Jean-Marc Jancovici

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Developing countries urge biggest polluters to act as Trump’s return to the White House heightens geopolitical turmoil


President formally files new plans under Paris agreement and hails ‘boldest climate agenda in American history’. Joe Biden has announced tougher targets on the US’s carbon dioxide emissions for the next decade, in a defiant final gesture intended as a “capstone” on his legacy on the climate. With just weeks to go before Donald Trump enters the White House, the Biden administration is formally filing new plans under the Paris agreement – the global climate treaty from which Trump has vowed to withdraw.
Le déclin brutal de l’environnement n’était pas censé être le fruit de la politique agricole commune. Et pourtant, c’est le cas, assène cette journaliste du quotidien britannique “The Guardian”.
Nulle part les réseaux électriques n’ont été conçus pour résister aux effets du réchauffement climatique. Les rendre plus résilients coûtera l’équivalent de centaines de milliards de dollars, prévient “Bloomberg”. En attendant, les pannes recensées cet été, de l’Inde à l’Équateur, en passant par le Texas, donnent un avant-goût des perturbations à venir.
UN says a global ‘backlash’ against climate action is being stoked by fossil fuel companies


Techniques such as solar radiation management may have unintended consequences, scientists say
Study highlights conflict between Washington’s claims of climate leadership and its fossil fuel growth plans
Countries in debt distress thrown financial lifeline but critics say measures fall short of what is needed
Taxing world’s wealthiest people could help poorer countries shift economies to low-carbon and recover from climate damage
Fourth year in a row in which number of people facing food crises increased substantially
Un rapport de référence appelle à une révision de la gestion mondiale des ressources en eau et de son gaspillage. Source : The Guardian, Fiona HarveyTraduit par les lecteurs du site Les-Crises Le m…
Campaigners say Rosebank, with a potential yield of 500m barrels, would seriously undermine legal commitment to net zero
IPCC report says only swift and drastic action can avert irrevocable damage to world
Carbon offsets can help achieve emissions goals, some experts argue, while others say they are actively dangerous
Carbon credits and offsets do not have a great record but the funds they raise are a vital part in fight against deforestation
Group says forcing polluters to store carbon dioxide underground is needed to help world reach net zero
People in developing countries are feeling increasingly angry and “victimised” by the climate crisis, the US climate envoy John Kerry has warned, and rich countries must respond urgently. “I’ve been chronicling the increased frustration and anger of island states and vulnerable countries and small African nations and others around the world that feel victimised by the fact that they are a minuscule component of emissions,” he said. “And yet [they are] paying a very high price. Seventeen of the 20 most affected countries in the world, by the climate crisis, are in Africa, and yet 48 sub-Saharan countries total 0.55% of all emissions.”


