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avril 2023

Backed by the UN, an alliance of conservationists and policymakers is devising new ways to finance the preservation of biodiversity by placing economic values on ecosystems. Some analysts say such schemes have the potential to boost conservation, but others are skeptical.

février 2023

The steady destruction of wildlife can suddenly tip over into total ecosystem collapse, scientists studying the greatest mass extinction in Earth’s history have found. Many scientists think the huge current losses of biodiversity are the start of a new mass extinction. But the new research shows total ecosystem collapse is “inevitable”, if the losses are not reversed, the scientists said.

décembre 2022

Negotiators hope to put humanity on a path to harmonious coexistence with nature by 2050.

novembre 2022

Small patches of land given over to wildlife-friendly planting can make a big difference to pollinator conservation, a new study suggests. Bee and other pollinator populations in Europe and North America are in decline due to a range of factors including habitat loss and insufficient flowers for food.

octobre 2022

Plusieurs universités, ONG, fédérations, administrations et sociétés privées ont lancé vendredi la "Belgian Biodiversity Alliance", une plateforme destinée à encourager et visibiliser les efforts pour restaurer la biodiversité, en déclin partout dans le monde. Cette Alliance, qui réunit notamment l’institut Jane Goodall, l’Université de Hasselt, l’Institut flamand de recherche sur la nature et la forêt (INBO), la direction générale Environnement du SPF Santé publique, Bruxelles Environnement ou encore le SPW Agriculture, entend rassembler citoyens, organisations, communes ou entreprises qui agissent pour infléchir la perte de biodiversité.
Industry groups representing some of the world’s largest companies are “opposed to almost all major biodiversity-relevant policies” and are lobbying to block them, according to a new report. Researchers found that 89% of engagement by leading industry associations in Europe and the US is designed to delay, dilute and block progress on tackling the biodiversity crisis, which scientists say is as serious as the climate emergency.

août 2022

xit le bleu et le rouge. Inspirées des rayures du réchauffement, les "warming stripes", l'expert Miles Richardson a développé les rayures de la biodiversité allant du vert au gris, signe de la perte de couleur et de biodiversité de la nature. L'objectif est de focaliser l'attention sur le déclin de la biodiversité, un phénomène beaucoup moins couvert médiatiquement que le réchauffement climatique.

juin 2022

A wildfire racing across a hillside has become emblematic of climate change. And for good reason: a quarter of the world’s natural landscapes now face longer fire seasons as a result of warming and shifts to rainfall, according to a recent landmark climate report.

mai 2022

A new study describes a period of rapid global climate change in an ice-capped world much like the present—but 304 million years ago. Within about 300,000 years, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels doubled, oceans became anoxic, and biodiversity dropped on land and at sea.

avril 2022

Our study assessed whether the opportunity to see many vertebrate animal species mattered to tourists visiting Costa Rica, and if so, how important it was compared with other features like hotels and beaches. in Costa Rica, our research shows that biodiversity needs to be paired with infrastructure like hotels and roads that enable access to nature.

février 2022

Volgens een nieuw rapport van Finance for Biodiversity (F4B) leveren milieumisdrijven jaarlijks tot 280 miljard dollar op. De regels om die vorm van criminaliteit te bestrijden zijn er, zegt Simon Zadek, voorzitter van F4B, maar regeringen treden niet krachtig genoeg op. ‘De financiële gemeenschap zou goed aan doen zich in te zetten voor een proces waarbij beleggingsportefeuille worden ontdaan van banden met milieucriminaliteit’.

octobre 2021

“Putting biodiversity on a path to recovery is a defining challenge of this decade.” So begins the Kunming Declaration on biodiversity, adopted at the 15th UN biodiversity conference on October 13 2021, otherwise known as COP15.
The UK is one of the world's most nature-depleted countries - in the bottom 10% globally and last among the G7 group of nations, new data shows. It has an average of about half its biodiversity left, far below the global average of 75%, a study has found.

septembre 2021

Europe’s 25 largest banks are still failing to present comprehensive plans that address both the climate crisis and biodiversity loss, putting their sustainability pledges in doubt, campaigners have warned.
The UN General Assembly in September, 2021, will bring countries together at a critical time for marshalling collective action to tackle the global environmental crisis.

juillet 2021

Insects have declined by 75% in the past 50 years – and the consequences may soon be catastrophic. Biologist Dave Goulson reveals the vital services they perform

juin 2021

A landmark report by the world’s most senior climate and biodiversity scientists argues that the world will have to tackle the climate crisis and the species extinction crisis simultaneously, or not at all.
In December 2020, 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts, selected by a 12-person Scientific Steering Committee assembled by IPBES and IPCC, participated in a four-day virtual workshop to examine the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity protection and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This represents the first-ever collaboration between the two intergovernmental science-policy bodies.
The root cause of pandemics – the destruction of nature – is being ignored, scientists have warned. The focus of world leaders on responding to future outbreaks overlooks the far cheaper and more effective strategy of stopping the spillover of disease from animals to humans in the first place, they have said. The razing of forests and hunting of wildlife is increasingly bringing animals and the microbes they harbour into contact with people and livestock. About 70% of new infectious diseases have come from animals, including Covid-19, Sars, bird flu, Ebola and HIV.
The world must rewild and restore an area the size of China to meet commitments on nature and the climate, says the UN, and the revival of ecosystems must be met with all the ambition of the space race. Existing conservation efforts are insufficient to prevent widespread biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, the global body has warned at the launch of the decade on ecosystem restoration, an urgent call for the large-scale revival of nature in farmlands, forests and other ecosystems.

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