As authorities declared 2024 the hottest on record, a key private sector climate alliance, the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) abandoned a requirement that members be aligned to the Paris agreement. That was followed by a network of net zero asset managers suspending work, and deleting from its website its statement of commitments that members must adopt, after BlackRock, the biggest of them all, quit its ranks.
Companies announce climate goals with great fanfare—but all too often, they eventually scale back or fail to implement those pledges. We asked Yale SOM’s Todd Cort how significant these reversals are and what should be done to encourage companies to keep making progress.
Energy firms have made record profits by increasing production of oil and gas, far from their promises of rolling back emissions
Hopes of the UK government meeting its domestic and international climate targets have “worsened” over the past year, according to the CCC.
Almost every country in the world has signed up to the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping warming well-below 2C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5C.
Without more legally binding and well-planned net-zero policies, the world is highly likely to miss key climate targets.
Hundreds of students and graduates vow not to work for ‘climate wreckers that insure those responsible for the climate crisis’
National climate pledges would collectively require 1.2 billion hectares (about 3 billion acres) of land, researchers have found in a new study, The Land Gap Report. More than half of this land is already currently used for something else. This demand for land will put pressure on ecosystems, Indigenous lands, small farmers and food security. Protecting existing forests and securing Indigenous and community land rights are more effective than carbon capture plans requiring land-use change, including reforestation.
Many countries' pledges to get to net zero greenhouse gas emissions rely partly on removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, using methods such as planting trees and restoring degraded ecosystems. But a report out today has revealed they are relying too heavily on these carbon drawdown schemes to fulfil these promises. The Land Gap Report, which was released today by the University of Melbourne and includes input from more than 20 international researchers, has calculated countries would collectively need 1.2 billion hectares of land to meet their Paris Agreement goals.
The EU is on track to break a promise to cut methane emissions by 30% by 2030 made due to a “policy vacuum” on livestock emissions, a report has warned.Most of Europe’s methane emissions come from agriculture – particularly livestock – but the EU has avoided using policy levers such as its €387bn common agricultural policy to directly tackle the problem