Articles 2020

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août 2024

Misinformation by fossil fuel companies is slowing down the energy transition and global efforts to tackle climate change, warns the UN.
From farmers to disaster survivors, new plaintiffs and progressing lawsuits are putting pressure on industry polluters.

juillet 2024

This report reveals the tactics of Big Meat and Dairy companies to delay, distract, and derail action on transforming the food system, mirroring strategies used by the tobacco and fossil fuel industries. Food systems are responsible for around a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, with approximately 60% coming from animal agriculture, the largest source of man-made methane emissions.
Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and local people worry they may lose the battle to save them

juin 2024

In Virginia, a small conservation group is leading the fight against the powerful and secretive data center industry.
Since the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world’s 60 largest private banks financed fossil fuels with USD $6.9 trillion. Nearly half – $3.3 trillion – went towards fossil fuel expansion. In 2023, banks financed $705 billion in fossil fuel financing with $347 billion going to fossil fuel expansion alone.

mai 2024

Vliegen is slecht voor het milieu, maar hoe groot de schade per land precies is, is bijzonder moeilijk te berekenen. Tenzij je er big data bij neemt, dachten Noorse wetenschappers.

février 2024

European and US oil and gas majors have made profits of more than a quarter of a trillion dollars since Russia invaded Ukraine, according to a new analysis by Global Witness marking two years since the conflict began. After posting record gains in 2022 off the back of soaring energy prices, the big five fossil fuel companies paid shareholders an unprecedented $111 billion in 2023. In the hottest year ever recorded, this figure is some 158 times what was pledged to vulnerable nations at last year’s COP28 climate summit.

novembre 2023

Finance needs of developing countries now 10-18 times as big as international public finance flows Growing gap results from rising adaptation needs and faltering adaptation finance Failure to enhance adaptation has huge implications for losses and damages

septembre 2023

Aurélien Bigo, chercheur spécialisé dans la transition des transports, partage sa vision de l'évolution des mobilités dans les années à venir.
After yet another summer of increased extreme weather events caused by the burning of fossil fuels, some of the world’s richest oil and gas companies are investing in artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up their extraction of new oil and gas. 

août 2023

A coalition of British Columbians are organizing their municipalities to take oil and gas companies to court over the costs of the climate crisis

juillet 2023

Energy firms have made record profits by increasing production of oil and gas, far from their promises of rolling back emissions
La pollution de l’air engendrée par les voitures thermiques est le premier effet négatif de l’usage de la voiture qui vient à l’esprit. Elle ne représente cependant qu’un des effets sanitaires que les voitures provoquent sur la collectivité.
Applications to mine the seabed in our ocean commons can be made from 9 July, says Guy Standing, author of The Blue Commons

juin 2023

Du véhicule électrique plus émetteurs que le thermique, à l’injonction de remplacer tout le parc automobile par des véhicules bas carbone, les idées reçues circulent sur la transition vers une mobilité durable. Aurélien Bigo, chercheur associé à la chaire Énergie et prospérité de la fondation du risque, a écrit le livre "Fake or not : voitures" (Tana éditions) avec la journaliste Isabelle Brokman, pour tenter d’y mettre fin. Interview.
Vendre des voitures thermiques sera interdit en 2035. Demain, tous en voitures électriques ? Le chercheur Aurélien Bigo défend surtout des mobilités plus sobres, mais « les pouvoirs publics doivent accompagner le mouvement ».
Was het een naïef besluit van MO*columniste Tine Hens in 1989 om geen vlees meer te eten? ‘Als ik nu naar mijn 15-jarige zelf kijk, voel ik een barst in mijn hart. Maar ik denk ook: liever naïef dan gewetenloos.’

mai 2023

Limiter les flux de marchandises, levier tabou de la transition ? - Une Tribune à découvrir sur Polytechnique Insights

avril 2023

Several climate court cases have been stuck in legal limbo for years. Now they're about to get a lot more interesting.

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