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juillet 2024

A carbon bomb is any fossil fuel extraction project that will generate more than one gigatonne of carbon dioxide (1GtCO2) over its remaining life.

juin 2024

Since the Paris Agreement in 2016, the world’s 60 largest private banks financed fossil fuels with USD $6.9 trillion. Nearly half – $3.3 trillion – went towards fossil fuel expansion. In 2023, banks financed $705 billion in fossil fuel financing with $347 billion going to fossil fuel expansion alone.

janvier 2024

A focus on economic stability in the near-term makes the climate crisis worse in the long-term.

mai 2023

Higher rates slow the renewable energy transition and shield oil and gas producers from competition by low-carbon producers

janvier 2023

Gekweekte kelp, een zeewier, kan helpen om stikstofverontreiniging in kustwateren aan te pakken. Dat blijkt uit nieuw onderzoek van de Universiteit van Alaska Fairbanks.
This report focuses on the 20 investors and 20 banks that are funding the methane generating activities of 15 of the leading meat and dairy companies worldwide. Collectively these financial institutions fund a methane footprint that could exceed 503 Mt CO2e – nearly as big as the CO2emissions of Saudi Arabia.

décembre 2022

Dat financiële instellingen mee verantwoordelijk zijn voor mensenrechtenschendingen, klimaatverandering en natuurvernietiging is bekend, schrijft MO*ontwikkelaar Wies Willems. Het is dan ook wraakroepend dat de sector erin slaagt om te ontsnappen aan nieuwe Europese duurzaamheidsregels.

août 2022

US and UK financial institutions have been among the leading investors in Russian “carbon bomb” fossil fuel projects, according to a new database of holdings from recent years.

juillet 2022

In 2005, I was the lead counsel on behalf of the US in one of the biggest corporate accountability legal actions ever filed. That trial proved that the tobacco industry knew it was selling and marketing a harmful product, that it had funded denial of public health science, and had used deceptive advertising and PR to protect assets instead of protecting consumers.

mai 2022

For the past few years, scientists have been frantically sounding an alarm that governments refuse to hear: the global food system is beginning to look like the global financial system in the run-up to 2008.

mars 2022

Inflation is a disease that disproportionately afflicts the poor. Even before Vladimir Putin unleashed his brutal war on Ukraine, whose byproducts include soaring energy and food prices, inflation was already over 7.5% in the US and above 5% in Europe and the UK. Calls for its taming are, therefore, fully justified – and the interest rate rise in the US, with the same expected in the UK, comes as no surprise. That said, we know from history that the cure for inflation tends to devastate the poor even more. The new wrinkle we face today is that the supposed solutions threaten not only to deal another cruel blow to the disadvantaged but, ominously, to snuff out the desperately needed green transition.

septembre 2021

Europe’s 25 largest banks are still failing to present comprehensive plans that address both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, putting their sustainability pledges in doubt, campaigners have warned.

avril 2021

Three out of every four board members at seven major US banks (77%) have current or past ties to climate-conflicted companies or organizations – from oil and gas corporations to trade groups that lobby against reducing climate pollution, according to a first-of-its-kind review by climate influence analysts for DeSmog. and they continue to invest deeply in fossil fuel projects.