8 mars

OA - Liste

vers la Une

A l’occasion de la « Journée internationale des femmes » (définition ONU) ou de la journée célébrant les combats pour les droits des femmes, voici une liste (non-exhaustive) de signatures féminines référencées par l’Observatoire dans le cadre des thématiques traitées dans notre veille documentaire:


Carbon Brief provides an updated analysis of when the world will likely exceed the Paris 1.5C limit
Historical responsibility for climate change is radically shifted when colonial rule is taken into account, Carbon Brief analysis reveals.
China’s CO2 emissions fell by 3% in March 2024, ending a 14-month surge that began when the economy reopened after the nation’s “zero-Covid”
Over the past year, there has been a vigorous debate among scientists – and more broadly – about whether global warming is “accelerating”.
Carbon Brief explores which countries are or have targets to be net-negative, and the moral and scientific arguments for such a milestone.


Analyse · La responsabilité historique du changement climatique est radicalement modifiée lorsque l’on tient compte des émissions de CO2 générées par les anciennes puissances coloniales dans les territoires qu’elles contrôlaient. L’Europe a ainsi un impact beaucoup plus important que ne le laissent penser les modes de calcul actuels.
Global carbon dioxide emissions from energy use and industry could peak as soon as this year, according to Carbon Brief analysis of figures from the IEA.
A new paper suggests that variations in warming of the Pacific Ocean were actually triggered by changing aerosol emissions from human activity.
Le gouvernement de Rishi Sunak remet en cause les engagements pris par le pays. La fin du consensus sur la neutralité carbone?
Hopes of the UK government meeting its domestic and international climate targets have “worsened” over the past year, according to the CCC.
Almost every country in the world has signed up to the Paris Agreement’s goal of keeping warming well-below 2C and pursuing efforts to limit it to 1.5C.


From deadly floods in Nigeria to devastating drought in Somalia, Africa has faced a run of severe – and sometimes unprecedented – extreme weather events since the start of 2022. But while the US hurricane season and 40C heat in the UK have captured headlines, many of Africa’s most extreme and life-changing weather events went largely unreported in global-north media.
le profil carbone de la France: In this country profile, Carbon Brief examines the state of climate and energy policies in France, a major emitter that nevertheless relies on fossil fuels less than any other industrialised nation.
A wildfire racing across a hillside has become emblematic of climate change. And for good reason: a quarter of the world’s natural landscapes now face longer fire seasons as a result of warming and shifts to rainfall, according to a recent landmark climate report.
Worldwide tourism accounted for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions from 2009 to 2013, new research finds, making the sector a bigger polluter than the construction industry.