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Résultats pour:

17 juillet 2024

Le plus gros parti au Parlement européen désire revoir la mesure concernant l'interdiction des moteurs thermiques dès 2035.

07 juillet 2024

New research shows the company’s scientists were as “skillful” as independent experts in predicting how the burning of fossil fuels would warm the planet and bring about climate change.

29 mars 2024

World’s fossil-fuel producers on track to nearly quadruple output from newly approved projects by decade’s end, report finds

29 janvier 2024

At a time when we need to shift our collective climate action up a gear, the influence of the fossil fuels lobby is succeeding in slowing down ambition both at COP27 and in the EU.

13 décembre 2023

New path to transition away from fossil fuels marred by lack of finance and loopholes COP28 in Dubai sends an important signal on the end of fossil fuels but leaves more questions than answers on how to ensure a fair and funded transition that is based on science and equity

09 décembre 2023

Oil cartel warns ‘pressure may reach a tipping point’ and that ‘politically motivated campaigns put our prosperity’ at risk

06 décembre 2023

After yet another summer of increased extreme weather events caused by the burning of fossil fuels, some of the world’s richest oil and gas companies are investing in artificial intelligence (AI) to speed up their extraction of new oil and gas. 

04 décembre 2023

Exclusive: UAE’s Sultan Al Jaber says phase-out of coal, oil and gas would take world ‘back into caves’

28 septembre 2023

But the decline in oil, gas and coal will not be steep enough to limit global warming to 1.5C
Les carburants de synthèse constituent des solutions de substitution, fongibles dans le système énergétique, pour décarboner les secteurs sans alternatives. Ces e-fuels sont un complément nécessaire dans la boite à outils européenne pour atteindre les objectifs climatiques à court, moyen et long terme.

13 septembre 2023

Forecast downturn still ‘nowhere near steep enough’ to limit temperature rise to 1.5C, says watchdog

07 août 2023

Bernie Sanders represents Vermont in the U.S. Senate.

03 août 2023

More than a century of research shows that burning fossil fuels warms the climate – that’s exactly why granting new North Sea oil and gas licenses is a bad idea.

04 juillet 2023

La réduction des émissions industrielles et des transports passe par le développement de carburants non-fossiles de synthèse: pour promouvoir les projets de production de ces électro-carburants, des acteurs de la filière ont annoncé mardi la création d'un "Bureau français des e-fuels".Ce Bureau vise à promouvoir une "filière française d'e-fuels, vertueuse, compétitive et durable" auprès des acteurs publics et privés afin d'encourager les projets et à réunir experts, universitaires, industriels et financiers sur le sujet, indiquent-ils dans un communiqué.

29 juin 2023

World Bank says subsidies costing as much as $23m a minute must be repurposed to fight climate crisis...

26 juin 2023

A new climate case was filed this week. Multnomah County, the Oregon county that includes Portland, filed suit against several oil majors for their role in exacerbating the climate change that led to the county's "heat dome" in June 2021, which killed 69 people. But the case doesn't just place
Major fossil fuel entities and trade associations including Koch Industries, the American Petroleum Institute, and the Western States Petroleum Association, as well as consulting behemoth McKinsey & Company, were slapped with the latest climate liability lawsuit today with the filing of a complaint in the Oregon Circuit Court in Multnomah County, Oregon.

23 juin 2023

Research allays fears that rapid scaling back of production would hit people’s savings and pensions hard

14 juin 2023

Hundreds of students and graduates vow not to work for ‘climate wreckers that insure those responsible for the climate crisis’

29 avril 2023

En offrant une alternative plus propre aux carburants fossiles, ces e-fuels pourraient servir la cause de la transition énergétique.