation Guide” systematic review method. We searched four databases in July 2022 and April 2024 with no restriction on the date.
An MIT Energy Initiative study finds many climate-stabilization plans are based on questionable assumptions about the future cost and deployment of “direct air capture” and therefore may not bring about promised reductions.
Firms are flocking to invest in geoengineering projects. Could such startups turn a profit by preventing climate peril? Luke Iseman is emboldened by all the criticism, personal attacks and negative press he has received. This article is guilty of feeding into that feedback loop — of lending some legitimacy to what he’s done. Many of the world’s atmospheric scientists will say this is dangerous, and they’re probably right.
Scientists may have to rethink the relationship between the ocean’s circulation and its long-term capacity to store carbon, new research from MIT suggests. As the ocean gets weaker, it could release more carbon from the deep ocean into the atmosphere — rather than less, as some have predicted.
Machine learning is producing impressive results, and, for better or worse, researchers are now using it to address the climate crisis, writes Frederick Hewett.
Wind, water and solar energy is cheap, effective and green. We don’t need experimental or risky energy sources to save our planet
The world’s reliance on hi-tech capitalist solutions to the climate and ecological crises is perpetuating racism, the outgoing UN racism rapporteur has warned. Green solutions including electric cars, renewable energy and the rewilding of vast tracts of land are being implemented at the expense of racially and ethnically marginalised groups and Indigenous peoples, Tendayi Achiume told the Guardian in an interview.
Two of the UK’s leading hospitals have had to cancel operations, postpone appointments and divert seriously ill patients to other centres for the past three weeks after their computers crashed at the height of last month’s heatwave.
The federal effort could set the stage for more studies into the feasibility, benefits and risks of one of the more controversial means of combating climate change.
Agriculture has come a long way in the twenty-first century. From precision irrigation systems to face recognition in livestock to deploying drones for improved crop yield, emerging technologies are reinventing farm country. Whether it’s hyperspectral monitoring (scanning soils and plant health) or tracking cattle’s movement and health, computing advances are making new technologies – powered by data – readily accessible for agriculture. The revolution in agriculture is delivering savings along with improved productivity. It is also big business: precision agriculture is expected to grow to a $11.1 billion industry in the next five years.
Selon des recherches américaines publiées mercredi dans la revue scientifique Environmental Science & Technology, divers produits pour enfants - des vêtements aux housses de meubles et aux taies d'oreiller - contiennent des substances per- et polyfluoroalkylées (PFAS).
Au début des années 1970, le club de Rome1 s’interroge sur la pérennité de la croissance dans un mode fini. Il confie une étude au Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Une équipe de recherche, emmenée par Dennis Meadows2, conçoit une modélisation du système socio-économique humain et de ses interactions avec la planète : le modèle World3. En 1972 paraît The Limits to Growth (Les limites à la croissance). Ce rapport, qui montre que la croissance a des limites, et que sa poursuite au-delà conduirait à l’effondrement du système, fait grand bruit.
The war in Ukraine and surging oil prices are other factors that could prompt PBOC action when it announces its policy loan rates Tuesday, as the nation aims to achieve a growth target of 5.5% for the year. The Hong Kong and China stocks sold off Monday, led by losses in technology shares, due to risks from Beijing’s close relationship with Russia and regulatory concerns.
Il y a 50 ans jour pour jour paraissait Les limites à la croissance, un rapport scientifique qui fit l’effet d’une bombe. Cette étude du Massachusetts institute of technology (MIT), supervisée par le professeur Dennis Meadows, concluait que la poursuite de la croissance économique nous mènerait inévitablement à dépasser les limites planétaires, provoquant un effondrement de la population humaine. Devenu une référence, ce document a pourtant été ignoré pendant plusieurs décennies. Alors qu’une nouvelle édition paraît aujourd’hui chez Rue de l’échiquier – quelques jours seulement après la sortie à bas-bruit du dernier rapport du Giec – Dennis Meadows s’exprime au sujet de l’actualité brûlante de son étude et confie son espoir pour le futur.
En mars 1972, il y a cinquante ans, une équipe de quatre jeunes chercheurs du Massachussetts Institute of Technology publie un rapport qui fera l’effet d’une bombe dans le monde occidental. Grâce à un ordinateur très puissant pour l’époque, ils ont essayé de comprendre ce qu’il se passerait sur la planète si le nombre d’êtres humains continuaient d’augmenter et si la croissance économique se poursuivait sur le même rythme.
We submit that the safe operating space of the planetary boundary of novel entities is exceeded since annual production and releases are increasing at a pace that outstrips the global capacity for assessment and monitoring. The novel entities boundary in the planetary boundaries framework refers to entities that are novel in a geological sense and that could have large-scale impacts that threaten the integrity of Earth system processes. We review the scientific literature relevant to quantifying the boundary for novel entities and highlight plastic pollution as a particular aspect of high concern. An impact pathway from production of novel entities to impacts on Earth system processes is presented.
Des sommets aux profondeurs. Après les microplastiques découverts mardi sur le Pic du Midi, dans les Pyrénées, voilà ces minuscules particules détectées dans nos selles. Et particulièrement lorsque l’on est atteint de troubles intestinaux. Comme le révèle le Guardian, une étude publiée dans la revue Environmental Science & Technology montre que les personnes atteintes d’une maladie inflammatoire de l’intestin (MII) présentent 50% de microplastiques en plus dans leurs selles.
The fundamental assumption underlying these beliefs is that economic growth can be “decoupled” from resource and ecological demands and impacts. That is, it is claimed that the rate of production and consumption can continue to increase while the resources needed to do this can be reduced to sustainable levels, along with the environmental damage it causes. It is disturbing that this tech-fix faith persists despite the mountain of evidence that it is wrong.
From turning CO2 into rock to capturing the breath of office workers, a growing number of companies think the answer is yes
The recent spike in natural gas prices has closed many plants that make fertiliser in the UK – sending a shockwave through lots of other industries.