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07 juillet 2024

New research shows the company’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change.

26 novembre 2023

Some research suggests that while fear can prompt us to spring into action, hope actually gives us something to do.

26 septembre 2023

Dans les extrêmes planétaires, il n'y a pas de nouvelle normalité. Seulement une perturbation exponentielle. Tim Sahay et Kate Mackenzie signent la pièce de doctrine pour comprendre l’été renversé.

16 septembre 2023

Rijke landen reduceren geleidelijk hun CO²-uitstoot, maar dat is bij lange na niet genoeg om klimaatrampen te stoppen, zoals de hittegolven, extreme regenval en bosbranden die de planeet deze zomer teisterden. De staat moet drastische maatregelen nemen om onze economieën snel CO²-neutraal te maken.

13 septembre 2023

State Farm will almost entirely stop issuing new policies in California – with climate-exacerbated wildfires and bad public policy a large reason why

06 septembre 2023

"Il est vrai que le continent africain est en première ligne du changement climatique. Mais il est également vrai que différentes personnes sur le continent africain sont en première ligne de la lutte pour la justice climatique", a-t-elle estimé.

28 avril 2023

Several climate court cases have been stuck in legal limbo for years. Now they're about to get a lot more interesting.

22 mars 2023

Door dit warmere weerpatroon komt de aarde volgend jaar misschien in een nooit eerder geziene situatie terecht.

29 décembre 2022

02 octobre 2022

Investments of more than half a trillion euros will be needed to modernise Europe's energy grid this decade, if countries are to succeed in ramping up wind and solar power to break free from Russian gas, a draft EU document showed. The European Commission is set to publish next week a plan to "digitalise" Europe's energy system, as well as laying out new emergency measures to tame sky-high gas prices and help cash-strapped energy firms this winter. The draft plan, seen by Reuters, said electricity grid investments of 584 billion euros are needed until 2030, to support the planned rapid uptake of electric vehicles, renewable energy and heat pumps, and shift away from fossil fuels. Of this, around 400 billion euros would target the distribution grid. Some 170 billion of that would focus on ditigalisation, including the so-called "smart grids" that respond faster to local supply and demand fluctuations, helping waste less energy and benefit from cheaper periods.