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Résultats pour:

mars 2023

The damage functions in the models, which relate GDP to temperature and sea-level rise, account for impacts on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, floods, road infrastructure, energy supply and demand, and labor productivity. Using this novel approach, the researchers estimate that the avoided damages are 1.5-3.9 times higher than the costs of climate mitigation. In other words, one euro invested in climate solutions saves the world about 1.5 to 4 euros in effects from climate change.

février 2022

We must do what we can to contain Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. But we also need to be clear-eyed about it, and face the costs. Economics can’t be separated from politics, and neither can be separated from history. Here are eight sobering realities:

juillet 2021

Et si l’Europe en attendait trop de ses forêts ? Selon un récent rapport du cabinet de conseil Material Economics, en pointe sur les sujets liés à la durabilité et l’économie, l’Union européenne "surestime de loin l’offre de biomasse d’origine végétale et forestière potentiellement disponible".

octobre 2020

How is it possible to own land? The current pattern of ownership and control of land lies at the heart of many of our biggest dysfunctions: the collapse of wildlife and ecosystems, the exclusion and marginalization of so many people, the lack of housing in many cities—indeed, in many parts of the world—the lack of public space in cities, our exclusion from the countryside. The pattern of land ownership underlies all of these massive issues, and indeed of many more. Yet we rarely question it.

septembre 2020

While climate scientists warn that climate change could be catastrophic, economists such as 2018 Nobel prize winner William Nordhaus assert that it will be nowhere near as damaging. In a 2018 paper published after he was awarded the prize, Nordhaus claimed that 3°C of warming would reduce global GDP by just 2.1%, compared to what it would be in the total absence of climate change.

août 2020

CCS - Carbon Capture and Storage: A research brief published by the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA) concludes that the abrupt recent shutdown of the Petra Nova coal-fired carbon capture plant in Texas should be seen as a strong signal for investors to avoid such projects.

février 2019

Le Référendum d’initiative citoyenne (RIC) ne répond pas seulement au désir légitime des citoyens d’être plus souvent consultés : il leur donne à la fois le choix des réponses et celui des questions. En ce sens, il accomplit pleinement le rêve d’une démocratie directe reconnue en droit depuis la Révolution, mais toujours savamment corsetée, voire empêchée. Les risques associés à cette procédure sont cependant nombreux et doivent être pris en compte : affaiblissement des autorités démocratiquement élues, multiplication de consultations aux effets potentiellement incontrôlables et contradictoires, manque de délibération préparatoire au vote, forte exposition à toutes sortes de manœuvres démagogiques...

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