Jean-Pascal Van Ypersele

OA - Liste


Le Science based targets network devrait publier d'ici mi-2025 ses premières cibles "fondées sur la science" pour la protection des océans.


Op de VN-klimaattop in Bakoe zijn belangrijke besprekingen over uitstootreductie in de eerste week op een haar na gekelderd door verzet van oliestaat Saoedi-Arabië en enkele ontwikkelingslanden. Het voorzitterschap moest alle zeilen bijzetten om de onderhandelingen uit het slop te halen.
Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) 2024


New path to transition away from fossil fuels marred by lack of finance and loopholes COP28 in Dubai sends an important signal on the end of fossil fuels but leaves more questions than answers on how to ensure a fair and funded transition that is based on science and equity
De Europese Unie zal haar eigen energie- en klimaatdoelen niet halen op basis van de plannen die tot nog toe zijn ingediend. Dat blijkt uit een vernietigende doorlichting van Climate Action Network Europe, een koepel van milieuorganisaties.
ibrio are bacteria that cause an estimated 80,000 illnesses each year in the United States. About a dozen species of Vibrio are pathogenic to humans. V. parahaemolyticus causes the most infections in the United States, accounting for about 40% of reported cases of vibriosis, followed by V. alginolyticus, which accounts for about 20%. Most people with Vibrio infection have diarrhea. Some people might also have stomach cramping, nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. One species, V. vulnificus, is known to cause life-threatening infections. About 150–200 V. vulnificus infections are reported to CDC each year and about one in five people with this infection die—sometimes within 1–2 days of becoming ill.
Our work complements and enhances the work of others in the fields of science, health, business, industry, culture, finance, academia, politics and civil society. Established in 2012, the GSCC is a collaborative network of people working across a number of different organisations operating across six continents and covering themes such as climate science and impacts, food and nature, finance and economics, energy, transport, industry, and multilateral climate processes.
Depuis qu’Elon Musk a acheté Twitter il y a six mois, le milliardaire Elon Musk a assoupli la modération des contenus problématiques et laissé revenir des personnalités auparavant bannies, comme Donald Trump.
Les associations environnementales Nature & Progrès et Pesticide Action Network (PAN) Europe annoncent mardi avoir mis en demeure la veille l'État belge, via le ministre fédéral en charge de l'Agriculture David Clarinval.


Research published this summer found that falsehoods about global warming continue to flourish on social media sites and are often framed through the lens of Western culture wars, placing climate change alongside other hot button topics like gay and transgender rights and gun control. A separate analysis released last month found “a sprawling online network” of Spanish speakers on Twitter, TikTok and other major social platforms who “consistently amplify” climate misinformation and other right-wing conspiracy theories.