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Résultats pour:

novembre 2023

Cultured meat is an emerging biotechnology that aims to produce meat from animal cell culture, rather than from the raising and slaughtering of livestock, on environmental and animal welfare grounds. The detailed understanding and accurate manipulation of cell biology are critical to the design of cultured meat bioprocesses. Recent years have seen significant interest in this field, with numerous scientific and commercial breakthroughs. Nevertheless, these technologies remain at a nascent stage, and myriad challenges remain, spanning the entire bioprocess. From a cell biological perspective, these include the identification of suitable starting cell types, tuning of proliferation and differentiation conditions, and optimization of cell–biomaterial interactions to create nutritious, enticing foods. Here, we discuss the key advances and outstanding challenges in cultured meat, with a particular focus on cell biology, and argue that solving the remaining bottlenecks in a cost-effective, scalable fashion will req

décembre 2021

L’accélération technologique qu’a permis l’épidémie mondiale du SARS-CoV2 a été sans précédent depuis la mise en place du techno-capitalisme (c’est-à-dire depuis les années 1990 et l’internet public ainsi que la micro-informatique). Il faut dire que tout était déjà bien en place pour cet effort de guerre technologique contre les humains.

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