More than two decades on from the protocol, country shows enthusiasm for nuclear restarts over renewables
Rich countries must urgently develop a plan to assist countries suffering the ravages of extreme weather, as failure to take early action on the climate crisis has left them increasingly vulnerable, developing nations have said. The V20 – made up of the 20 vulnerable countries facing the worst impacts of the climate crisis, and least able to cope with them – set out its proposals on Monday for how rich countries should pay for the “loss and damage” caused by the climate crisis.
António Guterres is heading to Cop27 for what is likely to be another blistering attack on complacency and foot-dragging
António Guterres says gap between developed world and poorer countries is biggest issue facing Cop27 talks
Denmark ‘gets ball rolling’ at UN ahead of protests as poor nations call for greater collective commitment. Youth groups in Africa are preparing to embark on a series of climate demonstrations on Friday to highlight the problem of “loss and damage” to poor countries blighted by climate breakdown, as only one rich country has so far stepped up with funding for the problem.
Au Canada, l'ouragan Fiona a fait deux morts et provoqué d'"immenses dégâts", selon les autorités. Cuba et la Floride se préparent, de leur côté, à l'arrivée de la tempête tropicale Ian, qui devrait se transformer lundi en "ouragan majeur".
Les données enregistrées durant les cinquante dernières années par le Centre national des ouragans américain montrent une nette tendance à l’intensification des événements cycloniques depuis la fin des années 1990.
Des centaines de milliers de foyers sans électricité, des rues inondées, des maisons détruites : après avoir touché la Caraïbe, la tempête post-tropicale Fiona a déferlé sur les provinces maritimes canadiennes au matin du 24 septembre.
La côte atlantique du Canada se préparait vendredi soir à l'impact dans la nuit ou tôt samedi de l'ouragan Fiona, qualifié de tempête "historique" par les services météo du pays, après son passage dévastateur dans les Caraïbes.
Arrivée mercredi 21 septembre en Guadeloupe, le ministre délégué aux Outre-mer Jean-François Carenco a promis un arrêté de catastrophe naturelle «avant samedi» et une aide d’urgence afin de contrer les dégâts provoqués par la tempête, notamment pour potabiliser l’eau des rivières.
Après son passage par la Guadeloupe, où il a fait un mort et de nombreux dégâts, l’ouragan Fiona a touché terre dimanche après-midi à Porto Rico, privant une nouvelle fois l’archipel américain d’électricité. Le Centre national des ouragans (NHC) a mis en garde contre des “inondations catastrophiques”.
Governments and businesses failing to change fast enough, says United in Science report, as weather gets increasingly extreme. Despite intensifying warnings in recent years, governments and businesses have not been changing fast enough, according to the United in Science report published on Tuesday. The consequences are already being seen in increasingly extreme weather around the world, and we are in danger of provoking “tipping points” in the climate system that will mean more rapid and in some cases irreversible shifts.
Europe is in danger of highly damaging “very, very strong conflict and strife” this winter over high energy prices, and should make short-term return to fossil fuels to head off the threat of civil unrest, the vice-president of the European Commission has warned. Frans Timmermans, the second most senior official in the EU, said the threat of unrest this winter, a deliberate outcome of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, must take precedence over the climate crisis.
In March, the north and south poles had record temperatures. In May in Delhi, it hit 49C. Last week in Madrid, 40C. Experts say the worst effects of the climate emergency cannot be avoided if emissions continue to rise
António Guterres compares climate inaction to tobacco firms dismissing links between smoking and cancer
Governments not listening to people with disabilities despite them being at high risk, say researchers
Three former UN climate heads say gap between government promises and actions will change environment irreversibly
The world’s leading energy economist has warned against investing in large new oil and gas developments, which would have little impact on the current energy crisis and soaring fuel prices but spell devastation to the planet.
Countries should move from coal to renewable energy without shifting to gas as a “transition” fuel to save money, as high gas prices and market volatility have made the fossil fuel an expensive option, analysis has found. Natural gas has long been touted as a “transition” fuel for economies dependent on coal for their power needs, as it has lower carbon dioxide emissions than coal but requires similar centralised infrastructure, and gas-fired power stations take only a couple of years to build. Earlier this year, before Russia invaded Ukraine, the European Commission angered green campaigners by including gas as a “bridge” to clean energy in its guidebook for green investment.
Have you ever sat down in the middle of the road? I did it the other day, in Regent Street in central London, as part of a protest organised by Extinction Rebellion. There were 10 000 of us sitting in the road, from Oxford Street to Piccadilly Circus.
Russia has nearly doubled its revenues from selling fossil fuels to the EU during the two months of war in Ukraine, benefiting from soaring prices even as volumes have been reduced.


Temperature rises will top 2.4C by the end of this century, based on the short-term goals countries have set out, according to research published in Glasgow on Tuesday. That would far exceed the 2C upper limit the Paris accord said the world needed to stay “well below”, and the much safer 1.5C limit aimed for at the Cop26 talks.
Vital United Nations climate talks, billed as one of the last chances to stave off climate breakdown, will not produce the breakthrough needed to fulfil the aspiration of the Paris agreement, key players in the talks have conceded.