03 mars 2025
De Europese autobouwers zullen in 2026 nog geen boetes moeten betalen als hun wagens de klimaatdoelen van dit jaar nog niet halen. Dat heeft Ursula von der Leyen, de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie, vandaag aangekondigd. De Commissie wil de sputterende auto-industrie zo meer ademruimte geven.
01 mai 2020
A new study released on Monday showed that 2019 was yet another year of record-setting ocean warming, with water temperatures reaching the highest temperature ever recorded. . An international team of 14 scientists examined data going back to the 1950s, looking at temperatures from the ocean surface to 2,000 meters deep. The study, which was published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, also showed that the oceans are warming at an increasing speed.