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26 juin 2024

Duizenden gevallen van hoge bloeddruk, diabetes en dementie kunnen gelinkt worden aan de vervuiling rond luchthavens. Dat zegt onderzoek van CE Delft. Ook rond Brussels Airport is de milieu-impact groot.

17 avril 2024

The law will come into force in national parks within two years and in all of the country’s marine protected areas by 2030

09 mars 2024

European and US oil and gas majors have made profits of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since Russia invaded Ukraine, according to a new analysis by Global Witness marking two years since the conflict began. After posting record gains in 2022 off the back of soaring energy prices, the big five fossil fuel companies paid shareholders an unprecedented $111 billion in 2023. In the hottest year ever recorded, this figure is some 158 times what was pledged to vulnerable nations at last year’s COP28 climate summit.

03 mars 2024

We owe all children a planet Earth as wonderful as the one we have enjoyed!

26 février 2024

In Munich I heard both Ukrainians and Alexei Navalny’s widow tell us why Putin must be defeated, says Guardian columnist Timothy Garton Ash

29 janvier 2024

EUCityCalc has officially launched its free, open source online platform that allows local councils and other stakeholders to visualise and simulate low-carbon scenarios for their towns and cities, as well as to assess the trade-offs related to available choices.

29 décembre 2023

In recent years, droughts have had substantial impacts on nearly all regions of the EU, affecting several critical systems such as agriculture, water supply, energy, river transport, and ecosystems. These impacts are projected to further increase due to climate change. While some of the drivers of drought risk are well known for some systems and regions, drought risks and impacts remain hard to assess and quantify. The European Drought Risk Atlas is a step towards impact-based drought assessment and can support the development and implementation of drought management and adaptation policies and actions. It characterises how drought hazard, exposure and vulnerability interact and affect different but interconnected systems: agriculture, public water supply, energy, riverine transport, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems. The Atlas presents both a conceptual and quantitative approach to drought risk for these systems. The conceptual drought risk models (impact chains) are the result of a review of the literat

06 décembre 2023

We owe all children a planet Earth as wonderful as the one we have enjoyed!

05 décembre 2023

La France a développé un arsenal législatif pour lutter contre le gaspillage et favoriser la transition verte. Mais quiconque fait ses courses aujourd’hui dans le pays peut constater que la société, les entreprises et les individus ne sont pas tout à fait à la hauteur de ses lois citées en exemple à l’étranger.

16 octobre 2023

UK has led the way, with countries across the continent making mass arrests, passing draconian new laws and labelling activists as eco-terrorists